

coal:[英 [kəʊl] 美 [koʊl] ]


过去式:coaled;   过去分词:coaled;   现在分词:coaling;   复数形式:coals;

coal 基本解释

名词煤; 煤块; 煤堆; 木炭

不及物动词上煤; 加煤

及物动词给…加煤; 把…烧成炭

coal 相关例句


1. coal

1. Many ships coal at Dalian Port.


2. coal的反义词

2. The ship called at Boston to coal.


coal 网络解释

1. coal是什么意思

1. 煤:制作炸药需以下材料:煤(Coal)、盐桶(BarrelofSalt)和硫磺(Sulphur),可分别在Fergus的房间中、城堡厨房和医生的房间中的圆桌上找到(注意,在按Alt键时,这些物品并不会显示出来).

2. coal的反义词

2. 煤块:赶走猴子就可以拣起它身后的煤块(coal),然后向前走到火山前,将身边的铁硫酸盐(iron sulfate)和碳酸钾(potash)拿到,现在我们就可以前往海滩了. 来到花冈岩房子里面 ,面前就是尼摩船长的尸体,这个纵横海底两万里的人物的最终归宿居然是这样.

3. coal

3. coal:coalition; 借助第三者力量

4. coal:national committee on arid lands; 全国干旱土地委员会

coal 双语例句

1. Gallium recovery technology used to recover gallium from recycle solution in Bayer process, zinc leach residue, coal fly ash and fly ash in the production of yellow phosphorus, and its recent progress are discussed.


2. This paper introduces a successful experiment in grounting blocking against water in coal bunker and surrounding rock grouting strengthening by Malisan and a suitable proportion of catalysts, which have got a good effect and ensured the regular production of coal mine.


3. Shanxi Province is known to have rich coal reserves.


4. The real time identification of coal`s ultimate analysis is very important to power boiler`s safety and efficiency.


5. coal在线翻译

5. That four, can not the coal vein mistake as is leaf and the xylon fossil.


6. This paper presents summary on the features of preparation of coal water slurry with three kinds of additives such as xylon, acrylic acid and naphthalene series additives, and the test of the slurry in Texaco gasifier.

对木质素、丙烯酸、萘系 3种水煤浆添加剂制得煤浆的特性及煤浆在 Texaco 气化炉上的试验情况进行了总结,认为在 Texaco气化条件下,木质素与丙烯酸可作为水煤浆的添加


7. The sensor connecting the LED and annunciator, so it can detect the atmosphere of the coal mine a...


8. coal的近义词

8. Besides coal, the most important natural fuel are gas and oil.


9. coal什么意思

9. The processes of reaction between BaSO〓 and C have been studied. Effects of calcination temperature、coal cofficient and calcination time have been analyzed.


10. coal的反义词

10. Coal tar pitch is a coal tar initial fractionation, the boiling point greater than 360 ℃ residues; wood tar wood tar pitch is the residue after distillation material.


11. coal的意思

11. China Guodian reorganization Pingmei Group of Inner Mongolia, had promised the construction of Chifeng City to Lin Hua bayan railway and construction projects such as coal chemical industry.


12. The two sides agreed to start in the new company to Lin Hua bayan early railway immediately after the reorganization carried out Guodian Group Pingmei matters Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng City in the implementation of coal-integration strategy.


13. coal在线翻译

13. Auxiliary products: HSY-512-升column, HH1-2吨-back with, HH2-2吨-back with, YT4-6 manually push running device, YT4-8 manually push running device, YQ-100 liquid Pressure pushing for all kinds of fuel tanks and wandering all kinds of coal Accessories.


14. Coal is one of the most useful things in the world.


15. You are eating coal all the time.



16. Coal is one of the most important energy sources in the world.


17. coal

17. You are breathing coal all the time.


18. coal的近义词

18. We have a good supply of coal and water.


19. There is plenty of coal in this area.


20. Know Guangdong to save coal classics to meet again to what coal industry expands diversified economy Chen Dequn comes more than 10 years, through ceaseless effort, coal industry already obtained remarkable result in respect of development diversified economy, this is very delectable.


coal 词典解释


Coal is a hard black substance that is extracted from the ground and burned as fuel.

e.g. Gas-fired electricity is cheaper than coal...


e.g. Today, oil and natural gas have replaced coal and wood in most areas.


2. (燃烧着的)煤块

Coals are burning pieces of coal.

e.g. The iron teakettle was hissing splendidly over live coals...


e.g. It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking.


3. 申斥;严厉责备

If a person in authority hauls or drags someone over the coals, they speak to them severely about something foolish or wrong that they have done.

e.g. I heard later that Uncle Jim had been hauled over the coals for not letting anyone know where we were...


e.g. The museum's P.R. man was going to be dragged over the coals for sure.


4. 多此一举;徒劳无功

If someone is taking coals to Newcastle, they are trying to give or sell someone something that they already have a lot of.

e.g. Taking a gun to the United States would be like taking coals to Newcastle.


coal 单语例句

1. A wealthy Shanxi man who runs a successful coal business has invested in two apartments at once.

2. It holds a safety certificate but its business certificate and production permit had both expired, said officials with the Shanxi Provincial Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau.

3. We continue to be buyers of coal miners and oil producers, as they are presumably among those business segments unscathed by the heavy snowstorms.

4. Because of the increasing cost of buying coal, the government in 2004 decided to approve the mechanism linking coal and power prices.

5. Traders said retail investors were also uninterested in buying into a large coal firm, although long term institutional investors are seen mopping up shares.

6. Shipping the coal by sea is expected to get some of trucks off the road.

7. By replacing coal with the straw compressive particles, the company saved ten thousand yuan per month.

8. China currently levies taxes on coal, gas and crude oil extraction by volume.

9. According to an official with the provincial coal mine production safety bureau, the disaster was caused by water in a surface pool leaking into the coal mine.

10. The jump in wholesale prices was largely fuelled by crude oil, coal and other raw materials.

coal 英英释义



1. a hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is glowing or smoldering

Synonym: ember

2. fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable matter deposited in the Carboniferous period


1. take in coal

e.g. The big ship coaled

2. supply with coal

3. burn to charcoal

e.g. Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything

Synonym: char