

porter:[英 [ˈpɔ:tə(r)] 美 [ˈpɔ:rtə(r)] ]



porter 基本解释

名词门童; 搬运工人; (医院里护送病人的)护工; (尤指卧铺车厢的)列车服务员

porter 相关例句


1. The porter let them in.


2. Give your bags to the porter.


3. He once worked as porter in a commercial bank.


porter 网络解释

1. 搬运工:如果你要一位搬运工(porter)帮忙,还要给他每件行李$1的小费. --机场旁边往往就有旅馆. 你可以用电话询问价格. 如果价格显得昂贵,你也应该与乘出租车进城找旅馆的费用作比较之后再作决定,

2. 行李搬运工:(1)根据走道上的指示走到候机厅(Terminal)领行李处,依电脑屏幕指示找到自己班次的行李招领台. (3)机场备有手推车,一辆1元. 也可以找行李搬运工(porter)代劳,小费一件1元.

porter 双语例句

1. In this method, Field vector are first sampled on the certain plane, and then the existed scattering modal voltages are obtain by means of orthogonal expanding integration. Those scattering modal voltages are used as sources to calculate the boundary condition at the porter plane of the waveguide, thus the finite element method time domain can carry out for every time iterative step.



2. Porter:Is this the train you travelled on, sir?


3. porter

3. Porter: I don't want to go to jail.


4. Moreover, the porter is further treated as the presentation of the alienated reality, and a much soberer reality, rather than an element of fantastic.


5. porter

5. They begin to fight against feodal porter heads under the leadership of Underground Communist Party.


6. So they came and called unto the porter of the city: and they told them, saying, We came to the camp of the Syrians, and, beh

7:10 他们就去叫守城门的,告诉他们说,我们到了亚兰人的营,不见一人在那里,也无人声,只有拴着的马和驴,帐棚都照旧。


7. So they came and called unto the porter of the city: and they told them, saying, We came to the camp of the Syrians, and, behold, there was no man there, neither voice of man, but horses tied, and asses tied, and the tents as they were.

7:10 他们就去叫守城门的,告诉他们说,我们到了亚兰人的营,不见一人在那里,也无人声,只有拴著的马和驴,帐棚都照旧。

8. So they came and called unto the porter of the city: and they told them, saying, We came to the camp of the Sy***ans, and, behold, there was no man there, neither voice of man, but horses tied, and asses tied, and the tents as they were.

7:10 他们就去叫守城门的,告诉他们说,我们到了亚兰人的营,不见一人在那里,也无人声,只有拴着的马和驴,帐棚都照旧。

9. porter

9. Certain strange habits: arriving at the hour when other people are taking their leave, keeping in the background when other people are displaying themselves, preserving on all occasions what may be designated as the wall-colored mantle, seeking the solitary walk, preferring the deserted street, avoiding any share in conversation, avoiding crowds and festivals, seeming at one's ease and living poorly, having one's key in one's pocket, and one's candle at the porter's lodge, however rich one may be, entering by the side door, ascending the private staircase, --all these insignificant singularities, fugitive folds on the surface, often proceed from a formidable foundation.



10. Starting tomorrow, back to the quarters in preparation for trekking and backpacking to discuss J donghaengin Extract only one large backpack, and be sure to take the rest of the things you need to keep putting us as a small backpack each jimeojil Porter holds only one divided by two to one keunbaenang Porter decided to hire one day and $ 6 for dinner, and by the time I decided to accompany us and to meet Bonnie Porter Gokul Tamang name of the foreigner's name during a trekking Goodness Goodness me paste it using the name of a 26-year-old young man somewhat waesohan ttamangjok.

明天开始,回到宿舍,准备徒步旅行和backpacking的讨论j donghaengin提取物只有一个大背包,并务必将其余的东西,你需要不断地把我们作为一个小背包,每个jimeojil波特认为,只有一分由12时58 keunbaenang波特决定聘用一天至600晚餐,并经过一段时期,我决定陪伴我们,并满足邦妮波特gokul塔曼姓名的外国人的名字在一个徒步善善箱贴用的名字今年26岁的青年男子有点waesohan ttamangjok 。

11. porter什么意思

11. PORTER BIBB: It is strictly a niche market.


12. The'taxi'is a small Swiss aeroplane called a'Pilatus Porter'.


13. I once dreamed that I was there with Harry Porter, studying and living in the magic world. It was a nice dream in which we tried our best to defeat the evil together and maintain the peace of the magic world.


14. Porter has been edited and re-edited for 35 years with the 11th edition published last year.


15. Our money, etc., F剑圣get two, one捶背, a rubbing legs, female raising two magic guide, a porter, a beauty contest, animal get two, one to pull carts, a water.


16. The group portrait, The Screen Porch, is one of Porter's best-known works because it has often been exhibited.


17. The Screen Porch was Porter's largest canvas to date, 79.579.5, and was the first of a series of ambitious works in square format and life-size scale


18. She had a beard. She was an ideal market-porter dressed in woman's clothes.


19. To make matters worse, Porter doesn't get along with his new cellmate, most likely because the guy is an epically notorious mass murderer.


20. The Australian team arrived at their hotel late at night. Team manager Les Avory was incandescent. `There was no night porter so the team had to unload 86 pieces of luggage.

澳大利亚队是在一天深夜抵达酒店,主教练Les Avory满腔怒火地说:酒店里竟然没有值夜班的门房,结果我们的球员不得不自己动手,把车上86件行李给卸了下来。

porter 词典解释

1. 看门人;门房

A porter is a person whose job is to be in charge of the entrance of a building such as a hotel.

in AM, use 美国英语用 doorman

2. (火车站或宾馆的)行李员,搬运工

A porter is a person whose job is to carry things, for example people's luggage at a railway station or in a hotel.

3. (列车卧车的)服务生

A porter on a train is a person whose job is to make up beds in the sleeping car and to help passengers.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 attendant

4. (医院运送病人的)护工,勤杂工

In a hospital, a porter is someone whose job is to move patients from place to place.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 orderlyporter 单语例句porter的翻译

1. Our porter is gaunt and short but carries our luggage at a clip and arrives by the quayside before we do.

2. Porter wouldn't comment on whether the Chinese exporters will appeal the ruling.

3. Porter said the area designation is one of the shortcomings and the organizers can work out better access for different people.

4. Bricker later resigned from her job as a Porter County 911 dispatcher, officials said.

5. He has been going to job fairs in the morning and working in the afternoons as a porter making 70 to 80 yuan per day.

6. Residents were not allowed to drive into one of Porter Ranch's gated communities because officials wanted to keep roads clear for emergency vehicles.

7. " The dryness I don't think will affect her ability to play tennis, " said Porter.

8. Griffith started out working as an actor for Porter and learned much about moviemaking and film editing from him.

9. Russell portrayed spirited college student Felicity Porter in " Felicity " for four years.

10. " Dogs are man's best friend, " Porter told the Herald Sun.

porter的反义词porter 英英释义


1. a very dark sweet ale brewed from roasted unmalted barley

Synonym: porter's beer

2. someone who guards an entrance

Synonym: doorkeeperdoormandoor guardhall portergatekeeperostiary

3. a railroad employee who assists passengers (especially on sleeping cars)

Synonym: Pullman porter

4. a person employed to carry luggage and supplies



1. carry luggage or supplies

e.g. They portered the food up Mount Kilimanjaro for the tourists