

chairman:[英 [ˈtʃeəmən] 美 [ˈtʃermən] ]


过去式:chairmanned;   过去分词:chairmanned;   现在分词:chairmanning;   复数形式:chairmen;

chairman 基本解释

名词(主持会议的)主席; 委员长; (委员会的)委员长; (公司等的)董事长



chairman 网络解释

1. 委员长:委员长(Chairman)的爱好委员长(Chairman)的详细信息委员长(Chairman)的社交圈委员长(Chairman)的公司委员长(Chairman) 处于扩展网络中委员长(Chairman)的简介委员长(Chairman) 的好友圈(顶部 6)委员长(Chairman) 有 47 个好友.

chairman 双语例句

1. chairman是什么意思

1. But the Chairman of the Committee Howard Berman said Ankara had to come to terms with its history.

但是该委员会主席Howard Berman表示,安卡拉应该接受自己的历史。


2. Universal's long time Chairman, Stacey Snyder, left Universal in early 2006 to head up DreamWorks.

环球的长任主席,Stacey Snyder,在06年初离开环球而改任主管梦工厂。


3. However, we would like to address special thanks to the curator-organizer and Chairman of Xylon, Sweden, artist Chun Lee Wang Gurt.


4. Hair 泽 east chairman`s Chuang of strict announce the People`s Republic of China, central people government establish, and rose personally the first five planets red flag.


5. chairman

5. The hair 泽 east chairman's Chuang of strict announce the People's Republic of China, central people's government to establish, and rose in person the first noodles five planets red flag.


6. Zhuang Yan, Chairman Mao Zedong declared the People's Republic of China, the Central People's government set up and personally raised the first Five-Star Red Flag.



7. Until now, Malakun is unable to provide details about how many Kadazan, Dusun and Murut people are holding key positions in Sabah when challenged by Sabah DAP Chairman Dr.


8. As the Chairman directs, the Joint Staff also may assist the other JCS members in carrying out their responsibilities.

如主席指示,联合的职员也可能协助其他 JCS 成员实行他们的职责。

9. chairman的翻译

9. She disclosed it to JCS Chairman Hugh Shelton and DCI George Tenet, and in both instances drew blanks.


10. Brown and chairman Adam Pearson criticised Cairney forusing an unlicensed agent and he was dropped from the side to face Arsenal, although the manager insisted the two were not linked.


11. chairman的解释

11. The Chairman PAAPAM, Aslam Malik said that this is a very important and effective programme and would enable us to compete much better in the increasingly competitive global market.

主席PAAPAM ,阿斯拉姆马利克说,这是一个非常重要和有效的方案,并会,使我们能够更好,在竞争日益激烈的全球市场。

12. Only if we support, in order to create an integrated economic system, as long as the integration of economic system would be to establish domestic and foreign government, consortia, banks, investors, the strong support we can have money to carry out the financial value-added, stock value, brand value-added operation, Kmart filed for bankruptcy protection in 2002, Lampert as chairman of the board in 2003 out of bankruptcy protection in 2004, the annexation of big mouth open to 11 billion U. S. dollars acquisition of Sears - Roebuck, challenges Wal-Mart.


13. chairman的解释

13. Michael Cohl, the company's chairman, is quitting after a bust-up with Michael Rapino, a protégé whom he brought in from the brewing business and later made chief executive of Live Nation.

与首席执行官迈克尔·拉皮诺闹翻后,公司董事长迈克尔·科尔辞去了职务。作为门徒,迈克尔·拉皮诺被迈克尔·科尔从酿酒行业带进音乐界,后来当上了Live Nation的首席执行官。

14. By Zhang Huazhu, Chairman, China Atomic Energy Authority


15. Even a solid vote by the Senate to give Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke another four-year term didn't remove enough uncertainty to push the market up.


16. On March 7th, accompanied by Handson Chengdu, Directors from Handson Shanghai, Sparch and the Chairman of The Blackford Trust came a long way to attend the inauguration of Community Flower Project in Xiezi Village, Chong Zhou, Si Chuan.

3月7日,远道而来的牵手上海负责人,Sparch 设计公司董事及其夫人和The Blackford Trust 主席在牵手成都的安排与陪同下重返崇州薤子村,与当地政府官员一同参加了心灵之花项目的落成典礼。

17. Zhang Sizhong of Health in March 1958, Republican village township small water. 1985 Northwest Normal University graduate studies in the Department of Education. From 1974 to 1993, successively as the Office of the Director-General Jingyuan Normal School, secretary of the Communist Youth League, vice chairman of the Senate, the chief of the student level, and so on. From 1993 to 1995 successively as deputy director of the Office of the District Hirakawa, experimental schools, such as lead director of the Office of the post office in 1995 Hirakawa, a secondary school principal. In 2000, he served as secondary school principals Hirakawa (vice-county).

张思忠 1958年3月生,共和乡小水村人。1985年西北师大教育系进修毕业。1974至1993年,先后任靖远师范学校办公室干事、团委书记、教务副主任、学生科科长等职。1993至1995年先后任平川区委办公室副主任,实验中学筹建办公室主任等职,1995年任平川中学校长。2000年,任平川中学校长﹙副县﹚。

18. At the same time, the chairman was abusing some abstract and absurd reasons to explain what he had said.


19. chairman

19. It is confimed that t he Mareva injunction is still on, since the Securities Commission, Malaysia, Chairman Datuk Zarinah on 12 August 2008 confirmed that they are trying to resolve the RM35 million Swisscash monies case as soon as possible.

可以肯定一点,国际刑警的禁令至今是有效的,由于 SECCOM 主席 Datuk Zarinah 在2008年8月12日确认他们正尽可能快时间解决3500马币的 SC 案子的问题。

20. Notice disclosure, the chairman Wong Kwong Yu in the United States on April 18 and the placing agent GoldmanSachs LLC entered into a distribution agreement, according to the allocation of not less than the price for each share placing 17.00 Hong Kong dollar Wong Kwong Yu, a wholly-owned company held by the ShinningCrown The 125, 430, 000 shares, the total amount of nearly 1.9 billion.


chairman 词典解释

1. (委员会、组织机构的)主席;(公司)总裁

The chairman of a committee, organization, or company is the head of it.

e.g. Glyn Ford is chairman of the Committee which produced the report...


e.g. I had done business with the company's chairman.


2. (会议、辩论的)主持人,主席

The chairman of a meeting or debate is the person in charge, who decides when each person is allowed to speak.

e.g. The chairman declared the meeting open...


e.g. I hear you, Mr. Chairman.


chairman 单语例句chairman在线翻译

1. China Business News reported yesterday that Barclays Plc Chairman Marcus Agius said the bank hopes to become an investment manager for CIC.

2. But as the influential chairman and general manager of the joint venture, Zong appears an inseparable driving force behind the entire Wahaha business.

3. The presidents of the seven business groups will report directly to chairman and CEO Jack Ma.

4. " We are targeting untapped markets in the downstream petrochemical segment, " company chairman Fu Chengyu told China Business Weekly.

5. The party was presided over by Jia Qinglin, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee.

6. The government was disappointed by the appointment of white UK national John Parker as chairman last week.

7. Treasury Secretary John Snow and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan convinced them China was about to act on currency reform.

8. Thursday's ministerial conference is expected to pass the two action plans and issue the chairman's statement.

9. Today's ministerial conference is expected to pass the two action plans and issue the chairman's statement.

10. The volunteers are of the highest caliber, said BOCOG Chairman Liu Qi.

chairman 英英释义


1. the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization

e.g. address your remarks to the chairperson

Synonym: presidentchairwomanchairchairperson


1. act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university

e.g. She chaired the department for many years

Synonym: chair