

flaccid:[英 [ˈflæsɪd] 美 [ˈflæksɪd, ˈflæsɪd] ]


flaccid 基本解释

形容词松弛的; 软弱的; 无活力的


flaccid 网络解释

1. 松弛的:Curled-up 上翘的 | Flaccid 松弛的 | Ripe 红润饱满的

2. 驰缓的:flabellum 扇形器官 | flaccid 驰缓的 | flaccidity 软弱

3. flaccid

3. 软缩:fixed joint 不动关节 | flaccid 软缩 | flagellum 鞭毛

4. 软弱的;松弛的:fickle#多变的 | flaccid#软弱的;松弛的 | fitful#一阵阵的;断续的

flaccid 双语例句

1. As everybody knows, if you do not work out, your muscles get flaccid.



2. He just wanted to divert public attention from the flaccid economy on war.



3. When you're relaxed and feeling well, your flaccid penis looks bigger than when you're stressed out.


4. flaccid在线翻译

4. One of my best friends told me that he was flaccid to do everything recently, and was feeling powerless、exhausted.



5. How would you feel if I gave you a cardboard cut out of a big flaccid penis?


6. One of my best friends told me that he was flaccid to do everything recently, and feel powerless、exhausted, willing to do nothing.


7. flaccid的意思

7. Its action is so prompt forever and its appearing will also never notice you in advance, Let you be caught unawares; I don`t extravagant hopes that I will be capable to defeat it one day, and only want it being away from my distant one point. Don`t give way to my leg becomes flaccid and the heart is panic-stricken…If the mouse can become small white rabbit well or gloomy rabbit I can accept too


8. Seemingly, Bud and Margaret's hopes and dreams had died with his diagnosis: acute flaccid paralysis.


9. flaccid的反义词

9. Acute flaccid paralysis identical to that seen during poliovirus infections has been described.


10. flaccid是什么意思

10. Results All these infants were characterized by progressive flaccid paralysis in limbs.

结果 婴儿型脊髓性肌萎缩症的主要临床特征为出生后进行性加重的四肢弛缓性瘫痪。

11. To identify poliovirus isolated from feces of acute flaccid paralysis case type in gene.


12. Electric shock treatment succeeded by complete flaccid paralysis, hallucinations, and sudden death.


13. flaccid

13. Keywords Acute Flaccid Paralysis; Clinical analysis; Case classification


14. flaccid

14. Objective: To study the disease spectrum and incidence characteristics of acute flaccid paralysis cases reported during the period 1998-2000 in Shanxi province.

目的 :了解陕西省急性弛缓性麻痹病例疾病谱和发病特征。

15. Flaccid'fl?


16. A syringomyelic cavity in the cervical gray matter interrupts the crossing of pain-mediating spinothalamic fibers, causing a bilateral loss of pain and temperature and possibly bilateral flaccid paralysis of the muscles of the upper limbs.


17. Results: Introduction of Oral Polio Vaccine in 1965 had a dramatic effect on controlling extensive epidemic of poliomyelitis. The basic control strategies used to eradicate poliomyelitis include: routine immunization of children aged under one year old with at least three doses of Trivalent Oral Polio Vaccine; all children aged under four years old were given two extra doses of TOPV; and surveillance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis to identify wild poliovirus transmission.



18. Fast-acting sends the ingredient to be able tightly to delay the support epidermis the elastic fiber aging, thus prevented the wrinkle the production, and can promote to become the flaccid flesh, causes the flesh to restore the elasticity to be tighter sends.


19. The effective rate in first one involved both spastic and flaccid paralysis was 60.0% and the effective rate in second one only involved spastic paralysis was 64.7%.


20. Results 64 acute flaccid paralysis cases were reported by the AFP surveillance system, distributing in 39 flags (counties and districts, similarly hereinafter) of the 12 prefectures, accounting for 38.61% of all the flags in the autonomous region.


flaccid 词典解释

1. (人体某部分)松弛的,松垂的,绵软的

You use flaccid to describe a part of someone's body when it is unpleasantly soft and not hard or firm.

e.g. I picked up her wrist. It was limp and flaccid.


flaccid 单语例句

1. Eventually, the pressure of pumping so hard makes it just give up and become flaccid.

2. Their story of genetics gone wrong soon collapses into a flaccid chase film.

flaccid的近义词flaccid 英英释义


1. out of condition

not strong or robust

incapable of exertion or endurance

e.g. he was too soft for the army

flabby around the middle

flaccid cheeks

Synonym: softflabby

2. drooping without elasticity

wanting in stiffness

e.g. a flaccid penis