

portray:[英 [pɔ:ˈtreɪ] 美 [pɔ:rˈtreɪ] ]


过去式:portrayed;   过去分词:portrayed;   现在分词:portraying;

portray 基本解释


及物动词描绘; 描述; 画像; 描画

portray 相关例句


1. Who portrayed king Lear?


2. Dickens portrayed his characters to the life.


3. Her book portrays her stepfather as a cruel man.


4. portray的翻译

4. He portrayed King Lear in the play.


portray 网络解释

1. 描写:[写作指导] 描写(Portray)就是用生动、形象的语言将人物、事物、景物等的特征和性质活灵活现地刻画或描绘出来,使读者如见其人、如闻其声、如临其境. 为了使人或事物的特征跃然纸上,我们往往在写文章时把叙述和描写结合起来.

2. portray什么意思

2. 你可把蓝图心里:纵使别人一千遍Copy, | 你可把蓝图心里Portray, | 将爱的真谛细致Embody,

3. 画像,描绘:portentous 奇特,不祥的 | portray 画像,描绘 | proceed 继续,进行

portray 双语例句

1. portray什么意思

1. Our aim is to portray Sincere's as worldwide department stores, as well as a source of culture, history and art.


2. David Tennant, the stage name of David MacDonald, (born 18 April 1971) is a Scottish actor, from Bathgate, West Lothian, best known as the tenth actor to portray the Doctor in the television series Doctor Who.

大卫麦克唐纳,艺名David Tennant生于1971年4月18日),是一位苏格兰男演员,来自西洛锡安(位于英国的Bathgate,是广为人知的在电视系列剧中扮演某位医生的第十位男演员。

3. But when it does not simply try to fare better in the market of images, its purpose seems to be more to exorcize than to portray.


4. And then, perhaps, our artists will develope a new conscience, will throw over all the cumbrous machinery of merely curious representation, and will seek to portray only the essential elements of things.



5. As long as you believe you are beautiful you will portray a natural beauty from within.


6. Love In The City 2 is to be released in 2007. Kangta will portray the life of a successful CEO with a dull life.

男才女貌2》将于2007年播出,剧中Kang Ta将扮演一位事业成功却生活单调的CEO。

7. Artists such as Masaccio strove to portray the human form realistically, developing techniques to render perspective and light more naturally


8. Artists such as Masaccio strove to portray the human form realistically, developing techniques to render perspective and light more naturally.


9. It's not easy to portray flesh and blood.


10. You would portray Israel and you compare it to the rest of the Middle East.


11. It is a marketing tool and can help portray a positive image for your company or website.


12. I just wanted to know what you were most trying to portray between Bette and Tina in this episode.


13. I understand their point of view. But we portray both good and bad Chinese; it's not that they are all bad.


14. What Image Do You and Your People Portray?


15. The second section deals with freedom of literature and portray of classics.


16. Classic horror films, at their heart, feel a deep sympathy for the monsters they portray; simply and affectingly, Edward Scissorhands lays that heart bare.

Bret Fetzer 经典恐怖电影的心,在他们,觉得这些怪物深切同情,因为他们描绘;简单affectingly,剪刀手爱德华规定的心脏裸露。

17. portray

17. Goth is a style of architecture, of music, of portray, of life.


18. LIFE was pleased to portray Saud and his court as bumblers who slept in tents and ate whole sheep.


19. It is wrong to portray us as satanic when you are not aware that paganism is a nature-based belief.


20. Someone who has truly spoken to ascended masters would portray humility.


portray 词典解释

1. 扮演;饰演

When an actor or actress portrays someone, he or she plays that person in a play or film.


e.g. In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of 'Camelot'.


e.g. ...the busty and rumbustious Mrs Hall, excellently portrayed by Toni Palmer.


2. 描绘;描述

When a writer or artist portrays something, he or she writes a description or produces a painting of it.


e.g. ...this northern novelist, who accurately portrays provincial domestic life.


e.g. ...the landscape as portrayed by painters such as Claude and Poussin.


3. 表现;刻画

If a film, book, or television programme portrays someone in a certain way, it represents them in that way.

e.g. She says the programme portrayed her as a 'lady of easy virtue'.


e.g. ...complaints about the way women are portrayed in adverts.


portray 单语例句portray是什么意思

1. The president's initial TV ads portray Bush as the nation's caretaker in troubled times.

2. Art historians have long believed that the stone carvings portray the tomb owners in their life after death in ancient China.

3. Depp will portray Barnabas Collins, a vampire living in a Maine manor who is searching for his lost love.

4. Tibetan oil painter Tsewang Tashi uses the colors of rose and lavender to portray the intense gaze and shimmering skins of his subjects.

5. These films not only portray the truths of local societies and humanity, but they also explore the many creative features of contemporary documentary filmmaking.

6. Liu reveals that he was so close to the things he wanted to portray that he feared his description would result in distortion.

7. The US operates its warships worldwide, apparently as deterrence and to portray itself as the champion of freedom of navigation.

8. Kevin Spacey is set to portray Richard III in an upcoming production directed by Sam Mendes.

9. Lawyers for Olivier sought to portray their client as the terrorized wife of a domineering husband.

10. A spate of bad news at the weekend underlined what the Obama campaign will portray as Republican mishandling of economic affairs.

portray 英英释义



1. portray in words

e.g. The book portrays the actor as a selfish person

2. make a portrait of

e.g. Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba

Synonym: depictlimn

3. represent abstractly, for example in a painting, drawing, or sculpture

e.g. The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting

Synonym: present

4. assume or act the character of

e.g. She impersonates Madonna

The actor portrays an elderly, lonely man

Synonym: impersonate