

premature:[英 [ˈpremətʃə(r)] 美 [ˌpri:məˈtʃʊr] ]


premature 基本解释

形容词过早的; 早产的; 提前的; 草率的


premature 同义词


premature 反义词



premature 相关例句


1. premature

1. This disease produces premature aging of the brain.


2. She was a bit too premature in giving up this job.


3. He ventured a premature opinion at the meeting.



4. I had been a little too premature in coming to this conclusion.


5. Premature babies are kept alive in incubators.


premature 网络解释


1. 早产儿:2.早产儿及小于胎龄儿早产儿(premature)系指妊娠期少于37周即出生的婴儿. 小于胎龄儿(sma11 for gestationa1 age,SGA)系指胎儿大小与妊娠月份不符,即新生儿体重为该孕期应有体重第10百分位数以下,或低于平均体重2个标准差,

2. 早熟:所以在西方有中国文化过于早熟(premature)或者发达得过了头(overdeveloped)的说法. 西方人认为中国的科技和文化在11世纪的宋朝达到了颠峰,其后的历史则主要是一个向下的历史. 同时,这也给我们中国人不善于创新、习惯于墨守成规提供了另外一种注脚.

3. premature的意思

3. 過早:他指出,他们也不知道上述的专家将得出怎样的结论,但如果马力英迪亚觉得在这时候提出这方面的问题是过早(premature)的话,就先让有关方面拟定好问题范围.

premature 双语例句

1. Extremely premature babies are those born after 22 to 25 weeks in the womb.


2. To investigate the effects of Zaoxiting spray in the treatment of patients with premature ejaculation.

目的 为了研究、观察早息停喷雾剂治疗早泄的效果。

3. premature

3. Zaoxiting is safe, effective, convenience and inexpensive in the treatment of premature ejaculation.


4. premature的翻译

4. This also causes poor performance and premature wear, and may even result in engine damage.


5. NOTE: The faster the flow of oil heating, premature wear or tractor damage.


6. To avoid premature engine wear and tear of and maintain the best working condition.


7. premature的反义词

7. There is some speculation that an all-hard food diet can cause premature tooth wear.


8. Finally, based on experimental study and FEM theoretical analysis, effective measures and rationalization proposals were made to prevent premature wear failure of the flywheel.



9. This may damage the brake line and cause premature wear or even failure of the line.


10. This develops high heat, wheel skidding and results in premature wear.


11. In order to explore the common causes correlated with infertility, data of 3777 couples who diagnosed in outpatient department were collected, including age, menstrual cycle, childbearing history and examinations about infertility and sterility. The statistics showed that tubal and pelvic diseases were the major etiological factors in female. Disorder of ovulation elicited by various reasons was the second cause, which included polycystic ovary syndrome、premature ovarian failure and so on.



12. GENERAL ELECTRIC`S health-care laboratory in Bangalore contains some of the company`s most sophisticated products—from giant body scanners that can accommodate the bulkiest American football players to state-of-the-art intensive-care units that can nurse the tiniest premature babies.


13. EBNA2 was shown to be able to down-regulate Mad2 and up-regulate Plk1. The dysregulation of Mad2 and Plk1 may lead to activation of APC/C and premature degradation of Securin.


14. A: Because in such cases the cost is borne by the tenant, we discourage premature termination of contract.


15. Indeed, having a credible plan is the way to avoid premature reversal of policies.


16. D'myia Sabrina Nelson and another premature baby girl, Emmery Miller, died Saturday after they received an adult dose of a blood thinner at Methodist Hospital.

周六,在一家美以美医院被输入了成人剂量的血浆稀释剂后,D'myia Sabrina Nelson和另一个早产女婴Emmery Miller死亡了。

17. D'myia Sabrina Nelson and another premature baby girl, Emmery Miller, died Saturday after they receied an adult dose of a blood thinner at Methodist Hospital.

周六,在一家美以美医院被输入了**剂量的血浆稀释剂后,D'myia Sabrina Nelson和另一个早产女婴Emmery Miller死亡了。

18. D'myia Sabrina Nelson and another premature baby girl, Emmery Miller, died Saturday after they received an adult dose of ablood thellonner at Methodist Hospital.

周六,在一家美以美医院被输入了成人剂量的血浆稀释剂后,D'myia Sabrina Nelson以及另一个早产女婴Emmery Miller灭亡了。

19. premature

19. To put chlorine in water seems to ignite a time bomb. Cancer, heart disease and premature senility are all caused by water processed with chlorine. It brings us premature senility such as arteriosclerosis before we get old.


20. Path planning is a main task of lunar rover navigation. However, this problem has been mostly neglected within published work. Therefore, this dissertation proposed an intelligent path planning algorithm of lunar rover based on genetic algorithm. This algorithm improved simple genetic algorithm, and present an adaptive genetic algorithm based on knowledge. It used the specialized genetic operators and adjusted adaptively the parameter. In addition, it incorporated the domain knowledge into its initial population. This method increases greatly the efficiency of the algorithm and overcomes the problem of premature convergence of the simple genetic algorithm. This algorithm uses triangulated irregular network to model the virtual environment leading to lower in-core memory consumption. At the same time, there are many factors such as traversability of lunar terrain, systematical uncertainty, assistance of man and smooth of path, which are comprehensively considered. A path cost function is designed in order to safety of the planning path.


premature 词典解释

1. 过早的;太早的;提前的

Something that is premature happens earlier than usual or earlier than people expect.

e.g. Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans...


e.g. His career was brought to a premature end by a succession of knee injuries.



The war and the years in the harsh mountains had prematurely aged him...


The heavy rain driving against the windows made the room prematurely dark.


2. 不成熟的;过早的;草率的

You can say that something is premature when it happens too early and is therefore inappropriate.

e.g. It now seems their optimism was premature...


e.g. I think it's premature for restaurants to come out with that advice.



Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.


3. 早产的

A premature baby is one that was born before the date when it was expected to be born.

e.g. Even very young premature babies respond to their mother's presence...


e.g. When my daughter Emma was born she was two and a half months premature.



Danny was born prematurely, weighing only 3lb 3oz.

丹尼是早产儿,生下来时体重只有3磅3盎司。premature 单语例句premature什么意思

1. Her doctor told her the sensations were caused by uterine contractions that might signal a premature birth.

2. Others who use the term say it's premature to talk about potential legal action but aren't ruling it out.

3. Central Command said it was premature to call the plant in Najaf a chemical weapons factory.

4. The premature cancellation was difficult for all drivers to accept, but the rookies seemed to be taking it the hardest.

5. Pregnant women are more likely to suffer pneumonia when they catch flu, and flu infections have raised the risk of premature birth in past flu epidemics.

6. Any premature withdrawal of economic stimulus plans in one country will only affect its own growth and undermine international efforts to cement the global recovery.

7. However, it is premature to predict the central bank's next step.

8. He Yide was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was born as a premature baby.

9. The quintuplets were born premature and had been in critical condition at the Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Care Hospital.

10. High cholesterol and inflammation during pregnancy may increase a woman's odds of premature delivery, a study suggests.

prematurepremature 英英释义


1. uncommonly early or before the expected time

e.g. illness led to his premature death

alcohol brought him to an untimely end

Synonym: untimely

2. too soon or too hasty

e.g. our condemnation of him was a bit previous

a premature judgment

Synonym: previous(p)

3. born after a gestation period of less than the normal time

e.g. a premature infant