

interim:[英 [ˈɪntərɪm] 美 [ˈɪntərɪm] ]


interim 基本解释


形容词暂时的,临时的; 期中的

名词间歇,过渡期间; 临时协定

interim 相关词组

1. in the interim : 在这期间, 在过渡期间;

interim 网络解释

1. 暂时的:但是,第39号国际会计准则还只是一项暂时的(INTERIM)金融工具确认和计量会计准则,距离IASC金融工具会计准则的终级目标(核心是以公允价值计量金融资产和金融负债)还有一段路要走.

2. 中期:在这种情况下,您需要在税务年度底,填写一份申报个人所得税表格(IR3),待国税局收到表格后会根据您的学生贷款计算出您下一年以及下一年中期(interim)所需要偿还的数额,并且您必须在下年度2月7日前(或者如果您有税务代理,

3. interim什么意思

3. 暂时:金哥占卜者(augur),e加螺丝钻(auger)里面四牛在暗示(insinuate),前面mate灵长类(primate)里面书店在安装(install),里面仍然在滴注(instill)中间有门是监禁(intern),我在中间是暂时(interim),中间说话要禁止(interdict),

interim 双语例句

1. The deadline set password is also very important, disable some obvious interim accounts is also very clever approach.


2. interim在线翻译

2. In cases where interim accounts are sent to the Engineer, the Contractor shall send a final account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event.


3. The Committee shall meet prior to the finalization of the interim and year end accounts to discuss any issues arising from them.


4. Dto monitor integrity of financial statements of the Company and the Company`s annual report and accounts, interim report and quarterly reports, and to review significant financial reporting judgments contained in them.


5. In reviewing the Company`s annual report and accounts, interim report and quarterly reports before submission to the Board, focusing particularly on


6. Responsible for the transport of finished formulation and delivery of finished product shipped to plan, manage our customers located in the vicinity of the interim library (library accounts and transit costs).


7. In case where interim accounts are sent to the Engineer, the Contractor shall send a final account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event.


8. Working Drawings are the basis of the interim statement and the interim payment certificate.


9. II. The 2007 Interim Report of the Company has been reviewed by the accounting firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian and PricewaterhouseCoopers in accordance with the Chinese Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards respectively.


10. The firm willissue standard and unqualified opinion review reports after the Interim Report has been approvedby the Audit committee of the Board and the Board of Directors.

二、公司 2007 年中期报告已经普华永道中天会计师事务所和罗宾咸永道会计师事务所分别根据国内和国际审阅准则审阅,经稽核委员会及董事会批审后,将出具标准无保留意见的审阅报告。

11. II. The 2007 Interim Report of the Company has been reviewed by the accounting firms ofPricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian and PricewaterhouseCoopers in accordance with the ChineseAccounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards respectively. The firm willissue standard and unqualified opinion review reports after the Interim Report has been approvedby the Audit committee of the Board and the Board of Directors.


12. China CITIC Bank 28 in 2009 interim results conference, said the bank loan would be released the second half of the existing aggregate slight increase in compression ratio discounted assets, optimize credit structure, right into the real economy to maintain an effective business loans continuous running.


13. Interim government officials say they are investigating 200 crimes allgedly committed by members of the previous government.


14. interim的翻译

14. But that fact is acknowledged in the consultation paper. The sub-committee does not pretend that its interim proposals will offer a solution to every problem.


15. interim什么意思

15. Shen Gaosu has announced its interim results for 2009, the company the first half operating income of 560 million yuan, increased 12.4% over last year in the first half, net profit of 310 million yuan.

深高速 日前公布了 2009 年中期业绩,公司上半年实现营业收入人民币 5.6 亿元,比去年上半年增长12.4%,实现净利润为3.1 亿元。


16. Scheduled for December 23 to convene in 2008 the first interim general meeting of shareholders.


17. An interim meeting of shareholder shall be held within two months in one of the following cases


18. An interim meeting of shareholders shall not take resolutions on matters not specified in the notice.


19. interim

19. In the interim shareholders meeting, the newly appointed director of邹晓春frequently asked only a few small shareholders.


20. An interim shareholders'general meeting may not adopt resolutions on matters not stated in the notice.


interim 词典解释

1. 暂时的;临时的;过渡期间的

Interim is used to describe something that is intended to be used until something permanent is done or established.

e.g. She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.


e.g. ...an interim report.


2. 在过渡期间;在间歇期

In the interim means until a particular thing happens or until a particular thing happened.

e.g. But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order...


e.g. He was to remain in jail in the interim.


interim 单语例句

1. As shown by its interim business report, the company recorded losses over HK $ 300 million.

2. Five Kurdish leaders are on the interim Governing Council, and five Kurds are ministers in the cabinet that was announced two weeks ago.

3. Cable took over as the team's interim head coach early in the 2008 National Football League season.

4. A cardinal should take over interim powers until there is a new pope.

5. Financial Street saw a surge in cash despite a slump in sales in the first half of this year according to the developer's interim report.

6. According to Zhao, the training suspension is just an interim castigation.

7. The chemical fibre maker posted a net loss for 2002 and investors expect another poor showing when it unveils interim results August 28.

8. Zoellick spent an hour with Fallujah's interim city council leaders at a secure military compound in the heart of the city.

9. Thailand has been administered since the coup under an interim constitution that keeps the military in control behind the veneer of temporary civilian rule.

10. The latest was this month when the cleric objected to the interim constitution, delaying the signing ceremony for three days.

interim的反义词interim 英英释义


1. the time between one event, process, or period and another

e.g. meanwhile the socialists are running the government

Synonym: meantimemeanwhilelag


1. serving during an intermediate interval of time

e.g. an interim agreement