

dandy:[英 [ˈdændi] 美 [ˈdændi] ]



dandy 基本解释


形容词服装华丽的; 最好的

名词花花公子; 〈口〉最好的东西,上品

dandy 反义词


dandy 网络解释

1. dandy的解释

1. 時髦兒:显然这种打扮就是所谓的时髦儿(Dandy). 这股时尚潮流一扩散,更影响到对岸的法国作家和一些没落贵族,例如巴尔札克、福楼拜、波特莱尔以及孟德斯鸠伯爵等人的穿著. 到了十九世纪末,英国作家王尔德也大力宣扬这套时髦美学. 至於名牌服饰,

2. 双桅帆船:dandy roll 压胶辊 | dandy 双桅帆船 | Danex 敌百虫

dandy 双语例句

1. dandy什么意思

1. Wilde has made many colorful forms in such aspects as dressing, decoration, conversation and behavior, etc. Moreover, the brilliance of Wilde`s dandyism is successfully reflected in his works, and he has also created many colorful dandy images.


2. From a dandy manifesto to a Confucian of concern for the country and the people, and then to an ascetic monk, Li Shutong's poetry and music creation produced a unique cultural character.


3. That all sounds fine and dandy; however, the actual degree of precision you will receive (along with the range and overflow handling) depends com- pletely on the architecture of the machine as well as the implementation of the compiler that built your Python interpreter.


4. At that period a dandy was composed of a tall collar, a big cravat, a watch with trinkets, three vests of different colors, worn one on top of the other--the red and blue inside; of a short-waisted olive coat, with a codfish tail, a double row of silver buttons set close to each other and running up to the shoulder; and a pair of trousers of a lighter shade of olive, ornamented on the two seams with an indefinite, but always uneven, number of lines, varying from one to eleven--a limit which was never exceeded.


5. Whatever money handed over to Dandy belongs exclusively to the Client, free of any lien, charge, pledge and any other encumbrance, being no direct or proceeds of any illegal act or omission or product of any criminal activity.


6. Client agrees and understands that Dandy reserves the right to refund/send back to the remitter any amounts received under sections A and B of this paragraph, having sufficient proof that these amounts are direct or indirect proceeds of any illegal act or omission or product of


7. dandy

7. Married to the beautiful Natalia Gontcharova, Pushkin died in a duel, falling in the snow from a fatal gunshot fired by French dandy, d'Anthes.

娶了帅当当 e5那塔利亚冈查露娃,普西根死伫一场决斗。里,拄倒伫雪地。里是一声卜命 e5枪射,唯法国阿舍底安提斯共开 e*。

8. If Dandy is not satisfied with any documentation provided by Client will reverse the withdrawal transaction and deposit the amount back to Client's trading account.


9. The handy dandy Seal Lock allows you to never worry for your equipments again!


10. FORREST: I'm nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy.


11. My legs are just fine and dandy.


12. Forrest: I'm nothing at all thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy.


13. FORREST: Im nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy.


14. Surprise, surprise: 85 percent of men thought it was just dandy.


15. dandy是什么意思

15. One of the more common midline cystic abnormalities is the Dandy-Walker malformation, which is characterized by a midline cyst located within the posterior fossa that communicates with the fourth entricle see Fig.


16. 1 Dandy shall proceed to a settlement of all transaction upon execution of such transactions.


17. Furthermore, what made her injured was that she realized never loving that good-for-nothing dandy but procreating for him.


18. dandy

18. This dandy was smoking, for he was decidedly fashionable.


19. The provincial dandy wore the longest of spurs and the fiercest of mustaches.


20. SSRIs are no doubt a dandy invention but the drug feels alien in the blood, with a strange lurching sensation which rarely goes, whereas a glass of good Madiran or Bandol not only feels wholly tonic but brings, for an hour or two and without unpleasant regress later, a sense of universal connectedness, wholeness and compassion which briefly fills the void.


dandy 词典解释

1. 时髦男子;注重打扮的男人

A dandy is a man who thinks a great deal about his appearance and always dresses in smart clothes.

e.g. He was handsome and a dandy.


2. 好的;棒的;正好的

If you say that something is dandy, you mean it is good or just right.

e.g. There's a zoo round here? That's dandy for my kids.


dandy 单语例句dandy

1. Perhaps this coiffured dandy thought he'd applied for Creative Sky, the Chinese version of Project Runway.

2. It's all fine and dandy to say that your heart is crying, or that you are praying for those people that are affected in this disaster.

3. Roberto Cavalli outdid himself in a show on January 16, with an Old World collection that made dandy look dull.

4. Things were never dandy between Li and the media, but that period marked a new low.

dandy 英英释义


1. a sailing vessel with two masts

a small mizzen is aft of the rudderpost

Synonym: yawl

2. a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance

Synonym: dudefopgallantsheikbeauswellfashion plateclotheshorse


1. very good

e.g. he did a bully job

a neat sports car

had a great time at the party

you look simply smashing

Synonym: bang-upbullycorkingcrackinggreatgroovykeenneatniftynot bad(p)peachyslap-upswellsmashing