

freezing:[英 [ˈfri:zɪŋ] [ˈfri:ziŋ] ]


过去式:froze;   过去分词:frozen;

freezing 基本解释

形容词严寒的,冰冻的; 极冷的; 使人打冷颤的; 冷冻用的

动词使结冰(freeze的现在分词); 冷冻贮藏,冷藏; 冻结(资金、银行账户等); 使冻伤

名词冻结,结冰; (物价、工资等的)冻结; [电影]定格,保持不动

freezing 相关例句


1. It's freezing outside now.


2. It's very cold today; the temperature has dropped to freezing point.


freezing 网络解释

1. 冰冻:2.冰冻(Freezing),为维京与主角(斧)的招牌技能,即时施放,影响同一行上的3个敌人. 效果是使地方玩家失去对被冰冻目标的控制权,持续1回合(敌方). 除此之外还附加降低物防/魔防(冰冻斧降物防高,冰壁斧降魔防高)的后果.冰冻的优点是只要冷却够就能使用,

2. 冷冻:植物响应低温胁迫有三个不同阶段,即冷驯(cold-acclimation)、冷冻(freezing)和冻融(post-freezing recovery). 该研究利用组学方法,详细和有规模的解析了两种生态型和四种基因型的拟南芥膜脂分子在三个低温胁迫阶段中的变化,

freezing 双语例句

1. B Construction of facilities for winter 1, to ensure the quality of construction in winter, to achieve progress, the need for winter construction skills training; 2, raw materials used in the project approaching, the need for testing of raw materials, in order to pass; 3, the construction site layout, layout point of fire facilities, particularly in the use of fire, electric heating construction site, must be clearly marked, the road should be open, timely removal of snow and frozen by the distribution of fire safety requirements, and facilities were set up regular inspections; 4, in the winter season outdoor temperature may reach 10 degrees Celsius below Wall again and under the law drilling mud during the construction period shall be guaranteed from the freezing mud; 5, entered the cold season, one-time seasonal maintenance on machinery and equipment, construction safety technology development cold season, and the use of mechanical equipment operatives safety education for the cold season.

冬季施工设施 1、为确保冬期施工质量,达到施工进度要求,必须进行冬期施工技术培训; 2、工程中使用的原材料进场后,必须进行原材料化验,合格后方能使用; 3、布置施工现场时,注意防火设施点的布置,特别在使用明火处,电加热施工现场,都要有明显标志,道路要通畅,及时清除冰冻和积雪,按防火要求配置,设施齐全并设人定期检查; 4、在严冬季节室外气温可能达到-10摄氏度以下,再次环境下进行泥浆护壁法钻孔,施工期间应保证泥浆不受冻结; 5、在进入寒冷季节前,对机械设备进行一次性换季保养,制定寒冷季节施工安全技术措施,并对机械操作工进行寒冷季节使用设备的安全教育。

2. The selection of an alloy with a narrow freezing range also is helpful.


3. It introduces the applied range of freezing method and its merits, reviews the construction development history of freezing method.


4. They developed a pen that worked at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, in practically any surface including crystal and in a temperature range from below freezing to over 300 degrees C.


5. Every workshop is equipped with world advanced production line and full range of quick freezing plants and processing equipments that can produce 30 tons various deep-processing aquatic products and pet foods a day.


6. To solve this problem, it took them one decade and $12 million. They developed a pen that worked at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, in practically any surface including crystal and in a temperature range from below freezing to over 300 degrees C.

为了解决这个问题,太空总署花了十年时间和一千两百万美元发明了零重力下、上下颠倒拿著和在水中都能使用的笔,且能在任何一种表面书写,能耐受零度以下到摄氏 300 度以上的笔。

7. The amount of energy for latent heat released and ultrasound speed measured at the zone of maximum ice crystal formation were respectively about 72% of total input energy and 63.64% of ultrasound speed range during the freezing process.

试验结果显示,牛肉在冻结过程的中心温对应时间曲线中,冻结点附近潜热特性明显,在 0 ~- 5 ℃之间则冰晶最大生成带特性明显。

8. freezing的意思

8. January arrives at 2 month in 2008 on 12th 12th, He Ping Xiang suffers to the large area frost disaster, entire countryside suffers loss to varying degrees, the people of Shiroishi Village bridge group drinks a project suffering freezing long range encroachment, damaged waterpipe unable usage, the masses life uses water to be in a paralysis, ice melts water during the past more than one months without exception by melting drink, recover since not having a fund, the masses can only carry water to the place besides one kilometre solving with water problem at present.

2008年元月12日到2 月12日,和平乡遭受到大面积的冰冻灾害,全乡遭受不同程度的损失,白石村桥顿组人饮工程遭受冰冻的长期侵害,水管破损无法使用,群众的生活用水处于瘫痪,一个多月来均靠融冰化水饮用,由于没有资金恢复,目前群众只能到一公里之外的地方挑水解决用水问题。

9. Generally 10-15 minutes of freezing will be necessary to obtain a suitable area of tissue destruction.


10. A compulsory administrative measure, such as restriction of personal freedom or the sealing up, distraint or freezing of property, which one refuses to accept


11. freezing在线翻译

11. In case of sealing up, distraint and freezing of property and causing damage or destruction to the property, compensation shall be paid according to the provisions of (3) and (4) of this Article


12. Article 28 Where the property rights of a citizen, legal person or other organization are infringed upon and damage is caused, it shall be dealt with according to the following provisions:(1) in case of imposition of a fine or penalty, recovery or confiscation of property, or expropriation of property and article, or appointment of expenses in violation of the provisions of the state, the property shall be returned; (2) in case of sealing up, distraint and freezing of property and causing damage or destruction to the property, compensation shall be paid according to the provisions of (3) and (4) of this Article; (3) in case of damage to the property which should be returned, the original state shall be restored if it can be done.


13. Has a low freezing point, high boiling point, no corrosion, no scale, rust, bacteria, non-volatile characteristics such as low temperature is particularly suited to cold regions, the four seasons to truly become a common environment-friendly products.


14. A low freezing point, boiling point, no corrosion, no scale, rust-proof, Fang Jun, non-volatile characteristics, particularly suitable for use in low-temperature freezing, the four seasons to truly become a common environment-friendly products.


15. freezing

15. Solid grains in complex flow geometry can be represented by freezing randomly distributed DPD particles which have reached equilibrium state. To increase computational efficiency, only the boundary DPD particles within one cut-off distance from the flow region are frozen. A thin layer in the flow region next to the solid boundary is used to bounce mobile DPD particles in this layer back to the flow region.


16. Coating could strengthen the water holding capacity of Large Yellow Croaker during salt water partial freezing.


17. A device for determining molar mass with freezing point depression was improved, which consists of the Dewar bottle, sample container, Beckmann thermometer, and motor stirrer.



18. A device for determining molar mass with freezing point depression was improved, which consists of the Dewar bottle, sample container, Beckmann thermometer, arid motor stirrer, Before the experiment, the freezing point of the coolant was controlled about 2℃ below the freezing point of the sample solution by adjusting the composition of the coolant.


19. Crush some ice down and mix it with a small amount of common salt to produce a freezing mixture.


20. The salt water is cooled by the ice, and the action of the salt on the ice causes it to melt, absorbing latent heat and bringing the mixture below the freezing point of pure water.


freezing 词典解释

1. 极冷的;冻得彻骨的

If you say that something is freezing or freezing cold, you are emphasizing that it is very cold.

e.g. The cinema was freezing.


e.g. ...a freezing January afternoon.


2. (人)感到极冷的,冻得要命的

If you say that you are freezing or freezing cold, you emphasizing that you feel very cold.

e.g. 'You must be freezing,' she said.


3. 同 freezing point

Freezing means the same as freezing point .


e.g. It's 15 degrees below freezing.

温度为零下 15 度。

freezing 单语例句freezing

1. Freezing cold has swept across the city of Beijing and the temperature has dropped to nearly zero degree by day.

2. Strip down to your underwear in - 2 C, run a lap in the freezing cold and your worries will be gone.

3. He voiced concern that freezing weather may cause transportation problems during the period.

4. Freezing weather with a steep drop of over 12 or even 14 Celsius degrees in temperatures is forecasted to strike most parts of China.

5. Snow and freezing temperatures delayed flights across northern Europe on Monday, frustrating travellers trying to get away for Christmas and putting pressure on airline shares.

6. The difference between freezing New York City and warm Cancun is truly climatic.

7. All 109 students in this school are suffering from freezing coldness in the classroom due to a coal shortage for heating.

8. Bystanders throw cold water over the contestants, who drink copious amounts of sake in an effort to stop from freezing.

9. It was a bit like that cosy feeling of drinking hot chocolate after coming in from a freezing cold hike in October.

10. A British court has issued an injunction " freezing " as much as $ 12 billion in assets.

freezing 英英释义


1. the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid

Synonym: freeze