

sailing:[英 [ˈseɪlɪŋ] 美 [ˈselɪŋ] ]



sailing 基本解释


名词帆船运动; (乘帆船的)航行; (轮船的)航班

动词驾驶( sail的现在分词); 起航; 坐船旅行; 掠


sailing 相关例句


1. David learned sailing from his father.


2. The sailing is at 4 P.M.


3. There is only one sailing on Sunday.



4. Thousand of spectators watched the sailing.


sailing 网络解释


1. 帆船:, 帆船(Sailing)中英对照 行业单词, 帆船(Sailing)中英对照 试题, 帆船(Sailing)中英对照 学习资料, 帆船(Sailing)中英对照 相关文章, 帆船(Sailing)中英对照 下载, 帆船(Sailing)中英对照 怎么念?

2. 帆船运动:公司在海边,有个帆船运动(Sailing)联盟和十条公司赞助的小帆船,入会费还不如一箱汽油贵,俺没忍住上了贼船,于是无可就要的爱上了这项运动. 帆船运动是集娱乐性、观赏性、探险性、竞技性于一体的项目,技术性很强,自学很困难,一定要有高手教,

3. 远航:许多歌曲都被公认为超水平之作,(Sailing)(DoYaThinkImSexy)更使他在商业成就上冲到了最高峰. 上世纪90年代至今的洛德也不甘寂寞. 1993全新辑录新歌加精选专集(LeadVocalist)经典之作迭出,

sailing 双语例句

1. Let's go sailing on the river.


2. Lk. 8:23 And while they were sailing, He fell asleep.

路八23 正航行的时候,耶稣睡著了。

3. I am thinking of building my own self steering for my small, double ended sailing yacht Nausikaa.


4. If you want to experience some real sailing then this is probably the one for you.


5. It's as if you're sailing on your own private yacht with 300 friends.


6. Sailing is the love of his life.


7. sailing的反义词

7. A small sailing boat formerly used as a tender for merchant and war vessels.


8. sailing的解释

8. Wednesday at noon in the strong sailing south towards Goodbye...


9. Before the interview of hunting for a job begins, and the shoulder which has patted on him which that hoary-headed father extremely encouraged wished him to be plain sailing.


10. It had taken him nine months, of which the sailing time was 226 days.



11. The wonderful natural resources are accomplished a perfect sailing paradise here.


12. A small boat used for fishing, sailing, or coasting and having two or three masts, each with a lugsail, and two or three jibs set on the bowsprit.


13. A small boat used for fishing, sailing, or coasting and having two or three mast s, each with a lugsail, and two or three jibs set on the bowsprit.


14. The sailing force can be increased by having a tall airfoil system, which retracts to a lesser height for convenience in garaging or for safety in high winds.



15. Four days after setting out while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.


16. The safety of ship depends on the sai1ors grasp of the information about ship sailing process, which is one of the standards measuring ship safety. The chain of ship sailing is composed of five information process in this paper.


17. Beach Sepaktakraw, Beach Volleyball, Body Building, Marathon Swimming, Jetski Sport, Beach Soccer, Beach Handball, Triathlon, Woodball, Surfing, Dragon Boat, Paragliding, Sailing ect.


18. A mere 6, 000 light-years distant and sailing through the constellation Vela, star cluster RCW 38 is full of powerful stars.


19. There is sailing from lubin sun in the dream, regardless of their parents, he embarked on a journey of sailing.


20. I remember Baumgartel telling me that at this height elephants, leopards and hyenas roamed about as well as the gorilla, but I could see no sign of movement anywhere along the mountain slopes, and in the sky only the long circular sweeps of the eagles sailing by.


sailing 词典解释

1. 帆船驾驶;帆船运动

Sailing is the activity or sport of sailing boats.

e.g. There was swimming and sailing down on the lake.


2. 水运航班

Sailings are trips made by a ship carrying passengers.

e.g. Ferry companies are providing extra sailings from Calais...


e.g. We'll get the next sailing.


3. 轻而易举的;一帆风顺的

If you say that a task was not all plain sailing, you mean that it was not very easy.

e.g. Pregnancy wasn't all plain sailing and once again there were problems...


e.g. We know it won't be plain sailing at Wembley because there are no easy games at this level.


sailing 单语例句

1. The industry also hopes the mainland will ease the cabotage limits on foreign ships sailing between mainland ports.

2. Trains were suspended after security cameras clocked the disoriented driver sailing past a station through the railway tunnels meant for underground trains.

3. National special canoeing team trains at Shanghai aquatic sports center, the venue for canoeing and sailing of 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics World Summer Games.

4. Its canoeing and sailing teams are expecting to win at least one goal each in Beijing.

5. The cargo ship carrying timber was sailing from Papua New Guinea to China.

6. Cruise trips already sailing to Taiwan would be well positioned to carve out a sizeable niche on the mainland.

7. The Star Princess was sailing from Grand Cayman to Jamaica when the blaze started.

8. Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center has a solar energy heating system that can supply hot water for showers and for the 300 sq m swimming pool.

9. The sailing center is also proud of its pontoon system, the most advanced without the stakes in the world.

10. Sailing competitions are unpredictable thanks to the changeable weather, leaving more room for people to speculate on the possible results.

sailing 英英释义



1. the departure of a vessel from a port

2. the activity of flying a glider

Synonym: glideglidingsailplaningsoaring

3. riding in a sailboat

4. the work of a sailor

Synonym: seafaringnavigation