

limelight:[英 [ˈlaɪmlaɪt] 美 [ˈlaɪmˌlaɪt] ]


过去式:limelighted; limelit;   过去分词:limelighted; limelit;   现在分词:limelighting;

limelight 基本解释

名词众人注意的中心; (不)是公众关注的中心,(不)引人注目; 石灰光,石灰光灯; 白炽灯


limelight 相关例句


1. She has long held the limelight in the dramatic world.


limelight 网络解释

1. limelight在线翻译

1. 舞台生涯:(Limelight)是1952年查尔斯.卓别林经典喜剧作品,被称为卓别林情感交际、有血有泪的自传式写实电影,本片的主题曲为卓别林制作,旋律悠美动人,扣人心弦.

2. limelight

2. 石灰灯:其实不少学者早已研究如何用人造光线辅助摄影,早于 1839 年,已有科学家利用石灰灯 (limelight) 为显微镜影像曝光到银版摄影片 (daguerreotype) 之上,需时 5 分钟,比自然曝光所需的 30 分钟快了许多.


3. 舞台灯光:并与之合写了第二张专辑里的歌曲. 之后他又当了MV导演,再后来就成为电影导演. 如今的他还同时负责监制(The O.C.)、(看专业剧评)(Chuck)、(Limelight)等多套剧集,堪称全面开花的多面手.

limelight 双语例句

1. She so much wants to be in the limelight too.


2. limelight

2. Appear in public; show oneself; show one's head; be in the limelight



3. Potential problems of celebrity status are not much of a determent to those seeking limelight.


4. limelight是什么意思

4. But on September 3rd it was the European Commission that grabbed the limelight.


5. I need the stage, to be on tour and also all this limelight.


6. I do good things not to seek the limelight, but to serve everyone.


7. I'm really glad they are getting a chance to enjoy some of the limelight too because they really did all the hard work for THK.


8. If this girl is the cynosure of all eyes, her younger sister too can attract the limelight.


9. limelight的意思

9. One of the most publicity-shy characters in the world of private finance, Mr Desmond hates the limelight and rarely comments on his extensive portfolio of investments, which he describes as 『eclectic』. They range from London`s City airport to the exclusive Sandy Lane hotel resort in Barbados.


10. limelight的解释

10. Just as those systems faced challenges after their time in the limelight, so does the Nordic model.


11. Stealing the limelight on the red carpet this year were the judges, led by Chinese director Ang Lee, who will be the jury chairman for this year's festival.


12. He is likely to be thrusted into the national political limelight.


13. It's the Jihadis who steal a lot of the limelight, with their spectacular suicide attacks.


14. The person gifted in many ways, high aspiration and ambition, like to win, like to be in the limelight, do not like to be controlled, like to help people, have strong sense of justice.


15. I hated the limelight and found it unbearable.


16. The FIFA World Player for the past two years found the limelight dominated by somebody else.


17. limelight的反义词

17. But after Brazil had defeated Japan 4-1 to secure a Round of 16 meeting with Ghana, the FIFA World Player for the past two years found the limelight dominated by somebody else.


18. Mouse potatoes joined couch potatoes, google officially became a verb and drama queens finally found the limelight when they crossed over from popular culture to mainstream English language.

Mouse potato跟couch potato走到一起;google正式成为一个动词;drama queen(小题大做、大惊小怪的人)终于得到关注。这些词语终于登堂入室,从通俗文化行列转入英语主流语言。

19. limelight

19. He often reminds himself not to be a man under limelight. Power and nobility are vainness that he is eager to abstain from.


20. limelight什么意思

20. She's afraid this new actor will steal the limelight from her.


limelight 词典解释

1. 公众注意的中心

If someone is in the limelight, a lot of attention is being paid to them, because they are famous or because they have done something very unusual or exciting.

e.g. Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.


limelight 单语例句limelight

1. Swimming suits and lingerie shows always catch the limelight at fashion weeks.

2. The fictitious story struck a chord with so many people that the right to having pets was thrust into the limelight of controversy.

3. Stealing the limelight from domestic designers'shows, five shows by foreign designers pushed the fashion week to a climax last weekend.

4. Michael also says Dylan is so desperate to be in the limelight he often performs his own comedy routines and sings along to Elvis tracks.

5. Famed ballet The Red Detachment of Women is again in the limelight, but this time for a courtroom drama and story that stretches across generations.

6. The discreet Zidane will not mind being out of the limelight once his playing days are over.

7. The presence of leaders from about 100 countries will stage a diplomatic feast and bring China again to the limelight of world attention.

8. More recently, it is the financial matter that has been in the center of the media's limelight.

9. Accepting the limelight now puts the first twins on more even footing with some of their famous cousins.

10. Gaga has also slammed shows that thrust new artists straight into the limelight, claiming they should spend time nurturing their talent.

limelight 英英释义


1. a lamp consisting of a flame directed at a cylinder of lime with a lens to concentrate the light

formerly used for stage lighting

Synonym: calcium light

2. a focus of public attention

e.g. he enjoyed being in the limelight

when Congress investigates it brings the full glare of publicity to the agency

Synonym: spotlightglarepublic eye