

physically:[英 [ˈfɪzɪkli] 美 [ˈfɪzɪkəlɪ] ]


physically 基本解释

副词物理上; 体格上,身体上; 完全地

physically 反义词


physically 相关例句


1. Some religions suppose that there is a Heaven physically above the earth.


2. After his vacation he was in fine condition both physically and mentally.


3. It is physically impossible.


physically 网络解释

1. 身体上:面对真正基因上,身体上(physically)有着一种恶的趋向的人社会怎么去应对,怎么去管理. 面具男的只是be himself,难道做自己就俨然成了恶,这个时候引人向善就可以起作用么?想起了发条橙子(the clockset orange),讲诉的同样是类似族群的问题.

2. 肉体上:斯大林解决这个问题的手段颇原始,但效率极高,也就是从肉体上(physically)对党进行脱胎换骨的改造. 这方式乃是最容易想到的,因此无论是毛泽东、是邓发、是夏曦还是张国焘,当然都要本能地采用这明快简洁手段.

3. 实际:不过不会是在这一章节中.换句话说,这一章节所谈的,全部是指发生在编译结束后的连结(linking).当你用的是一静态的程式库时,连结器会找出程式所需的模组(bits),然后实际(physically)将它们拷贝到执行档内.然而,

physically 双语例句

1. Not the usual greasy dark guinzo husband but crew-cut blond, huge golden-haired forearms and broad shoulders and thin waist. And he knew he was physically stronger than any of those so-called hard guys that worked for the family.


2. Part of the larger constellation of Ursa Major, the bright dipper stars above are named Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar/Alcor, and Alkaid. Of course, stars in any given constellation are unlikely to be physically related.



3. Part of the largerconstellation of Ursa Major, the bright dipper stars above are named Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar/Alcor, and Alkaid. Of course, stars in any given constellationare unlikely to be physically related.


4. I sit and think, and the oly thing that best explains it is that we needed to be together physically.


5. physically的反义词

5. Still spry at 78, Wu Meizhi balances two loads: her grandchild and a frame for making paper —a craft that keeps older women contributing to the community for as long as they're physically able.


6. However, the woman he met was nothing physically that she had led him to imagine.


7. The act of physically reaching or thrusting out.


8. After consultation with my team and doctors, I decided to take the difficult decision to withdraw from both tournaments so that I can give my body a chance to rest, rehabilitate and fully recover from a physically challenging year.


9. physically的近义词

9. Upon technical inspection, the container is cargo worthy physically, and refrigerating motor is functioning well.


10. Upon technical inspection, the container is cargo worthy physically, a nd refrigerating motor is functioning well.


11. physically什么意思

11. In my opinion, the really happy people are those who are physically and mentally healthy people.


12. In fact, I have always thought that mall do not have any specific reference to the template, we have to match the surrounding environment, look for your target market, the scope of radiation, consumer groups, which have a commercial shopping district of the Business area, the number of proportion, Performance index, and then analyzes the characteristics of their own projects, such as building structure, the idea of planning, product positioning, and so on, have to do a full range of considerations, the project should not take business model sets, otherwise it will enter the Trader errors in commercial operation, On the one hand, the project requires a rational analysis of the business, on the other hand, also need experience of perceptual knowledge, Therefore, the practical is the most important, and sometimes I often take the university to open a convenience store when the state of mind to do, your location, the allocation of goods, customer needs analysis, competitor analysis, the source of profit analysis, staff management, Each of you has a bearing on the vital interests of the past, so convenience stores to the tired physically and mentally exhausted, and now do professional managers, but relaxed pleasure, why, in large measure because we do not have to do in-depth market analysis, there is no To go from a financial point of view to measure inputs and outputs, In a way, we copy the model and set of formulas that this is the blind authority, and that is scientific, not a matter of fact, what professional, non-professional planning, planning is not professional, lead to a large number of commercial real estate projects and idle Waste, Who's fault also?


13. A novel solvent N -methylmorpholine- N -oxide is used in the Lyocell process of textile industry to physically dissolve cellulose. Chemical degradation of cellulose can be avoided so the natural characteristics of cellulose are satisfactorily preserved.

借鉴纺织行业Lyocell纤维制备过程中采用的溶解方法,以 N -甲基吗啉- N -氧化物为溶剂物理溶解纤维素,制备出了新型纤维素膜,并对其性能进行了测试。

14. We hand-pick each and every diamond and coloured gemstone especially for you, we do not hold a stock of stones, our gemmologist goes out to the open market each day and physically views and chooses stones for you and you only.


15. The change came during and after the second World War, the result of the dislocation of families both physically and spiritually


16. Not only is he just 17, he is physically slight and, they maintain, susceptible to poor advice.


17. Physically, a bus is a set of wires, The components of the computer are


18. physically的近义词

18. Along with the obscurantist language, bribe-taking culture around the world often involves the avoidance of physically handing the money from one person to another.


19. In the 20 years of a career in medicine career, he was physically disabled orthopedic, pediatric cerebral palsy clinic in its way to innovation carried out, such as minimally invasive Achilles tendon lengthening and improving triple arthrodesis, improving the peroneus longus transfer operation and a series of patients type, opened up a new era of micro-orthopedic surgery, with minimal trauma, bringing the maximum recovery of limb function to relieve the patient's pain.


20. It`s a way to reach an ad-allergic audience and get it not only to notice your brand but to physically interact with it, to live it.


physically 单语例句physically的意思

1. The grandmaster played the program without physically moving chess pieces on a board or pressing the button of a chess clock.

2. While the more religious individuals were more physically active and also less likely to smoke, these differences didn't account for their better lung function.

3. Now he has decided to create his characters from the ground up, planting calligraphy gardens where the public can physically involve themselves in his work.

4. One ACSM study showed that motivation to be physically active was higher when sports - instead of just exercise - were involved.

5. However he did smile and sign autographs for the physically strong fans who managed to muscle their way to railings guarding the red carpet.

6. It's physically demanding for a groom to carry his bride down the stone steps to the wedding car.

7. If physically abusing the authority figure is the way to go, the Cultural Revolution would have been a cultural nirvana instead of the catastrophe it was.

8. He insisted that the charge against him was unsubstantiated, and that he had suffered mentally and physically during the detention.

9. The creation of more online services for the physically challenge will add to that proof.

10. Worst of all, child labor prohibits children from healthy growth both physically and psychologically.

physically 英英释义


1. in accord with physical laws

e.g. it is physically impossible