

nasal:[英 [ˈneɪzl] 美 [ˈnezəl] ]



nasal 基本解释

形容词鼻的; 鼻音的

名词鼻骨; 鼻音字母,鼻音

nasal 相关例句


1. We breathe through the nasal passage.


2. nasal什么意思

2. He was suffering from nasal catarrh.


3. His voice is very nasal.


nasal 网络解释

1. nasal的意思

1. 鼻音:然而,只要对高音作稍许的衰减,便会使倍频程高段的空气感减弱,与之同时减弱的还有原已变得有些模糊不清的声场尖声(peaky),声染色(colorred),胸音(chesty),闷声(boxy),鼻音(nasal),拥挤(congested),嗡声(honky)以及重声(thick).

2. 鼻骨:人类鼻子外面部分主要是用于支撑的,大部分由鼻骨(nasal)和上颚骨(maxillary bones)以及软骨(cartilages)组成的. 里面的部分,鼻腔(nasal cavity),被划分为两个较小的腔叫做鼻窝(nasal fossae)以及鼻中隔(nasal septum)(一个分隔的软骨和骨头).

3. 鼻的:narrow tube 小直径管 | nasal 鼻的 | nasal airway 鼻腔导气管


4. 鼻的, 鼻音的:scythe 长柄大镰刀 | nasal 鼻的, 鼻音的 | nostrum 万应灵药,传家宝

nasal 双语例句

1. Materials and Methods MRI data of 8 cases with ossifying fibroma in nasal cavity and nasal sinuses confirmed pathologically were analyzed retrospectively.


2. nasal的解释

2. The RMS amplitude of the mfVEP of glaucomatous eyes descends, especially in center zone and superior nasal quadrant.


3. Results there were loss and down of the cilia, increasing of the master cell, lympha cell and EOS, hyperplasia of basal cells, and increased height of the cylindric cell in different degree in nasal mucosa of AR. Although the nosal mucosa of nomal and negative control groups shown the much typical appearance of a pseudostraified columnar ciliated epithelium or basal layer, without cilia loss and increasing of inflammatory cell.


4. nasal是什么意思

4. Baby has a nasal hemangioma, in more than a month when she did go to the hospital X-ray radiation therapy (Nanjing Institute of treatment the skin), and now has five and a half months of the baby.


5. nasal是什么意思

5. Negus(1929), Kelemen(1938 and 1948), DuBrul(1958), and many others have concluded from this that only man was capable of conducting the glottis-produced sounds through the oral cavity, whereas other primates had the sounds directed through their nasal cavity.

Negus(1929),Kelemen(1938 and 1948),DuBrul(1958),还有其他人,认为只有喉头盖发音是在口腔发音部位。其他的灵长类则是用鼻子发音。

6. The paper has made a complete and thorough discuss on the pertinence of Biqiu disease coming on with Zhongqi, emphasizing that Zhongqi plays an important role in maintaining the regular physiological function of nasal cavity, and the steering effect of Zhongqi theory to the prevention and cure of Biqiu.


7. It belonging to lung and stomach meridian is warm in nature and pungent in flavor and has the action of expelling Cold and clearing the nasal passage, so it stands important in nose department.


8. nasal是什么意思

8. Objective: To assess the infiltration and activation of eosinophils in nasal polyps.

目的 :观察鼻息肉组织中嗜酸性粒细胞浸润和活化状况,探讨嗜酸性粒细胞在鼻息肉发病机制中的作用。

9. nasal

9. Results: Nasal crusts in group A were obviously fewer than in group B at week 4 after surgery.


10. Results Before treatment, in esotropic eyes, the latencies of P100 wave evoked through nasal retina...



11. Methods:318 children with OSAHS without antiaditis in the recent one year and without deflection of nasal septum, rhinitis, posterior naris stenosis, tongue body hypertrophy and etc.


12. Methods:318 children with osahs without antiaditis in the recent one year and without deflection of nasal septum, rhinitis, posterior naris stenosis, tongue body hypertrophy and etc. all cases were divided into two groups randomly, the cases with only one tonsilla ectomy and adenoidectomy was the reforming group, the other cases was the control group.


13. The compound essential oil of the invention has the effects of anti-allergy, dispersing lung-qi, relieving stuffy nose, arresting nasal mucus, relieving sore throat and arresting cough, which is used for the treatment of cold, allergic rhinitis, allergic pharyngitis and other diseases.


14. nasal的解释

14. Objective:To report 2 cases of the rare disease-the dentigerous cyst on the floor of nasal cavity and explore etiology, the method of diagnosis and treatment.


15. Nasal decongestants for example, oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, phenylephrine, ephedrine are applied directly to the inside of the nose.

鼻解举例来说,羟甲唑啉,xylometazoline ,去氧肾上腺素,麻黄素是直接适用于内牵着鼻子走。

16. Nose drops and sprays containing decongestants such as xylometazoline (eg Otrivine nasal spray, Sudafed nasal spray) can be bought over-the-counter to treat a blocked nose.

滴鼻液和鼻子喷雾含有解充血药成分。可直接通过药店购买到的丁苄唑啉(Otrivine和Sudafed 鼻子喷雾)对鼻塞有一定缓解效用。

17. Specific sites of involvement include the parasellar region, cerebellopontine angle, and facial region, especially the sphenoethmoid, maxillary, and posterior nasal-subsphenoid regions.

累及的特异部位包括鞍旁、桥小脑角区、面颅骨尤其是蝶筛、上颌骨和posterior nasal-subsphenoid区。

18. B. Wind-heat syndromeManifestations: High fever with mild chilliness nasal obstruction sweating distending pain over the head congestion of the throat sore throat cough with thick or yellow sputum thirst thin-yellow tongue coating and superficial and rapid pulse.


19. nasal在线翻译

19. The end of the line? said 4th Sun-she in a nasal tone, with the long Chinese pipe still in his mouth.



20. When she spoke, her voice had a high-pitched, nasal twang.


nasal 词典解释

1. 鼻的

Nasal is used to describe things relating to the nose and the functions it performs.


e.g. ...inflamed nasal passages.


e.g. ...nasal decongestant sprays.


2. 带鼻音的;有鼻音的

If someone's voice is nasal, it sounds as if air is passing through their nose as well as their mouth while they are speaking.

e.g. Her voice was nasal and penetrating...


e.g. She talked in a deep nasal monotone.


nasal 单语例句

1. My doctor gives me nasal sprays to stop my running nose but he warns me that the medicine is composed of steroids.

2. The US team have tested their nasal vaccine in monkeys and found that it prevented SARS infection with a single dose.

3. The huge amounts of dust that sandstorms carry challenge the filtering function of nasal mucus and the lungs.

4. Special treatments to flush out the nasal passages are also helpful as they moisten the membranes and remove blockages.

5. About a third of Hong Kong's population suffers from asthma, while about 8 percent suffers from nasal allergy.

6. They include throat lubricants and nasal strips to keep the nose open, and they are usually touted in glowing terms.

7. There are treatments that range from pills and nasal inhalants to shots that trick your immune system into accepting the pollen.

8. Although the drug was injected into the rats, in human tests for impotence it takes the form of a nasal spray.

9. The researchers are currently studying whether topical steroid medications can treat or prevent migraine in people with nasal allergies.

10. NEW YORK - Many people with nasal allergies suffer from migraine headaches as well, new research indicates.

nasal 英英释义


1. an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose

Synonym: nasal boneos nasale

2. a consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed

Synonym: nasal consonant


1. sounding as if the nose were pinched

e.g. a whining nasal voice

Synonym: adenoidalpinched

2. of or in or relating to the nose

e.g. nasal passages

Synonym: rhinal