

shaking:[英 [ˈʃeɪkɪŋ] 美 [ˈʃekɪŋ] ]


过去式:shook;   过去分词:shaken;

shaking 基本解释

名词震动; 摇动; 挥动; 震惊


动词动摇; 握手; 摇撼( shake的现在分词 ); (使)颤抖

shaking 网络解释

1. 摇动:摇动(Shaking):摇动的作用是把各种果汁...最近公布的发光二极管(LED)发明于数十年前,而过去几年,LED取得的进展让它在商业市场中初露头角. 一些新兴的汽车已经开始使用LED作为头尾灯,有很多交通标志在晚上也开始利用LED显示.当然更为技术密集的LED技术在笔记本电脑上,

2. 摇动法:调酒的方法有多种,如:漂浮法(Floating)、对和法(Build)、手动搅拌法(Stirring)、机械搅和法(Mudding)、以及摇动法(Shaking)等. 最常用最引人注目的莫过于摇动法了,客人散坐在吧台边,调酒师熟练的传瓶、示瓶、开瓶之后,加入冰块,

3. 摇:并且支援 iPhone的多点触控式技术, 让玩家不需要亲临湖边或钓鱼场, 就可以享受到惊险刺激的钓鱼快感, 真的超酷又超好玩!享受手摇(Shaking) 的刺激. 享受旋转(Rotation)的乐趣.


4. 摇荡法:(O)155 在调酒术语中摇荡法(Shaking)是指将材料放入雪克杯中摇匀的一种技巧. (O)158 鸡尾酒配方(Recipe)中的份量可依比率随使用的杯皿容量而调整. (O)161 苏格兰威士忌(Scotch Whisky)有一种特殊的香气即为炭香.

shaking 双语例句


1. Only the elephant is like shaking a ears, long nose rolled food, sent to the mouth.


2. This underground secret quarter is huge, which is startled to cause me shaking instantly.


3. Imagine an earthquake shock shaking the floor, the paper, you and your hand.


4. He got tear filling up his eyes, his voice trumble and body slighty shaking.


5. Numerical simulation and shaking table tests for acceleration response of piles in liquefiable ground were performed under three earthquake events.

结果表明:三种地震输入下,自下而上沿桩-柱墩长度方向,加速度峰值放大系数变化基本一致且均出现在10~20s时段内,加速度时程曲线的形状也极其相似;压缩0.15g El Centro波输入下加速度反应在砂土层与黏土层过渡带有增大趋势、在地表则有一定程度减小,且压缩0.15g El Centro波较0.15g El Centro波输入下均偏小,0.15g El Cen-tro波输入下自下而上桩的加速度时程幅值和峰值放大系数的试验值、计算值均一直有较大幅度增大;0.5g El Centro波输入下,加速度时程幅值的计算值和试验值在桩折断位置之下一直增大、至砂土层与黏土层过渡带则大大减小,加速度峰值放大系数的试验值和计算值在砂土层与黏土层过渡带突变增大、而在地表则明显减小,且较0.15g El Centro波输入下桩的峰值放大系数要偏小。


6. Hou Yi both frightened Younu, Choujianqusha Etu, Peng Meng escaped early, Houyi Qidechuixiong led stomp, Beitongyujue, look up the night sky calls for wife's name, then he surprised to find that today's moon, particularly Jiaojie bright, but there is a shaking of the shadow like Chang.


7. So I sign it, and my hand starts shaking....


8. However, when I turned my head, I saw her shaking hand.


9. Is shaking your hand, wants to say.



10. Otherwise you'll find the shaking in your hand too much to control.



11. Oh, no. I am so nervous. My hand is shaking.


12. shaking

12. Oh, no. I am so nervous. my hand be shaking.


13. I was awoken by somebody impudently shaking my shoulder.


14. Based on the available references, the five-spring line element, the three-spring line element and the multiple vertical-line-element model are introduced to model special column, beam and shear-wall, the relevant stiffness matrixes are deduced and the restoring-force models are gaven to deep into the elasto-plastic seismic characteristics of the structure. Acording to the results of shaking table test and elastic finite element analysis, a new making model method is presented in which uses the linear and the nonlinear element and the assumption that the floor is infinitely rigid in different areas. This method can satisfactorily save much computer time in elasto-plastic analysis. Based on this method, a 3D nonlinear analysis model was made by using ANASYS finite element program.


15. Based on the available references, the five-spring line element, the three-spring line element and the multiplevertical-line-element model are introduced to model special column, beam and shear-wall, the relevant stiffness matrixes are deduced and the restoring-force models are gaven to deep into the elasto-plastic seismic characteristics of the structure. Acording to the results of shaking table test and elastic finite element analysis, a new making model melhod is presented in which uses the linear and the nonlinear element and the assumption that the floor is infinitely rigid in different areas. This method can satisfactorily save much computer time in elasto-plastic analysis. Based on this method, a 3D nonlinear analysis model was made by using ANASYS finite element program.


16. That kind of waves everywhere you Mei, despite shaking the spring breeze, the group attracted a group of noisy hubbub of sound bees and butterflies, a rough write poetically dream of a field movement...


17. shaking什么意思

17. In her vision of where the Wall should be increasing the height of thick - in fact not the case, monsoon wear the edge of the brick edge Fenger, with fine sand and light dense cover, a shot through the sun with the whole of the old walls in dust streamer slightly shaking like.



18. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it...


19. shaking的反义词

19. But Jacob let go of my hand and yelped, suddenly shaking, falling to thedim forest floor.


20. shaking的意思

20. Plum Blossom Melody wonders like snow, but regret that no thought magpies love downtown, shaking off more than how many Acacia to read, lying alone frosty Gu Ying.


shaking 单语例句shaking在线翻译

1. Luo ran round the mat with a Chinese national flag to celebrate her win, politely making bows to the spectators around and shaking hands with some of them.

2. " The ground moved and the chandelier started shaking, " he said.

3. Shaking its blue image, pole dancing has become a fitness phenomenon as it spreads through Chinese cities.

4. Shaking hands with businessmen occupies far more of his time these days than chipping and putting.

5. " We are clear that China faces difficulty and challenges in shaking off absolute poverty, " said Liu.

6. The automaker will replace faulty parts in vehicles produced before March 27, 2009 and add a component to others to reduce shaking.

7. The rumble rose up fast, violently shaking our Chengdu hotel room to its core.

8. About 30 minutes after the truck became stuck, the cover for a valve on the tanker became loose from waves shaking the truck.

9. Shaking hands with each and every one of his critics in the room, the Briton signaled that he was willing to mend fences and start afresh.

10. If the same dinosaur species made the tracks, the discovery would be as earth shaking as a mighty apatosaurus.

shaking什么意思shaking 英英释义


1. the act of causing something to move up and down (or back and forth) with quick movements

2. a shaky motion

e.g. the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe

Synonym: shakinesstremblingquiverquiveringvibrationpalpitation