

farming:[英 [ˈfɑ:mɪŋ] 美 [ˈfɑ:rmɪŋ] ]


过去式:farmed;   过去分词:farmed;   复数形式:farms;

farming 基本解释

名词农事,耕作; 饲养(家禽); (租税等的)包收



farming 相关例句


1. For many years, however, farming in America was often a lonely way of living.


farming 网络解释


1. 耕作:纽西兰农林部次长斐格森(Larry Fergusson)接受访问时表示:「其它国家把农业当成耕作(farming),但在纽西兰,我们把农业当成生意,」「在其它国家农民是农民,但在纽西兰,农民也是生意人.

2. 农业:乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款 Arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines | 农业 farming | 取消国家对农产品的统购统销 to cancel the states monopoly on the purchase and marketing of agricultural produc...

3. 農場:Fantasy奇幻 | Farming農場 | Fighting戰鬥

farming 双语例句

1. Farming is a hard means of subsistence.


2. Rotary cultivator in the country's development has a single research and development series products, new product development and updating of three stages, with new cultivation, the development and promotion of farming techniques, rotary cultivator basis also developed a multi-purpose joint compound operations aircraft.


3. His poem ends: Promise, I pray, that someday when task done, we go back farming, we'11 surely rent a plot of ground and as''.


4. His poem ends: Promise, I pray, that someday when task done, we go back farming, we'11 surely rent a plot of ground and as paring neighbors let's live.


5. While digging in the hills, some settlers perceived the region's farming and stock-raising possibilities.


6. Yet even while digging in the hills, some settlers perceived the region's farming and stock-raising possibilities.


7. Yet even while digging in the hills, some settlers perceived the region`s farming and stock-raising possibilities.


8. While digging in the hills, some settlers perceived the region`s farming and stock-raising possibilities.


9. Their decendant is the Wang Di who teach people how to farming and the Cong Di who contribute to the water conservancy.


10. It is the trade center of a farming and grape-producing region.


11. The implementation of the project is intended to provide a protective farming machine for dry farming in China with the functions of straw cut up, soil band tillage, seeding, fertilizing and spraying, advanced computer technology, infrared and information technology, the integrated use of farming machinery, raising machine with the technical content, improve the quality of and reduce the number of farm machinery so to reduce farm input and reduce straw burning, increase soil fertility, improve soil structure and reduce operating costs and increase the income of farmers.


12. The correlation between influencing of farming inheritance versus the continuous orchard`s practicing showed the tendency of modern concepts. The young generations of the farmers` families turned their life carriers into non-agricultural sites. The youngsters had no willingness to work and stay in the rural areas. Pushing the elders continuing their farming carriers.



13. As superior human beings, the essence of the embodiment of Pangu, people learn from mulberry farming and weaving technology, manufacture and use of tools, reserves of food, domesticated animal, living in harmony.


14. If you've been farming and selling Arctic Furs, I suppose you might be a bit bummed that your cash cow is going away, but for the most part I think most of us are pretty happy with it.


15. I`m a farmer in Chunghwa. I`m forty something and therefore understand why every parents want their children to focus on their studies. They hope their children to be more competitive in the job market and find their way to high tech companies - to have a stable job and a happy life ever after. Nobody wants their kids to come back home and become a farmer because farming demands hard work and has little income. This is parents'rationality.

我 是一个中年彰化农民,坐四望五之年,心中一直有一个疑惑,每一个父母希忘自己的孩子书念得好,将来有竞争力,可以进入高科技厂就业,有一个稳定的收入,有一个平安幸福的一生,几乎没有人希望自己的孩子回家务农,因为工作辛苦收入少得可怜,这是父母的看法。

16. The research results will benefit the understanding the effect of intensive agriculture on soil property variability, to realize regional sustainable agricultural development and precision farming.


17. The results showed as follows:(1) the de-farming index of 479 investigated farm households is 79.21% with per capita area of de-farming slope farmland of 0.205 hm~2, per capita grain yield loss resulted from de-farming slope farmland of 74 kg and per capita allowance of 171 yuan from the government in 2003; (2) the de-farming allowance from the government has a bigger influence on a poor household, and if an allowance from the government would be stopped, the re-exploitation of partly de-farmed slope farmland is possible; (3) in 2003, per capita cash income of 479 investigated farm households is 1492 yuan, and its sources mainly from floating employment, selling grain and greenstuff, de-farming allowance, selling products of domestic livestock and poultry and dealing dicker etc.; (4) in a few coming years, those employments of stable and higher earning will be firstly selected by farmers, and high expected value agriculture or rural commerce are going to become the leading livelihood of a good few farmers with some fund or skill.

结果表明:被调查农户人均退耕坡地0.205 hm2,退耕指数达79.21%;2003年479农户因退耕导致的粮食减产量人均74 kg,得到政府补贴人均171元;退耕补贴对贫困农户的影响程度较大,停止退耕补贴后存在反垦可能性。2003年被调查农户人均现金收入1492元,主要来源于外出打工、卖粮菜、退耕补贴、卖畜禽产品和做小生意等。未来几年,能获得稳定收入且报酬相对较高的行业是农民谋生的首选,有资金积累或一定技能的农户正在将生计转向高附加值农业或第三产业。

18. farming

18. Farming and fertilization are the key factors affecting the accumulation of available boron in soil.


19. I can wait that is what Swiftlets farming is all about.


20. Is the coastal plain good for farming?


farming 词典解释

1. 耕种;养殖

Farming is the activity of growing crops or keeping animals on a farm.

farming 单语例句

1. The farmers in the subtropical region are entering the busy farming season in January.

2. Oil supply tensions loom large in the countryside at the crucial spring ploughing time and the upcoming busy summer farming season.

3. The big difference between farmers'overall per capita income growth and their per capita income growth from sales indicates farmers benefit more from farming.

4. This is being borne out by the extremely low number of children and grandchildren willing to carry on family farming traditions.

5. Trade of corn futures contracts in CBOT accounts for 35 per cent of combined trades of farming products futures.

6. The resulting complex represents both the changes in that coastal area - more tourism, less farming - and Chile's determination to get noticed.

7. We must protect farmers'rights to independent farming on their contracted land, and we must give adequate and due compensation to the farmers whose land is seized.

8. The system allows farming households to manage agricultural production on their own initiatives while the farmland remains in the ownership of the rural collective.

9. If the land used to be owned by farming collectives, it should be returned to the original collective for recultivation.

10. China once used political means to promote collective farming, creating " people's communes " for farmers to live and work together.

farming 英英释义



1. agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life

e.g. farming is a strenuous life

there's no work on the land any more

Synonym: land

2. the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock

Synonym: agriculturehusbandry