

barley:[英 [ˈbɑ:li] 美 [ˈbɑ:rli] ]


barley 基本解释

名词大麦; 大麦粒; 麦子


barley 相关例句


1. barley

1. Can you tell barley from wheat?


barley 网络解释

1. 大麦:主要用來調酒的榖類威士忌,以大麥(Barley)、稞麥(Rye)或玉米(Corn)為主要原料,經蒸煮、發酵後,以柱型蒸餾器大量生產,再經陳年、混配後裝瓶上市,口感比較溫和柔順.


2. 大麦百粒大麦百粒:legacy-遗产 遗产拿给谁 | barley-大麦大麦百粒 | prostitute-娼妓 娼妓怕死的偷偷干

3. 大麦 农业 中压:4 Lichen苔藓 农业 中压 | 5 Barley大麦 农业 中压 | 6 Hop蛇麻草 农业 中压

barley 双语例句

1. Barley Grass is rich in vitamins.


2. barley什么意思

2. The Barley And Wheat Grass Are Harvested At The Peak Of Their Nutritional Value In The Fertile Nasu Highlands Of Japan.


3. barley是什么意思

3. Young Barley Grass Powder strengths body`s normal cellular immune responses to revitalize body self-protect functions.


4. barley是什么意思

4. Clinical research shows that the abundant source of antioxidant in Young Barley Grass Powder helps revitalize liver functions from further deterioration.


5. barley在线翻译

5. Meanwhile a multi-locations trial was conducted to determine β-glucan content of 10 barley content in each location for two successively...


6. The results showed that there were significant differences in protein content and grain weight among barley cultivars and growing locations.


7. When the Fire-wood was burnt pretty much into Embers, or live Coals, I drew them forward upon this Hearth, so as to cover it all over, and there I let them lye, till the Hearth was very hot, then sweeping away all the Embers, I set down my Loaf, or Loaves, and whelming down the Earthen Pot upon them, drew the Embers all round the Out-side of the Pot, to keep in, and add to the Heat; and thus, as well as in the best Oven in the World, I bak'd my Barley Loaves, and became in little Time a meer Pastry-Cook into the Bargain; for I made my self several Cakes of the Rice, and Puddings; indeed I made no Pies, neither had I any Thing to put into them, supposing I had, except the Flesh either of Fowls or Goats.


8. The results showed that:(1) 5'-nucleotide contents in yeast autolysate was slightly increased by adding RNase frommalted barley roots; (2) higher pH did not improve the 5'-nucleotide contents even in the presence of RNase from malted barleyroots, but at the pH 8.0, the addition of Acalase could increase the final yield, soluble protein contents and 5`-nucleotide inthe presence of RNase from malted barley roots.


9. 40 Then let briers come up instead of wheat and weeds instead of barley.

31:40 愿这地长蒺藜代替麦子、长恶草代替大麦。

10. barley在线翻译

10. Let thistles grow instead of wheat, and cockle instead of barley.


11. Then let the thistles grow instead of wheat and noxious weeds instead of barley!


12. May thorns come forth instead of wheat, And pungent weeds instead of barley.

31:40 愿这地长出蒺藜代替麦子,长出恶草代替大麦。

13. It`ll be spring soon, and the Orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket and they`ll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields.



14. Those most heavily dosed in descending order were grassland, wheat, spring barley, dessert apples and culinary apples.



15. White suddenly spring barley, such as blowing up the night, in the end there barley whitening whitening effect, by studying a bar!



16. Romer W%Schenk H Influence of genotype on phosphate uptake and utilization efficiencies in spring barley 10.1016/S1161-0301(97)00061-0 European Journal of Agronomy, 1998, null

陆庆 钾营养对不同水稻基因型物质生产和光合作用的效应浙江农业大学学报,1999,3

17. barley的反义词

17. However, frost or low temperature frequently occurring in spring affects barley grain production significantly, because the plants at reproductive stage are quite sensitive to low temperature.


18. The qualities of main crop varieties of winter wheat, spring wheat, winter highland barley, spring highland barley and spring rape in 5 southern agricultural and postoral regions in Tibet have been analyzed, the results of which show that wheat varieties in Tibet have, compared with wheat varieties in Yellow-Huai region and Weihe Plain subregion, high thousand-grain weight, low natural. weight, low protein and wet glutenin contents, poor stability of rheology and poor quality, and also the differences among...


19. 300 pieces of idioplasm resources of the Tibetan edible cultivation spring naked barley is identified for characteristic of shape, agronomic characters, rust-resisting property and grain thick protein, β-grape polymerization sugar and Vitamin E and so on from the Tibetan different region, which are analysed result in, for one thing, multiplicity of Tibetan spring naked barley is quite rich for the variation of the awn, leaves and the grain color, and multiple property are highest; Secondly, it has some fine hereditary characters of early maturation, big spike, many grains, many arrises and the strong anti-rust quality; Thirdly, genetic potential which is used possibly is enormous for characteristic of dense spike, exiguous spike, naked grain, the hook awn, short stem, the anti-rust and so on; Fourthly, thick protein, β-grape polymerization sugar and Vitamin E of grains are rather difference to environmental condition of the various areas.


20. barley的意思

20. The increments of organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in soil were 3.05~3.06g/kg, 0.06~0.07g/kg and 0.01~0.26g/kg, respectively. Spring wheat-spring highland barley or spring highland barley-winter wheat rotation also was benefited to raise soil fertility.


barley 词典解释

1. 大麦

Barley is a grain that is used to make food, beer, and whisky.


e.g. ...fields of ripening wheat and barley.


barley 单语例句barley的近义词

1. The small cafeteria is a home away from home for many visitors, to relax drinking barley wine and chatting with friends.

2. Tsamba is a unique Tibetan staple food made of highland barley flour.

3. AMRO said Tsingtao's average barley price could increase this year by 50 percent in China, the largest beer market by volume in the world.

4. Grains such as wheat and barley contain moderate amounts of inulin as do bananas - the riper the better.

5. French malting barley exporters are trying to lower their transportation costs by using containers to ship barley to China.

6. Locals can also never forget a special porridge made of scrambled rice, which is full of the fragrance of barley tea.

7. A Japanese brewery on Tuesday said it was planning the first " space beer, " using offspring of barley once stored at the International Space Station.

8. Tsingtao ingredients include the highest quality hops, as well as the finest yeast and barley imported from Australia and Canada.

9. Potassium bromate is in form of white powder and is also used in treating barley in beer making.

10. On the other side of the road, wheat and Tibetan barley lie neatly bundled on endless fields.

barley 英英释义


1. a grain of barley

Synonym: barleycorn

2. cultivated since prehistoric times

grown for forage and grain