

auspicious:[英 [ɔ:ˈspɪʃəs] 美 [ɔˈspɪʃəs] ]


auspicious 基本解释

形容词吉利的; 有前途的; 有希望的; 有利的

auspicious 网络解释

1. auspicious的反义词

1. 吉祥:第三,中文选词应尽可能简洁并富有褒义或吉祥(auspicious)义,使之上口,响亮,具有美感. 从翻译实践中看, 处理外国公司,企业的名称通常可采用以下几种方法. 』bbs.exue.com/viewthread.php?tid=176249吉祥(auspicious)与身份 Jul 4, 2007

2. auspicious

2. 吉祥的:33 propitious 吉祥的,有利的 | 34 auspicious 吉祥的 | 35 intelligible 可识别的

3. auspicious的解释

3. 吉兆的:auspicial 占卜的 | auspicious 吉兆的 | Aussie 澳洲人

4. 吉兆的,幸运的:homophonic 同音的,齐唱的 | auspicious 吉兆的,幸运的 | luxurious 奢侈的

auspicious 双语例句

1. When we cultivates the Dharma and do not see our body and defilements as an enemy, even encountering the most auspicious Dharma or Masters with great virtues, will not be able to give us any guidance that will lead to pure liberation.


2. However, Luang Phor Kheaw inscribed numbers and letters on Buddhist Monk`s Robe instead and recited incantations over the robe for nine times during auspicious periods.

然而,LP Kheaw 采用把数字和巴利文写在僧衣上的方法,然后在吉时对衣服念诵咒语九次,加持后的圣衣被烧成灰,混入做牌的圣料里。

3. Soldier's responsibility let save the troop to enter another war for the auspicious graciousness.


4. auspicious的反义词

4. In his film is not auspicious red, a symbol of jubilation.



5. In addition, the auspicious sign and calamity had been affected the culture and psychology of ancient China.


6. Auspicious Dragon and Phoenix is the perceived birds as a symbol of good fortune and good luck.


7. Auspicious cloud ready to connect you, me, him!


8. If I failed to enter university, I would naturally carry on my grandfather's craft and become a geomancer who help people determine the location of a house or tomb that is believed to have an influence on the fortune of a family, select auspicious days, preside over a funeral, subdue demons and monsters.


9. On the phone Feng lun said: the most auspicious number is 8, registered eight million.



10. It is so wonderful to be able to offer to all these two works on such an auspicious day!


11. It's an auspicious day for you to move into your new house.



12. The new boy had an auspicious first day in the elementary school.


13. B:Well…, I don`t think tomorrow is an auspicious day.


14. Today is an auspicious day.


15. auspicious是什么意思

15. The theme of traditional ornament is generalized as idealism, which is shown by careful choice of content on sacred topic, righteous and distinct theme, auspicious and consummate implied meaning; while the form is stylized—lines coupling the straight with the cured and hardness with softness, appearance combining static with dynamic posture, and artistically spaced outline. Besides, laws of the ornamental form are set off, which is the theoretical base for modern designing to absorb and develop content and form of traditional ornament.


16. Ox disgusting alert vitality hamster as timid as a mouse chinchilla weasel ferocious glare energetic twice as powerful bully others by flaunting one's powerful connections tiger cub roar vet surgery come around injection vigorous mating season white tiger Bengal tiger graceful agile adoptability oath vow dragon rising and tigers leaping punishment cold blood animal longevity dark horse freedom uphold mustang Prince Charming high horse chivalrous vigor black sheep meek monkey slim dexterous rare animals mischievous platform diving macaque hot spring trouble maker young monkey imitative ability coomedian primate sweet potato salt water imitative rob diligent auspicious ordinary punctual cock-a-doodle-doo frank decisive aggressive cockfighting showtime chicken run circus clown grass roots lucky dog Every dog has his day.

牛年 讨厌警报活力仓鼠由于胆小作为鼠标 chinchilla 黄鼠狼来势凶猛眩光精力充沛两次威力欺负别人的旗号,一个强大的连接老虎幼童吼审核手术来靠近注射液大力交配季节白虎孟加拉虎婀娜多姿敏捷可采宣誓发誓龙的崛起和跨越式老虎处罚冷血动物长寿黑马自由坚持野马王子魅力高马侠客活力害群之马温柔猴小井灵巧稀有动物恶作剧平台跳水猕猴温泉麻烦制造者青少年猴模仿能力 coomedian 灵长类甘薯咸水模仿抢劫勤政吉祥普通准时公鸡一派对斗坦率决定性侵略性斗鸡演出鸡运行马戏团小丑基层这只幸运的狗每只狗都拥有他那一天。

17. auspicious是什么意思

17. On this auspicious day, people light up diyas and candles all around their house. They perform Laxmi Puja in the evening and seek divine blessings of Goddess of Wealth.

在晚上他们会对吉祥天女Laxmi 进行礼拜Puja,以寻求财富女神的祝福。

18. Auspicious days to be selected, should enable考妣first buried.


19. auspicious

19. Reward: In 2003 in the school debated the match has the honor to receive debates the hand best, attains outstanding reporter in the same year the title Special skill: The familiarity computer operation as well as the principle, grasp in skilled office word, excel, powerpoint as well as photoshop, Tool softwares and so on Flash, understand the VB, C language the fundamental mode Practice and practice: In June, 2005 - in July participates in the school metalwork practice, understood the numerical control engine bed the principle and the operation, and achieves the independent programming design processing small machine parts In June, 2006 - in July participates in the school production practice, this practice divides into two stages: First, visits the electrical machinery plant in the Harbin area, the boiler-making plant, the hot electric field as well as the auspicious star science and technology group and so on the major industry have understood the basic production process.

冰天雪地跪求那位大侠帮我翻译下我的简历。要英文的找工作着急用。。谢谢了。分我都给了问题补充:奖励:2003年在学校辩论赛荣获最佳辩手,同年获优秀记者称号特长:精通计算机操作以及原理,熟练掌握office中word,excel,powerpoint以及photoshop,Flash等工具软件,了解VB,C++语言的基本形式实践与实习:2005年6月—7月参与学校金工实习,了解数控机床的原理和操作,并达到自主编程设计加工小型机械零件 2006年6月—7月参与学校生产实习,此实习分为两个阶段:一、在哈尔滨地区参观电机厂,锅炉厂,热电场以及瑞星科技集团等大型企业了解了基本的生产流程。


20. Description: Shree Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost all.

描述:Shree Yantra是最吉祥的,重要的和强大的Yantras ,它不仅给出了最大的利益,而且也证明了有益的几乎所有。

auspicious 词典解释

1. 吉祥的;吉利的

Something that is auspicious indicates that success is likely.

e.g. His career as a playwright had an auspicious start.


auspicious 单语例句auspicious的意思

1. Li selected the special number by chance last year and was surprised at how auspicious it was.

2. " This is a more auspicious and catchy name, " says Tian.

3. On an auspicious day, the family will clean the house and gather all the rubbish.

4. He also used a crab pattern for a money clip and the auspicious cloud pattern for a tie pin.

5. The staff members not in a " particularly auspicious spot " because of layout constraints could still adjust their immediate environment to minimize potentially bad energies.

6. A person with a common name might have a prosperous life, while an auspicious name can be a burden.

7. Some numbers are regarded as auspicious in certain cultures and trades and consequently are especially popular among enterprise owners.

8. None of the women were due to give birth, but demanded the operation because they thought it was an auspicious date.

9. Jewel Restaurant's new executive Chinese chef has specially crafted a few auspicious menus in celebration of Lunar New Year.

10. Seven is seen as a lucky number in most Western countries, but six has traditionally been the most auspicious digit in China.

auspicious 英英释义


1. auguring favorable circumstances and good luck

e.g. an auspicious beginning for the campaign