

perpendicular:[英 [ˌpɜ:pənˈdɪkjələ(r)] 美 [ˌpɜ:rpənˈdɪkjələ(r)] ]



perpendicular 基本解释

形容词垂直的,成直角的; 直立的,险陡的; [建]垂直式的; 〈谑〉直站着的

名词垂直线,垂直面; 直立,直立姿势,廉直; 垂直测器,锤规; [建]垂直式建筑,绝壁

perpendicular 相关例句


1. It takes courage and strength to climb up the perpendicular cliff.


2. The two lines are perpendicular to one another.



1. perpendicular在线翻译

1. The pillar had been restored to the perpendicular.


2. perpendicular是什么意思

2. The wall is out of the perpendicular.


perpendicular 网络解释


1. 垂直:这里还有两个选项:垂直(perpendicular)和成角(atangle). 当连续方式选择相切或者曲率连续时,可以对面的边缘进行混合连接. 1、侧面校准(AlignProfiles):要求两条线必须在同一个世界平面上,且必须是世界坐标的正投影面. 在命令行中输入alignprofiles,

2. 正交:东芝的新1.8寸硬盘有2种不同容量,较小者为40GB,较大者则为80GB,该公司以正交(Perpendicular)纪录方式成功在单张1.8寸直径的盘片上创造出40G的容量,储存的效率较现行产品高37%.

3. 互相垂直:二,新授 如果 2 条直线相交成直角,那么这 2 条直线互相垂直.(perpendicular),[p[:p[n5dIkjUl[]互相垂直的 2 条直线的交点叫做垂足(foot of a perpendicular) 如图两条直线互相垂直,可表示为 a⊥b 于点 O 或表示为:AB⊥CD 于点 O.

4. 垂直的:Parallel lines 平行线 | Perpendicular 垂直的 | Pythagorean theorem 勾股定理

perpendicular 双语例句

1. The effect is that of a force, perpendicular to the plane, acting on the magnetic pole.


2. A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion produced in the vicinity of the end of an extra half plane of atoms within a crystal. The Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line.


3. In the direction perpendicular to the rolling plane convex curve was continuous basic cylindrical or conical roller to prevent roller and raceway contact points to the stress concentration.



4. A perpendicular magnetic recording disk has an improved recording layer of a granular CoPtCr-based ferromagnetic alloy with inter-granular material made up of one or more oxides of Cr and one or more oxides of one or more of a segregant of Si, Ta, Ti, B, Nb or Hf, wherein the amount of oxygen present in the recording layer is greater than about 22 atomic percent and less than about 35 atomic percent.


5. perpendicular的反义词

5. The stifle shows good functional angulation, and hock to heel is short and perpendicular to the ground.


6. The metatarsi are short, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear.


7. Besides factors from itself, influential factors of hyperpycnal flow include the N-S tidal current which perpendicular to the effluent.



8. It was the predominant strong uniaxial crystalline anisotropy, which is perpendicular to the hexagonal plane of the particles, and strong positive interparticle interactions that led to the above extraordinary remanence properties.


9. The Gd-Co films reported here were prepared by radio frequency sputtering and have been proved to have uniaxial anisotropy perpendicular to the film plane.


10. There is high precision in the model experiment of sloping plate and the RTP field errors are less than 0.001 nT. In the model experiments of single and multi-sphere, we can obtain the better RTP results using the DCT method when the magnetic dip is 5°, and the results are excellent when the dip is 15°.The shape of contour line, the maximum and the plane location of magnetic model are all good comparing with the theoretical anomalies when the model is perpendicular magnetization.

在倾斜板状体模型实验中,化磁极误差小于0.001 nT,具有较高的精度;在单球体及多球体模型实验中,采用基于DCT的化磁极方法在5°倾斜磁化时就可以取得较好的化磁极结果,15°时化磁极的效果更加明显,其等值线的形态、幅值以及所反映的磁性体的水平位置都得到较好的恢复;这说明,采用本文方法进行化磁极时,可以取得较好的效果。

11. Thirdly, vessel cell wall was a multilamellate structure, which CMfs orientation of each wall lamellate was perpendicular to cell axis.


12. One of the thrust faces is completely flat and perpendicular to the axis of the bearing pin.


13. perpendicular的解释

13. As the fractionize of user demand, perpendicular search is being used by user acknowledge gradually.


14. Multi-ply parquets with their perpendicular grain each other layer overcome the anisotropy of natural lumber, also enhance the balance and stability of products.


15. This article unifies on a portal type hoist crane box beam lap's inclined X-ray dog-legged single shade crack detection, analyzed X has shot in the field of lines the mutually perpendicular two uniform thickness steel plate transmission.

本文结合一台门式起重机箱形梁上盖板的倾斜 X 射线双壁单影探伤,分析了 X 射线场内相互垂直的两块等厚钢板透照。

16. Each section of S cut by a plane perpendicular to the x axis...


17. On the preheating cladding layer, the eutectic austenite dendrite growth is changed from beginning the perpendicular border of cladding pool to intermediate section of layer.


18. The relaxation back to equilibrium of the component of the nuclear magnetization which is perpendicular to the magnetic field.


19. The hocks are strong, well let down (approximately one-third the overall length of the leg), and perpendicular.


20. A magnetic field B is applied perpendicular to the side wing, as shown by the solid arrow in the figure.

已知边翼的长度为 L,离导线的距离为 d,外加恒稳磁场场强为 B,方向与边翼垂直,如图中实线箭头所示。

perpendicular 词典解释

1. 垂直的;笔直的

A perpendicular line or surface points straight up, rather than being sloping or horizontal.

e.g. We made two slits for the eyes and a perpendicular line for the nose...


e.g. The sides of the loch are almost perpendicular.


2. 垂直(于)的;成90度角的

If one thing is perpendicular to another, it is at an angle of 90 degrees to it.

e.g. The left wing dipped until it was perpendicular to the ground.


perpendicular 单语例句perpendicular的解释

1. The Lamma IV suddenly turned perpendicular with it's stern pointing to the bottom of the ocean.

2. Its unique features include " branch cities " - fortifications built perpendicular to the main stretch - and pyramidal parapets.

3. A distinctive red perpendicular strip is on the middle of its body.

perpendicular 英英释义


1. an extremely steep face

2. a cord from which a metal weight is suspended pointing directly to the earth's center of gravity

used to determine the vertical from a given point

Synonym: plumb line

3. a Gothic style in 14th and 15th century England

characterized by vertical lines and a four-centered (Tudor) arch and fan vaulting

Synonym: perpendicular styleEnglish-GothicEnglish-Gothic architecture

4. a straight line at right angles to another line


1. extremely steep

e.g. the great perpendicular face of the cliff

2. at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line

e.g. a vertical camera angle

the monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab

measure the perpendicular height

Synonym: vertical

3. intersecting at or forming right angles

e.g. the axes are perpendicular to each other