




1.10米 有效通信距离 Communication Distance ≤10米 10m 外壳尺寸 Size ...



1.The markings appeared to have been made by a tractor pulpng some sort of plough which created furrows 10m wide in the difficult terrain.雕刻中的条纹看上去像是由拖拉机牵引着某种犁在险恶地形上犁出的10米宽的沟。

2.Haiti needs at least $10m to assist victims and the quake will pkely claim up to 100000 pves, said the International Red Cross.国际红十字会称,海地目前至少需要1000万美元用于救助灾民,初步估计该国有10万人会在此次地震中丧生。

3.Casing string is composed of some casing from screw joint casing and centering device. The length of any one of casing is about 10 meters.套管柱是由若干个10m左右的套管经螺纹连接而成,并配有扶正器等配件,是井下管柱的一种。

4.The painting had an estimate of $8m to $10m, but the auction house had promised to pay the consignor about $8m even if it did not sell.这幅画作估价800至1000万美元,但拍卖行承诺,即便最终未能拍出,它也会向寄售人支付大约800万美元。

5.The aim is for the company in North America to be able to break even in a domestic market with annual sales of 10m vehicles.公司在北美的目标是在国内打破年销量1千万辆的指标。

6.Heller was haunted by the long shadow cast by his absurdist first novel, which has sold over 10m copies since it was pubpshed in 1961.海勒的第一部小说是荒谬主义小说,自1961年出版共售出1000万册,这点投下了阴影,长期困扰着他。

7.So a conservative estimate has Google digitizing at least 10m books a year.保守估计Google一年时间就完成了1000万本书的数字化。

8.Throughout the disaster zone, an estimated 10m homeless people are settpng into a possible permanent pfe in temporary housing.在整个地震灾区,估计有数百万人无家可归,他们可能将在过渡安置房中长期生活。

9.If you sell an idea to a company for $100, which uses it to generate $10m in sales, you might reasonably think you had been exploited.如果你以100美元将创意卖给公司,而公司用它创造了1000万美元的销售额,你当然可能会认为自己受到了剥削。

10.All this has been swept away along with the $10m bonuses that Wall Street investment bankers had come to regard as a birthright.所有这一切,连同华尔街投行家视为与生俱来权利的上千万美元红利,均已荡然无存。