

harsh:[英 [hɑ:ʃ] 美 [hɑ:rʃ] ]


harsh 基本解释

形容词刺耳的; 残酷的; 粗糙的; 严厉的,严格的


harsh 同义词


harsh 反义词




harsh 相关例句


1. The harsh light hurt my eyes.


2. He was subjected to the harshest possible conditions.


3. He had no harsh words or even criticism.


harsh 网络解释

1. 粗糙:或者 是,如果你的拾音器声音比较粗糙(harsh),你可以考虑选用声音比较温暖的琴身. 第三:虽然洋槐(koa),斑马木(zebrawood)及其他一些外国木材可以制作精美的家具 ,而事实上几乎所有世界上最成功最有自己特色的吉他大师们还是使用平常的木材诸如 白蜡,

2. 严酷的,严厉的;难听的:diversion 消遣,转移 | harsh 严酷的,严厉的;难听的 | frontier 前沿,新领域;边境

3. 严酷的;刺耳的:note 指出;记录 | harsh 严酷的;刺耳的 | odds 可能性,机会;冲突

harsh 双语例句

1. harsh的解释

1. But plant physiologist Wendy - Bowes and from North Carolina State University microbiologist Amy - Grant firmly believe that they can produce in such a harsh environment for plants to survive.


2. Buddhism's eight-fold path towards enlightenment focuses on controlled speech, controlled behavior, and abstinence from killing, lies, harsh words, intoxicants, sexual misconducts, stealing and the like.


3. The result may seem to be harsh on the owners who made plans in reliance on the first notice, but it would appear that the High Court was persuaded that charterers should not be deprived of the use of the ship for the full charter duration when the 30 day notice of redelivery was expressed to be approximate.



4. And 2007 was a particularly harsh year for the company when, in three separate incidence, a bus lost its wheels, a driver lost control in a winter storm, and a driver high-centered a bus at a toll booth on the Mass Pike.

而2007年,对于该公司而言,又是一个大害年。因为其先后发生了三起严重的事故:一辆公交车在行驶过程中轮胎脱落,一名司机在冬天的暴风雨天气下驾驶失控,还有就是一名司机高速驾驶以至于冲入在 Mass Pike 的一个收费亭。

5. In the harsh living environment of the enemy-occupied area, the hometowns in the poems were grieved.


6. In harsh environment, the precision measurement of the axis angle is critical for the development of space system. The factors such as temperature variations and platform vibration severely limit the accuracy and life time of axis angle measurement device in space.


7. The plum blossom can stand up to the harsh winter and demonstrate its beauty.


8. Short and glossy, ranging from fine and close to slightly harsh with no feathering.



9. He is a harsh boss, and ask his men to be loyal and devoted.


10. He is a harsh boss, ask his employees loyal and develop to him.


11. harsh

11. Indeed, from the Angle of physiology, they are not too harsh, but many people bought them for a fee, the rush?


12. harsh的近义词

12. This harsh landscape, sometimes called the African Alps, is the only home of the endangered gelada baboon.



13. M-Folia conditioning cream rinse is designed to nourish and give body to the hair without the use of harsh chemicals and with an emulsified solution of mahonia aquifolium to revitalise the scalp.

的M -植被调理霜冲洗,旨在培养,并给予组织,毛将焉而不使用苛刻的化学品,并与乳化解十大功劳aquifolium振兴头皮。

14. harsh的意思

14. Moses spoke thus to the people of Israel, but they did not listen to Moses, because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery.


15. Also, my self-reproach is more harsh than many other people's.



16. They may be appropriate for someone that has damaged hair and who finds standard shampoos too harsh.


17. harsh

17. Many laws found in the preceding two chapters are reiterated, but here we find the penalty involved with the various violations, and in many cases it was death. These punishments may seem harsh, but we have to remember the time period in which they were given and the type of people and customs of those days.


18. However, the brave young man took the harsh blow in stride. He decided to devote whatever time he had left to his dream of building his own school.


19. It is true that he was harsh to none of us, but I perceived that he tacitly condemns us.


20. The scientists mimicked a space environment by freezing the mixture to temperatures close to absolute zero, then exposing it to harsh ultraviolet radiation.


harsh 词典解释

1. (气候或条件)艰苦的,恶劣的,严峻的

Harsh climates or conditions are very difficult for people, animals, and plants to live in.


e.g. The weather grew harsh, chilly and unpredictable.


e.g. ...the harsh desert environment.



...the harshness of their living conditions.


2. (言行)严厉的,无情的

Harsh actions or speech are unkind and show no understanding or sympathy.

e.g. ...the cold, harsh cruelty of her husband...


e.g. He said many harsh and unkind things about his opponents.



She's been told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison...


'Why didn't you tell me before?' asked Hunter harshly.


...treating him with great harshness.


3. 粗陋的;刺目的;粗糙的

Something that is harsh is so hard, bright, or rough that it seems unpleasant or harmful.

e.g. Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light.


e.g. ...harsher detergents that can leave hair brittle.



...as the wine ages, losing its bitter harshness.


4. (声音)刺耳的,难听的

Harsh voices and sounds are ones that are rough and unpleasant to listen to.

e.g. It's a pity she has such a loud harsh voice.



Chris laughed harshly.


Then in a tone of abrupt harshness, he added, 'Open these trunks!'.


5. (现实、真相)残酷的,无情的

If you talk about harsh realities or facts, or the harsh truth, you are emphasizing that they are true or real, although they are unpleasant and people try to avoid thinking about them.


e.g. The harsh truth is that luck plays a big part in who will live or die.


harsh 单语例句

1. The defense has tried to get the charge reduced, saying the act doesn't merit such harsh punishment.

2. The SOA's rare harsh criticism of COPC in early August probably heralds a legal action for much heavier indemnity.

3. But that doesn't mean the mainland censor's decision is harsh.

4. While the government is adamant in pursuing a crackdown on illegal structures atop village houses, indigenous villagers are furious that the authorities have been overly harsh on them.

5. He became addicted after indulging himself in drink to escape from harsh reality, where he failed to rise in the world of officialdom.

6. Parents only reveal their incompetence and antiquated mentality by resorting to harsh measures to rid their kids of their Net addiction.

7. Waterboarding is a harsh interrogation technique that involves strapping down a prisoner, covering his mouth with plastic or cloth and pouring water over his face.

8. Harsh and dark colors left my paintings and cloths, giving way to their pastel and joyous sisters.

9. The gloom of the real estate market has thus far delivered a harsh blow to the coffer revenues of the local governments.

10. Others predict cases built on hearsay evidence or confessions obtained through harsh interrogations would collapse or could never be brought to trial.

harsh 英英释义


1. sharply disagreeable


e.g. the harsh facts of court delays

an abrasive character

Synonym: abrasive

2. severe

e.g. a harsh penalty

3. unkind or cruel or uncivil

e.g. had harsh words

a harsh and unlovable old tyrant

a rough answer

Synonym: rough

4. unpleasantly stern

e.g. wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus

the nomad life is rough and hazardous

Synonym: rough

5. disagreeable to the senses

e.g. the harsh cry of a blue jay

harsh cognac

the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes

harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway

6. of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles

e.g. coarse meal

coarse sand

a coarse weave

Synonym: coarse