

vocabulary:[英 [vəˈkæbjələri] 美 [vəˈkæbjəleri] ]



vocabulary 基本解释

名词(某一语言的)词汇; (尤指外语教科书中附有释义的)词汇表


vocabulary 相关例句


1. vocabulary在线翻译

1. He has a very large vocabulary.


2. Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.


3. vocabulary

3. The vocabulary used in the course book is printed at the back.


vocabulary 网络解释


1. 词汇:关于词汇问题(Vocabu1ary) 词汇(Vocabulary)是四级阅读理解测试中重要的一项. 词汇类其实也是就细节进行提问,词汇题往往要求对文章中的某个单词、短语甚至句子等找出近义词或最合适的解释. 因此考生可以利用上下文的特定语境推断生词的意思. 阅读理解中词汇类问题...

2. 词汇表:XML(标准化越来越近了)或许是近10年来最为重要的标准,XML(标准化越来越近了)词汇表(VOCABULARY)为企业构造服务环境提供了基石. 要构建服务式WEB就有必要学习XML(标准化越来越近了)_RPC标准,这不仅是因为XML(标准化越来越近了)_RPC对于把服务放到WEB上很有用,

3. vocabulary:vocab; 字汇

vocabulary 双语例句

1. Goal 3 Learn the feelings vocabulary: happy, sad, and angry

目标3 学习表示感受的单词:快乐,难过和生气

2. There are two problems with this. First, it overloads our servers so that real people can`t play and learn vocabulary. Second, without real people playing and buying products, it is no longer cost-effective for companies to advertise.


3. An inverted file is a word-oriented mechanism for indexing a text collection in order to speed up the searching task. The inverted file structure is composed of two elements: the vocabulary and the occurrences.


4. Based on cognitive learning theory and the features of pupil`s psychology and age, this article explores methods of repeating words through the investigation, hoping to help student teachers and primary English teachers build up the knowledge system on how to get pupils repeat English words, expecting them to grasp some skills of vocabulary teaching as well as creating innovative English classroom.


5. Though its copiousness of vocabulary is outstanding, it is its amazing variety and heterogeneousness which is even more striking:and this general receptiveness of new elements has con-tributed to making it a suitable and attractive vehicle in so many parts of the world.


6. Being a major factor in the depth of vocabulary knowledge, lexical chunks have come to linguistic attention in language teaching and learning in recent years.


7. vocabulary

7. It is the Hakka immigrants across the border, the new vocabulary.


8. And among many language teachers there exists considerable concern for more effective ways in vocabulary teaching.


9. This paper describes and researches Shibei dialect vocabulary by the way of field investigation and language comparative law.


10. DAI Qi-reading glasses occasionally look at the hands of the newspapers, the Internet occasionally watch some of my earlier do not understand the new vocabulary, looking far away in the field of his grandson's photograph laugh when he laughs his face there is a clause clear drains.


11. So English teaching cannot be restricted to the teaching of vocabulary and sentence but foster the students` ability to analyze discourse beyond sentence level.


12. vocabulary是什么意思

12. At fifth grade, the automatic readers were reading twice at fast as the others, and still outscoring them on accuracy, comprehension and vocabulary.



13. He still remembered some Russian vocabulary and even tried to form a few short sentences in his mind with some words.


14. There are altogether four vocabulary tests: the pretest, posttest one, posttest two and final posttest, with a questionnaire at the end.


15. vocabulary的翻译

15. If you want to learn more vocabulary word, there are other ways than just looking at a piece of papper.


16. Unstressed syllables in Putonghua vocabulary and the relationship of tones at word, phrase


17. My vocabulary is limited, and the organization of my English writing is not good enough.


18. Just like in Chinese, the vocabulary in English is also rich and vast. Very strong, intimidating message can be delivered professionally without any foul lanugage, which can jeapordize the case. Normally witness would want to avoid the discovery of his or her true identity.


19. Vocabulary learning is an interactive process between input and output. Output has more direct influence and therefore is the linchpin.


20. It is one kind of objective laws which the language scholars do not argue with that the language and the society Changes together, in other words, any change of the society can promptly obtain the reflection in the language, especially in the vocabulary field, it reflects rapidly.


vocabulary 词典解释

1. (某人所掌握的)词汇,词汇量

Your vocabulary is the total number of words you know in a particular language.

e.g. His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited...


e.g. We read to improve our vocabularies.


2. (某一语言的)词汇,词汇量

The vocabulary of a language is all the words in it.

e.g. ...a new word in the German vocabulary.


3. 专业词汇

The vocabulary of a subject is the group of words that are typically used when discussing it.

e.g. ...the vocabulary of natural science.


vocabulary 单语例句

1. Every night before he slept, he forced himself to memorize by rote vocabulary.

2. We are handicapped because we don't have enough classical Chinese vocabulary to come up with two lines with words corresponding in their metrical length.

3. Functional English vocabulary could be introduced systematically in clear situations that would be visually comprehensible.

4. No matter how odd some of the words might seem, the dictionary editors say each has the promise of sticking around in the American vocabulary.

5. Looking up the words and pointing to them in a dictionary for store merchants does not build a Chinese vocabulary at all.

6. The researchers found that the vocabulary and behavior patterns continued, though many other characteristics dissipated.

7. Some said the inclusion of foreign vocabulary will endanger Chinese language and culture.

8. The characters and tones may seem daunting, but the grammar and vocabulary is surprisingly simple once you can see past that.

9. Also Hinglish - a blend of Hindi and English characterized by frequent use of Hindi vocabulary or constructions.

10. It was a vast improvement over the impractical or outdated vocabulary that peppers most Chinese language textbooks.

vocabulary 英英释义


1. a language user's knowledge of words

Synonym: lexiconmental lexicon

2. the system of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression (as in arts or crafts)

e.g. he introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques

3. a listing of the words used in some enterprise