

illogical:[英 [ɪˈlɒdʒɪkl] 美 [ɪˈlɑ:dʒɪkl] ]


illogical 基本解释

形容词不合逻辑的; 无意义的

illogical 同义词



illogical 反义词



illogical 网络解释

1. illogical

1. 不合逻辑的:首先,以禅坐与其它自我调节技巧不论在生理或心理上的治疗效果并无显著差异的研究结果,便遽将禅修或禅坐对人类心理或生理的可能影响排除于心理学研究或应用之外,乃是对研究结果不合逻辑的(illogical)解释与推论.

2. 非逻辑的:illogic 不合逻辑 | illogical 非逻辑的 | illuminance 照度


3. 不符合逻辑的:outline 主要突出事物的轮廓或要点,强调简化了整体 | 174. illogical 不符合逻辑的 | illegal 非法的

4. 缺乏逻辑的:天生的,与生俱来的innate | 缺乏逻辑的illogical | 不爱交际的unsociable

illogical 双语例句

1. Finally, any covenant which stipulated absolute dominion for one party and absolute obedience for the other would be illogical and nugatory.


2. It would, however, be illogical to conclude that the word cannot, and does not, mean belief or faith in the Old Testament for it is clear that we cannot put trust in a person's promises without previously assenting to or believing in that person's claim to such confidence.


3. There are many illogical problems in the construction o public cemetery which affects the healthy development at urban landscape ecological environment, society, and economic.


4. Company's employees and corporate buyout in the top leadership of the money illogical.


5. illogical的翻译

5. From the boy's illogical act, I suspected that he was lying


6. illogical

6. When Lynn said my answer was illogical, I wanted to throw something at her, but I suddenly went blank.


7. illogical的反义词

7. The sense is good still, but discharge rises without what pledge namely, I want to be illogical really.


8. Illogical, I know - but superstitions aren`t exactly rational.


9. illogical

9. I have not interpolated this adjective out of rhetorical habit; I say that it is not illogical to think that the world is infinite.


10. illogical什么意思

10. We like to think that we speak logically all the time, but we are aware that we sometimes use illogical means to persuade others of our point of view. In the heat of an impassioned argument, or when we are afraid our disputant has a stronger case, or when we don't quite have all the facts we'd like to have, we are prone to engage in faulty processes of reasoning, using arguments we hope will appear sound.


11. illogical的解释

11. Li Jiang on one hand tries to seek the essence in the past cultural sights, and on the other hand he attempts to find new-born belief in illogical daily life.


12. illogical的解释

12. People are illogical, unreasonble, and self-centered.


13. illogical在线翻译

13. The main point of the article is that unnecessary risk-taking is illogical and foolish.


14. illogical

14. In the log lodge he said some illogical apolo gies.


15. Next the website that I go to visitting them, trichromatic cereal store Http://345.wdwd. com I feel to be able to look without what really, caption always is fond of joyous Dui keyword of a few Ge, whole page interface is mixed and disorderly, article table is illogical, the scrape together on the net did the article related one pile height.


16. illogical

16. I then started to get very nervous and carried out a series of useless, illogical actions: I had a cup of coffee, smoked a cigarette, sat down, stood up, took a few steps, washed my hands, drank a glass of water.


17. illogical的反义词

17. You now is not to have when wanting to be illogical, not be to come here to looked for the answer to come so, this is a reason!


18. illogical的解释

18. James Joyce is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist; in Ulysses, his encyclopedia-like masterpiece, Joyce sents fantastic picture of the disjointed, illogical, illusory, and mental-emotional life of Leopold Bloom, who becomes the symbol of everyman in the post-World-War-I Europe. In the works of E.


19. Another lets a lot of netizens feel cobbly is, at present no matter be market maturity, or market dimensions is far than fictitious trade to get the network such as much C2C to trade greatly behavior is returned not levy, and fictitious belongings regards the network as the successor, in current and relevant protection code returns unfinished be apt to, fictitious belongings of the netizen often also is faced with illegal enroach on, and below the case that wins judicatory to relieve hard, first one pace pay taxes, this is much some rarer let a netizen want to be illogical.


20. illogical

20. He keeps painting stones and sprays, whose overwhelming arrival is just so illogical, irrational and shocking.


illogical 词典解释

1. 不合逻辑的;有悖逻辑的

If you describe an action, feeling, or belief as illogical, you are critical of it because you think that it does not result from a logical and ordered way of thinking.

e.g. It is illogical to oppose the repatriation of economic migrants...


e.g. She may think your reaction is crazy or illogical, but she cannot deny what you are feeling.



Illogically, I felt guilty.

我无缘无故地有种负罪感。illogical 单语例句

1. But Liu has no other choice, as parking such a large quantity of coins elsewhere is both illogical and risky.

2. It is illogical to approach the civil nuclear cooperation agreement between China and Pakistan using double standards.

3. But it would be illogical to expect the country to achieve this objective in five years.

4. The actors simply performed what the storyteller had told them despite the substandard quality of the story as well as the sloppy and illogical narration.

5. It is therefore illogical to conclude that such a minute proportion of Chinese products has affected prices on the whole US market.

6. The illogical link some people make between these two separate issues reflects the lack of respect for IP laws in China.

7. China yesterday dismissed as illogical a Japanese official's remark that the country's economic boom will fuel nationalism.

8. The classical economists such as John Stuart Mill saw this as both economically illogical and ethically unacceptable.

9. Workers know it's illogical to have a ceiling on salary, but most of them want there to be a bottomline.

10. I really would think it would be the height of being illogical if china were to do everything in an opposite way.

illogical的近义词illogical 英英释义


1. lacking orderly continuity

e.g. a confused set of instructions

a confused dream about the end of the world

disconnected fragments of a story

scattered thoughts

Synonym: confuseddisconnecteddisjointeddisorderedgarbledscatteredunconnected

2. lacking in correct logical relation

Synonym: unlogical