

grievance:[英 [ˈgri:vəns] 美 [ˈɡrivəns] ]



grievance 基本解释

名词委屈; 不满; 苦衷; 牢骚


grievance 相关例句


1. grievance在线翻译

1. The trade union leader spoke about the grievances of the workers.


2. A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances.


grievance 网络解释

1. 抱怨:(五)申诉程序应与徵戒(disciplinary)及抱怨(grievance)程序有所四、评鉴人 (一)小学:由法国国家教育总督学处(IGEN)负责*澳洲教育协会(AEU)之参与

2. grievance的意思

2. 申诉:更确切地说,法院的裁决须回应当事人的申诉(grievance)及对方当事人的抗辩;各方当事人必须拥有一个公平的接受听审的机会;每一方当事人必须有权在法庭陈词(have his day in court).

3. grievance

3. 冤情:因为有冤情(grievance)而满怀悲痛(grief)向申诉人(brievant)申诉. C意为:NBAC被授权控制克隆技术的滥用. 国家生物道德顾问委员会(NBAC)的职责是向白宫提出有关克隆人技术的政策性建议. 全文翻译: 当一个苏格兰研究小组透露三个月前他们克隆了一只成年绵羊时,

4. 不满:Miller和Sarat认为纠纷的形成一般有一个发展过程,依次经历不满(grievance)、要求(claim)、纠纷(dispute)、民事诉讼(civil legal dispute)四个阶段. 并不是产生的每一个不满都会发展为诉讼,每一个阶段都只有一部分问题(或者按照习惯说法,

grievance 双语例句


1. For instance, as one more grievance against Rome, he never tires of inveighing against the fact that Pope Marinus I (882-84), John VIII's successor, was translated from another see, instead of being ordained from the Roman clergy.

例如,作为一个对罗马更加不满,他从来没有对轮胎的inveighing的事实,教宗马里努斯口( 882-84 ),约翰八世的继任者,被翻译从另一个见,而不是祝从罗马神职人员。


2. Brothers, put aside the petty grievance that have splintered us for so long.


3. Immediately upon receipt of oral complaint by any staff, should become attentive to the complainant, and should try to understand the grievance.


4. grievance

4. She gave air to her grievance.


5. Only has they to know under the tranquil sea level, has concealed howmany turbulent surge, contained how many grievance with to be bitterand astringent!


6. I want to ask, encounter an user when you when censuring, meet very grievance?


7. Discipline and grievance procedures are used by many organizations to settle disputes and discipline matters such as misbheaviors and misconducts.



8. She will use this as a peg to hang her grievance on.


9. When it did, the victim broadcast his grievance to the world.


10. grievance是什么意思

10. Staying in a strange land keeps disturbing the peacefulness of drifters'minds, provoking the grievance in the privacy of their thoughts.



11. Previously, I think I`m full of passion and enthusiasm. and each day I`m happy and help all kinds of people, observe everyone`s smile and on my long way to school, catch sight of different people in different way, is so funny to me and feel a lot, as a minister in the Student Union in Life Department, I practice myself and improve a lot, my behavior is acceptable by the teacher, my subordinate staff and me become good friend, but now is the working circumstances and we should change our role and use our other aspect to face so, low-pitched and modest, even cautiously. because you must legitimate the people`s relation, and grasp surroundings. hold the opportunity to show yourself and make efforts to let the boss know. to be a person is not an easy thing, coz you must consider all manner of things and people surround u, you are not the only one and compass in the team, at first, I think I`m stupid and don`t know how to do, a kindness uncle found my mistake and analyze the drawback I have been made, in the first instance, I feel so grievance and at a loss, even puzzled. I`m continuously summarize the manner and I finally know and understand it, so only use 3 months, I have a big change, I understand my duty and business and position, I want to be a jack of all trades, and our boss supply a platform to show myself, I`m very thankful and I will do my best to do, every trade has their own rule and proprieties, as a staff in the service industry, is not like in the company, some native intelligence is very indispensable. now I`m accommodate and love my job.

首先谢谢一直以来支持我和关注我的所有朋友们,不管是认识的还是不认识的,自从2006年八月开博以来,blog的兴起也热了一阵,在这里我们遇到了一些朋友,也渐渐的失去了一些东西,但是却把我们最真实的内心反映了出来,有过哭,有过笑,更多的是看到朋友们的评论时那一丝的欣慰和开心,谢谢你们一直都关注我,也谢谢你们陪我走了这么远,虽然人的一辈子不可能总是拥有,但是因为有了你们,让我的生命更加的绚丽多彩,让我从另一个侧面去了解也许一辈子都不会在马路上相间的朋友,让我认识你们的世界,让我看到更多,也想到更多,虽然生活是千变万化的,人也总会变的,但是我不会忘记你们,因为在这里记录了我们成长的足迹,更印证了我们的青春那跳动过的音符,人的一生只有一次,我很幸运也很早的接触到了,也感觉到了,所以真的要谢谢你们,也谢谢我家长让我生活在北京这样一个与时俱进的地方,可以随时吸收新鲜的血液,总之谢谢你们,现在由于海底光缆的问题,msn space 打开的速度很慢,所以我又开通了sohu的blog,希望大家还能象以前那样关注我,msn的我也不会删除,会继续保留,因为sohu的没有msn玩起来那么好玩,所以大家要是想看照片什么的,还是要到msn space里的,谢谢大家支持我~!!

12. That's the time to air any grievance you may have.


13. grievance的解释

13. And what is prejudice, and what is legitimate grievance?


14. I cannot let you think in has the grievance feeling together with me!


15. If your company has a grievance procedure for sexual harassment claims, you should use it.



16. You cannot think that, I have received the big grievance, yes, nobody can know.



17. Take the lead in the Fan Wei of excuse feels from this oneself very grievance, a bit helpless still.


18. They are the Grievance Procedure and Mediation.


19. Eventually there's a defining moment when the target realises that the criticisms have no validity and that they constitute bullying; the target asserts their right not to be bullied, perhaps by initiating a grievance, and the bullying moves into phase two: elimination, which is achieved by dismissal on false charges, ill-health retirement, forced resignation, redundancy, or death from suicide or heart attack due to prolonged negative stress.


20. Ok, whatever, we can sing a song to abreact it when we are sad or endure grievance.


grievance 词典解释

1. 委屈;不满;不平;抱怨

If you have a grievance about something that has happened or been done, you believe that it was unfair.

e.g. They had a legitimate grievance...


e.g. The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.


grievance 单语例句

1. " No cause or grievance can justify such senseless and cruel acts that target innocent civilians, " Annan said in a statement from his spokesman's office.

2. In the Korean War thousands of Chinese soldiers were even namelessly buried abroad, which casts endless grievance on their families and survived companions.

3. The village head reportedly had his grievance against the county government for not allocating the fund he had asked for.

4. Police are trying to determine whether there may have been a previous grievance.

5. Xie claimed the workers'grievance was suppressed by local police and he felt their voices were not being heard.

6. The runaway real estate price in the private market has been a main grievance of the Hong Kong public in recent years.

7. A core grievance was unemployment 22 per cent among young people and double that in some urban neighbourhoods.

8. Zhang said the US Senate publicly voiced a grievance for these criminals and made " irresponsible remarks " on China's punishment on criminals.

9. The Nepalese community planned to stage a protest Sunday to express its sense of grievance over the shooting.

10. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell will ultimately rule on the grievance, but there was no date for a hearing scheduled.

grievance 英英释义


1. a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong that causes resentment and is grounds for action

2. an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes injustice

3. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation

e.g. holding a grudge

settling a score

Synonym: grudgescore