

docile:[英 [ˈdəʊsaɪl] 美 [ˈdɑ:sl] ]


docile 基本解释


形容词温顺的; 驯服的; 易驾驭的; 驯化

docile 同义词




docile 反义词



docile 网络解释

1. 温顺的:docent 讲解者 | docile 温顺的 | docileandobedientallobedience 百依百顺


2. 听话的:docent 讲师 | docile 听话的 | docility 顺从

3. docile的意思

3. 坦率:がんばりや Hardy 实干 | すなお Docile 坦率 | てれや Bashful 害羞

4. docile什么意思

4. 温驯的:division board 闸板 | docile 温驯的 | dominant 显性的

docile 双语例句

1. docile的解释

1. Don't be afraid of my dog, he's very docile.


2. Observe Australian sea lions at Seal Bay and over 7, 000 New Zealand fur seals playfully interacting in and around Admirals Arch in Flinders Chase National Park, also home to hundreds of docile kangaroos.


3. docile

3. I felt it was so lovely and docile and wanted to feed it some food.



4. Can that is 1 kind to demolish, the docile absolutely disallows so!


5. A state which dwarfs its men, in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands, even for beneficial purposes, will find that with small men, no great thing can really be accomplished; and that the perfection of machinery to which it has sacrificed everything, will in the end avail it nothing, for want of the vital power which, in order that the machine might work more smoothly, it has preferred to banish.


6. Have never once been emperor to once quell the person of chaotic to be a religious house unavoidably and too scholar spirit, using a way with the benevolence can return follow docile, to stupid and crafty evil invalid then.



7. Lin Xiaoning, who was once a good student of good marks, for a loosen of mind, also let drug walk into his mind, enter his life. Xiao Xiaoxiao, who is also a docile boy, but once pay no attention and then...


8. I would live with my wife and child, work for a meaningful job with a satisfactory salary for my high quality life with my family, I would have enough spare time to travel with my family; stable friends and a docile pet.


9. He lived five months, and became as tame and docile as a cat.


10. Let money play those who was afraid that Huang Shan did not know to remember India how suddenly to employ anguine person, almost everybody is afraid of serpent, but almost all serpent became the chickabiddy that takes docile note however on the hand that India employs anguine person.


11. Some species of tarantula are known for their docile nature, and hence, are handled by some people.


12. By poring over Jiang Jingai's life, emotional experiences and novels, we can see that the edifying instillation of her docile and forbearing mother, the spirit of loyalty, filiality, chastity and justice in Chinese classical novels and the gentle courteous Confucianism imperceptibly but profoundly influenced her to abide by and inherit the conventional women's ethics no matter in familial life or practical creation.


13. docile什么意思

13. This department, not only let the iron clothes ironed, docile post up saving some.


14. However, it did not make him a docile child.


15. Nor will Mr Kim nuzzle docile under China's wing, though his son might.


16. docile什么意思

16. My favourite animal I most like the animal is a porpoise, as they are lovable, and they have the black eye and the small nose, they are very docile, they like flattering you, tours in yours side tours, their skin traces very smoothly comfortable, is also very warm.

I like the puppy 我最喜欢的动物我最喜欢的动物是海豚,因为它们非常可爱,它们有黑黑的眼睛和小小的鼻子,它们十分温顺,它们喜欢讨好你,在你的身边游来游去,它们的皮肤摸上去很光滑舒适,也很温暖。

17. With docile domestic investors and a network of friendly cross-shareholdings, there was little outside pressure to restructure.


18. Having first infatuated their domesticated animals, and carefully prevented the docile creatures from daring to take a single step without the leading-strings to which they are tied, they next show them the danger which threatens them if they try to walk unaided.


19. I have many friends, They are all docile. My family is


20. The docile dog With its blue and white eyes, the Tibetan dog looks very fullmouthed. But after staying with us for a period, we became very closed to each other.


docile 词典解释

1. 温顺的;驯良的;易控制的

A person or animal that is docile is quiet, not aggressive, and easily controlled.

e.g. ...docile, obedient children...


e.g. They wanted a low-cost, docile workforce.



Her docility had surprised him.


She stood there, docilely awaiting my decision.

她站在那儿,温顺地等着我的决定。docile 单语例句docile

1. " The docile and adaptive nature of the bulldog is gaining ground as a family favorite, " said AKC spokeswoman Lisa Peterson.

2. Used to dominating the enterprises and hiring docile and submissive employees, they can hardly accept competent managers with strong personalities for administering their firms.

3. They could not manage to do that to a very docile nation in 1971, how then can they contemplate crushing a martial race?

4. He now has over 300 of the new pigs, which he said were " docile ".

5. The dog had been with the family for more than a year and was described by the family members and neighbours as docile.

6. And what eases our minds a little is that he is docile and doesn't hang around with young ruffians.

7. The meticulous rendering of the eyes reflects the animal's docile but stubborn character.

8. Fire Chief Dan Tennant said he's never heard of such an incident in an area where the bears are normally docile.

9. In his presence they become instantly docile, even at the dead of night.

10. Chinese students are docile and quiet so it is easier to impart knowledge.

docile 英英释义


1. willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed

e.g. the docile masses of an enslaved nation

2. easily handled or managed

e.g. a gentle old horse, docile and obedient

Synonym: gentle

3. ready and willing to be taught

e.g. docile pupils eager for instruction

teachable youngsters

Synonym: teachable