

defuse:[英 [ˌdi:ˈfju:z] 美 [diˈfjuz] ]


过去式:defused;   过去分词:defused;   现在分词:defusing;

defuse 基本解释

及物动词拆除(爆炸物)的引信; 减少…的危险性; 使变为无害; 平息,缓和


defuse 网络解释

1. 去掉雷管:defunct 死人 | defuse 去掉雷管 | defuze 拆除雷管

2. defuse的翻译

2. 抚慰:deft灵巧的 | defuse抚慰v | fuse雷管,保险丝

3. 使除去危险性:deep and profound reflections 深刻反省 | defuse 使除去危险性 | demarcation line 划界线

4. 去掉引信:decoy诱饵,假目标 | defuse去掉引信 | destroyer驱逐舰

defuse 双语例句

1. It seems that your efforts to defuse the potential ballots fraud for the benefit of the republican candidate succeed.


2. It is a threat new only in its form; the land mines and delayed-action bombs dropped on Britain in the early years of the Second World War called for experts from all three Armed Services to defuse or detonate them.


3. Concern over a potential liquidity shortage at Greece's private-sector banks fueled a sharp selloff in Greek debt and equity markets Thursday, suggesting that the European Union's efforts to defuse the crisis with a vague promise for an International Monetary Fund-backed rescue have all but failed.


4. The entire management shift was no more than an ornate and expensive way to defuse my power in a socially acceptable manner.


5. defuse什么意思

5. An in service session can familiarize principals with the evaluation process and defuse their anxiety over it.


6. Allow me to defuse an awkward situation.


7. defuse

7. It can be concluded from the above analysis that at the beginning of language, simple linguistic signs, coming from sound imitation, natural exclamation and morphological stimulation, took a strong feature of iconicity, while arbitrariness still existed to a little extent. With time going by, the primitives had to create more linguistic signs to meet their needs of survival and development, so that they arbitrarily related the sound patterns and concepts to conventionalize them as linguistic signs adopted in the whole society. During this period of time, arbitrariness played a more important role, while iconicity still worked as phenomena of phonaesthesia designate. With society developing, human beings found that it was not enough to create new signs at will, so they began to make use of some principles like compound, derivation, etc. to form new linguistic signs, either simple or complex. The linguistic signs formed during this period of time always took a better disguise to be iconic, while no one until now could defuse the contributions of arbitrariness of their formation. From the above investigations, it can be seen that arbitrariness and iconicity interact in the whole process of language development at the level of lexicon. If there were no arbitrariness, human language could not expand at the very beginning.


8. At the same time, the U. S. government from external liquidity into the room to defuse the crisis, inflation will be squeezed.



9. In the original state of the low quality of the real estate loans, commercial banks increased incremental credit risk management and credit risk defuse stock, the initial establishment of a housing credit operations risk prevention mechanisms.


10. Whereas, because of inadequate capacity in litigation parties, insufficient judicial capacity in the Courts, and the limited capacity of social risk defuse, the judicial settlement of disputes in rural areas is not satisfactory.


11. Your mission is to defuse the bomb.


12. He was trying to defuse the bomb.


13. defuse的翻译

13. The bomb squad was able to defuse the bomb before it went off.


14. Someone had to defuse the time bomb or all the passengers on board the ship would be killed.


15. So that the other can stop being a bomb, a source of pain for ourselves and others, you really have to help him to defuse the bomb.



16. Somenone had to defuse the time bomb or all the passages on board would be killed.


17. We will strengthen financial supervision and control, and forestall and defuse financial risks.


18. President Hu this year engaged in bold diplomacy to defuse tensions with Japan and Taiwan alike.



19. How to defuse the risks of banks, so that healthy functioning of the existing financial system.


20. defuse的意思

20. Should you decide to defuse a bomb, don't worry which wire to cut.


defuse 词典解释

1. 化解,缓和,平息(危险或紧张局势)

If you defuse a dangerous or tense situation, you calm it.

e.g. The organization helped defuse potentially violent situations...


e.g. Officials will hold four days of talks aimed at defusing tensions over trade.

官员们将举行为期 4 天旨在消除贸易紧张关系的会谈。

2. 拆除(炸弹等)的引信

If someone defuses a bomb, they remove the fuse so that it cannot explode.

e.g. Police have defused a bomb found in a building in London.


defuse 单语例句

1. The Italian Soccer Federation has suspended Sunday's Serie B and C games as a mark of respect and to defuse any remaining tension.

2. A police officer said officials had earlier sought to defuse the dispute, which is apparently centered on the fate of company assets.

3. Holding talks to settle disputes will not only help all the parties clarify facts, but also defuse the tensions between the ROK and DPRK.

4. Mr Khatami's reformist allies in parliament have urged the clerical leadership to agree to snap inspections by the IAEA to defuse mounting international pressure.

5. By quickly and directly addressing discontented crowds, it is hoped officials can resolve problems calmly and defuse highly charged situations.

6. All of its military development and activities are to create a favorable security environment and defuse crises before they escalate into a conflict and war.

7. Despite Jordaan's attempts to defuse concerns over South Africa's high crime rate, he was pressed to give details of the country's policing plans for 2010.

8. Since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 when military hotlines were first introduced, they have worked effectively to defuse many major crises around the world.

9. Instead, they want to defuse the tension as soon as possible.

10. Stuxnet escaped its nuclear enrichment facility in Iran and now inhabits the Internet, where spyware giants Kaspersky and Symantec are examining how to defuse it.

defuse 英英释义


1. remove the triggering device from