

twentieth:[英 ['twentɪəθ] 美 [ˈtwɛntiɪθ, ˈtwʌn-] ]



twentieth 基本解释

名词二十分之一; (某月的)二十日

形容词第二十的; 二十分之一的



twentieth 网络解释

1. 第二十:nineteenth第十九 | twentieth第二十 | thirtieth第三十

2. 第十二:twelfth第十二 | twentieth第十二 | twin 双胞胎之一

3. 第二十的:eleventh 第十一的 | twelfth 第十二的 | twentieth 第二十的

4. twentieth的近义词

4. 第二十个:第十二个 twelfth | 第二十个 twentieth | 旅行,旅程 journey

twentieth 双语例句

1. Throughout the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities.


2. twentieth的反义词

2. Her office is on the twentieth floor of the tall building.


3. The Twentieth Spirit is Purson, a Great King.

第二十届精神,是purson ,一个伟大的国王。

4. twentieth的翻译

4. With 25 years of experience in practice concentrating on high-end gardens in the Vancouver area and in Washington sate and a dedication to garden history, Rule approached the design with a set of ideas bridging an early-twentieth-century English garden and a tropical resort.


5. twentieth

5. The outstanding feature of the Grapes of Wrath is its photographically detailed, if occasionally sentimentalized description of the American farmers of the Dust Bowl in the midthirties of the twentieth century.


6. The outstanding feature of the Grapes of Wrath is its photographically detailed, if occasionally sentimentalized deion of the American farmers of the Dust Bowl in the midthirties of the twentieth century.


7. twentieth什么意思

7. But have been invariably unsuccessful Criticisms on Dreiser began with the publication of Sister Carrie in 1900 and have been numerous in the first half of the twentieth century Methodologically, these early critics employ the traditional biographical and historical approach finding parallels in the author's life, society and his works.


8. Ann Sumner由奥利弗费尔克拉夫, 安女士萨姆纳 Hudson Hills Press, 02/2009, 176 pages, English哈得孙山出版社, 02/2009, 176页, 英语 Show synopsis 展览简介 In the early part of the twentieth century, two extraordinarily forward-thinking Welsh women, Gwendoline and Margaret Davies, amassed a collection of work by the most important names in the Realist, Naturalist, Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, and Fauvist movements at a time when modern art, especially French art, was largely ignored in Britain.


9. His creation of the mobile and stabile is the great contribution to twentieth-century art and culture.


10. Because of their premillennial eschatology fundamentalist evangelicals have been particularly supportive of the restoration of the Jewish people to Israel and of Israel itself in the twentieth century.


11. In the late twentieth century, the process of economic globalization has become an unchangeable tide.


12. The term eugenics is often used to refer to movements and social policies influential during the early twentieth century.


13. twentieth的意思

13. East, south garden city move west 7 Building, built in the early twentieth century, sitting east to west, to the ground floor, partial two-story, basement, Mao stone foundation, brick-wood structure, villa covers an area of 11 mu, building area of 483.95 square meters, flat rectangular, wooden beams, iron tile roof, the east has a high level, the building European-style shape, covers an area of large, beautiful environment, is the best modern buildings in Beidaihe.


14. twentieth的反义词

14. My birthday is on the twentieth of August.


15. When`s your birthday My birthday is on the twentieth of August.


16. His birthday is on the twentieth of July.



17. Hat world population will pass six billion by the end of the twentieth century.


18. Auguste Perret (1874-1954) was a great French architect during the nineteenth century and the twentieth century.


19. There has been much philosophical debate in the twentieth century as to the degree to which ordinary language reveals the structure of the world to us and the degree to which it obscures the structure of the world from us.


20. twentieth什么意思

20. Bernard Leach was involved with the Japanese mingei movement in the early part of the twentieth century.


twentieth 词典解释

1. 第二十

The twentieth item in a series is the one that you count as number twenty.


e.g. ...the twentieth century.

20 世纪

2. 二十分之一

A twentieth is one of twenty equal parts of something.

e.g. A few twentieths of a gram can be critical.


twentieth 单语例句

1. The Dictionary of Soldier Talk says GI was used for the words galvanized iron in a publication about the vehicles of the early twentieth century.

2. The ketogenic diet was developed in the first part of the twentieth century.

3. Twentieth Television says whether Criss'character and Kurt become romantically involved has yet to be decided.

4. But many twentieth century experts rejected the idea that Mary Magdalene was once a prostitute.

5. The film screened to great acclaim for movie theater executives on Thursday, said Twentieth Century Fox executive Rick Myerson.

6. The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the twentieth century.

7. Friedman was one of the twentieth century's leading economists, a Nobel Prize winner who made notable contributions to monetary policy and consumption theory.

8. The Ferrari 458 limited edition sports car, event equipments and facilities for the Ferrari twentieth anniversary were all gone.

9. Wang added that the academy's database will include cultural relics looted by foreign archaeologists in the early twentieth century.

10. The country's per capita GDP is only one twentieth of that of the United States, but it costs about the same to go to the cinema.

twentieth 英英释义


1. position 20 in a countable series of things



1. coming next after the nineteenth in position

Synonym: 20th