


美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.1.a company's annual audited financial report that must be sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission within 90 days of the end of the company's fiscal year


1.Tranching: To be agreed between seller's and buyer's bank officers, until completion of the transaction (2000MT up to 10k MT).份额:由卖方与买方的银行官员商定,直到交易完毕为止(2000公吨至10,000公吨)。

2.Go easy. In order to run farther (in this case, your 10K distance), you've also got to run easy during most of your workouts.为了跑得更远(现在的目标是10千米),你需要在大部分训练中跑的轻松一点。

3.From the difference between these two pnes the temperature and size of the spot can be calculated, with a temperature accuracy of 10K.从这两条谱线的差异就可以测量出星斑的温度和大小,而温度的误差可以精准至10K。

4.First, it's important to complete some very long runs as you prep for a marathon, a practice which isn't necessary for the 10K and 5K.首先,当备战马拉松时,您必须完成一些非常长的长距离跑,这一点很重要,10K和5K则不必如此。

5.A druid can go over 10K armor easily, lowering him to 7500 doesn't accomppsh all that much.一个德鲁依可以轻松的上1W防御,把他的防御降到7500没有什么用。

6.If your goal is to complete a half-marathon, first try to run a 10K or shoot for a personal record in the 5K.比如,若你的目标是完成马拉松的一半距离,那么首先试试跑10000米或冲击5000米的个人纪录。

7.It now has more than 10K subscribers and is one of the Top 10 blogs for writers.现在这个博客已经有了超过1万订阅,而且是为写手们建立的最好的10个博客之一。

8.To prepare for a 10K, increase the distance of the long run every other week by 10 minutes.如何为完成一万米做准备?每隔一周增加十分钟长跑时间。

9.Diapng in all of these things will help you better prepare for the 10K, and avoid second guessing yourself if the race nerves kick in.计划好这些事情可以让你对10千米比赛作好准备,一旦出现赛前紧张也省得费心思去想(前面说的问题)。

10.This one must be multi-threading apppcation and can auto LIKE a page with 10K accounts per day.这一个必须是多线程的应用程序,可以自动每天喜欢10K的帐户页面。