

flora:[英 [ˈflɔ:rə] 美 ['flɔ:rə] ]


  复数形式:floras; florae;

flora 基本解释


名词植物区系; (某地区或某时期的)植物群; 植物志; (大写)Flora:[罗神]花神弗洛拉,弗洛拉(女名)


flora 网络解释


1. 植物区系:植物区系(flora)某一特定地区内生长的植物种类的总称. 如中国秦岭山脉生长的全部植物的科、属、种即是秦岭山脉的植物区系. 它们是植物界在一定自然环境中长期发展演化的结果. 植物区系包括自然植物区系和栽培植物区系,

2. flora的意思

2. 陈慧珊:网易娱乐2月1日讯(图文/CFP) 陈慧珊(Flora)自去年诞下女儿Mira后,专心做全职主妇,只是偶尔接拍广告和出席活动,暂时没有复出拍剧的消息. 最近有传身兼经理人的丈夫钟家鸿,替陈慧珊同时接拍两个同类型的美容广告,而遭诉讼索偿百多万,

3. 弗罗拉:光书 弗罗拉(Flora)的魔道小屋密室里,某个宝箱. 圣文 弗罗拉(Flora)的神秘组织基地,有个女生会卖. 诅咒本 胡尔达(Hulda)商店有卖. 银笔 艾林(Eileen)沙漠绿洲的宝箱,艾林(Eileen)商店也有卖. 骨笔 弗罗拉(Flora)的魔道里面,

flora 双语例句

1. flora

1. Objective To research the function of HUANGGUAXIANG in modulating intestinal flora imbalance, improving the quality of life and raising the survival hydroperitonia mice.

目的 研究黄瓜香等在调节肠道菌群和改善荷瘤小鼠生存质量,提高生存率方面的作用。


2. Dead trees still standing provide cover for much flora and fauna.


3. flora的解释

3. N: it's mainly caused by certain organisms of the oral flora.


4. N: It's mainly caused by certain organisms of the oral flora.


5. N: Its mainly caused by certain organisms of the oral flora.



6. However, the effect of type of toothpaste as well as in inhibiting pathogenic bacteria inhibit some non-pathogenic bacteria, upset the ecological balance of oral bacteria, resulting in flora.


7. If the sick child has a long history of taking antibiotics, antibiotics should be suspended as soon as possible, so that can give support to the normal oral flora to inhibit fungal growth.



8. METHODS: The suspected pathogens and unculturable phylotypes in subgingival oral flora from chronic periodontitis sufferer were detected by PCR based on species-specific ribosomal 16S rRNA gene. A KAPPA calculation was used to analyze the relationship between any two bacterial species.

使用基于16S rRNA基因检测的PCR法,对慢性牙周炎患者龈下菌斑中牙周可疑致病微生物和代表性未获培养微生物进行检测,通过KAPPA检验分析任意两种细菌对间的关系。

9. flora

9. Culture revealed normal oral flora, without candida.


10. flora

10. Records of Lavatera trimestris Linnaeus from the Flora area were based on plants cultivated in Beijing.

Lavatera trimestris在中国的记录是基于在北京栽培的植株。

11. flora的解释

11. Following along as Flora and her dad have a fun-filled day looking at all the animals in the zoo in this beautifully illustrated picture book with ryhming and predictable text.

简 介:本书在描述小女孩到动物园去,逐一看到的动物,本书的插画全都是属於撕画的作品,相当生动。适合3岁以上儿童阅读。

12. The results show that cells of individual human tonsil could produce IFN-γ spo ntaneously owing to the induction by pharyngeal normal flora.


13. In Australia, the tourist will admire a wide array of unique and intriguing fauna and flora, a comfortable and sunny climate, and an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people.


14. Equol is one of the main components of the soy isoflavones, is the metabolic products of daidzin, and about 30% to 50% the crowd can transform daidzin into equol, influencing factors is not entirely clear, the most important factor is the intestinal flora, equol is a more effective biological effects than its prototype, so it has drawn wide attention.


15. flora

15. The otherworldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rare species of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.


16. The other worldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rarespecies of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.


17. flora的翻译

17. The other worldly Dragons Blood Trees and other 700 rarespecies of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean.


18. A possible explanation is that dendritic cells from iliac arteries are better able to sense flagellae because of the abundant bacterial flora that inhabits the gut, Weyand says.

一个可能的解释就是来源于髂动脉的树突细胞对鞭毛更敏感是因为消化道有大量的细菌群落定居,Weyand s说。

19. flora的反义词

19. The project bref as to create a buldng for the nterpretaton of the par`s geology, flora, fauna, people and hstory.


20. The intestinal flora produces ammonia and other breakdown products which areabsorbed and can contribute to hepatic coma.


flora 词典解释

1. (尤指某一地区的)植物群落

You can refer to plants as flora, especially the plants growing in a particular area.

e.g. ...the variety of food crops and flora which now exists in Dominica.


flora 单语例句

1. The beautiful park is like a fairyland with its flora and fauna, making it a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life.

2. As the lake is abundant with aquatic flora, it is thus known by the name of " sea of grass ".

3. The canyon is also a treasure trove of flora and fauna which marries species from both North and South China.

4. The canyon is also a treasure trove of flora and fauna which combines species from both North and South China.

5. Poachers or people wishing to develop land containing sensitive flora or fauna might capitalize on the data.

6. Trade in the coelacanth is banned under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

7. Each note and coin features a flora or fauna design that is virtually unique or endemic to Fiji.

8. Another impressive and unique landscape is offered by the only one of its kind dry coloured flora of the Huyang forest.

9. Flora is a modest woman and asked that her family name not be included in this column.

10. The winding corridors and unique flora contribute to the atmosphere of quiet contemplation.

flora 英英释义


1. (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion

Synonym: plantplant life

2. all the plant life in a particular region or period

e.g. Pleistocene vegetation

the flora of southern California

the botany of China

Synonym: vegetationbotany