

smallpox:[英 [ˈsmɔ:lpɒks] 美 [ˈsmɔ:lpɑ:ks] ]


smallpox 基本解释

名词天花; 痘; 痘疮

smallpox 相关例句



1. Smallpox has been brought under control by the use of vaccine.


smallpox 网络解释

1. 天花:天花病毒 天花(Smallpox)是由天花病毒引起的一种烈性传染病,也是到目前为止,在世界范围被人类消灭的第一个传染病. 据报载,去年12月21日,美国总统布什为了预防生物武器的袭击,带头接种了天花疫苗. 因为天花病毒和炭疽杆菌一样,

2. 花:但就在最近时期,天花(smallpox)成为美国媒体中的一个话题. 在准备对伊动武的同时,9月24日美国政府颁布了一项应急计划,要求各级政府部门准备好,在美国遇到恐怖主义的生物武器攻击时,能够保证在5天完成对全美人口预防天花的免疫接种.

3. [医]天花:number of twists 扭曲次数 | smallpox [医]天花 | bivium [动]二道体区

4. 天花病:79 The Automation in Library图书馆的自动化 | 80 Smallpox天花病 | 82 Travel Medicine旅行医疗

smallpox 双语例句


1. It was a kind of cesspit constantly seething with smallpox and bubonic plague.



2. The main efficacy: effective removal of excess facial fat, inhibit the secretion of excess oil, acne bacillus mite damage on the skin surface of the propagation conditions, rapid killing of bacteria and the hair follicle root epidermis of various bacteria, tube plugging the sebaceous glands to remove, restore the skin permeability, increased capillary flexibility microcirculation clear, comprehensive energy and improve the metabolism of skin cells, removal of toxins in human endocrine balance, the eradication of acne, eliminate smallpox and India, and renewable sources of acne can be prevented.


3. smallpox

3. In a recent interview, Ogden told VOA that if the effort to eradicate polio is successful - which she believes it can be - it would be only the second time, after smallpox in 1977 - that a human disease has been wiped out.



4. A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the antiscience tag has been attached to many other g roups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.

一项关于 1996 年新闻报道的调查显示,反科学的标签还可以贴在许多其他团体身上,从提倡消灭最后存留的天花病毒的权威机构,到鼓吹削减基础研究经费的共和党人(都被贴上了反科学的标签)。

5. This is the web page of Smallpox and its eradication.


6. Ann G. Carmichael, MD, PhD, maintains that the bubonic bacillus, Yersinia pestis, was most certainly a factor in the outbreak of plague, but, at the same time, the fearsome reputation of the Black Death may have hidden or deemphasized the emergence of other interacting epidemics such as smallpox, influenza, anthrax, typhus, meningococcemia, mycosis, and acute diarrheal diseases.


7. Good electric sound of the South China Sea gifted speaker plastic fittings factory, specializing in the production of smallpox speaker/indoor and outdoorù/ graphic art audio/lawn speaker/smallpox horn plastic fittings and undertake OEM business, the series of indoor and outdoor speakers andù, high sensitivity, sound quality pure, clear bright with waterproof, fire prevention features.


8. It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus, the virus used in the smallpox vaccine, and the cowpox virus.


9. smallpox是什么意思

9. Smallpox is a very serious infection which is caused by a virus named variola, which is a member of the poxvirus family.


10. I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.



11. I`m immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.


12. We're immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.


13. The smallpox accine is a completely new product that will be added to the Strategic National Stockpile.


14. smallpox的意思

14. This trend in the three periods of the disease reflected the same score: acute febrile disease(malaria, Exogenous high fever, spring temperature, air temperature, wet temperature, Fushu, summer temperature, dry temperature, cold, bad throat pulmonary carbuncle fever, bulk disease, chickenpox, smallpox, etc.) in the proportion of all diseases, according to the order period is 12.16%%, 16.5%21.14%, showing a gradual upward trend.


15. A poxvirus closely related to smallpox virus; causes benign gelatinous tumors in humans.


16. Popular saint of smallpox, fighting to kill the soul, the residual between this world beautiful, a wooden water-yu, subtle shadows, bulletproof monks, monk witch bulletproof, invincible small Yaoyao, dance all over the sky, thieves Emperor, knife in hand, want to steal


17. smallpox

17. Onlythe Yale University medical school, the nursing institute and assistant doctor the project requested the student to vaccinate specially parotitis vaccine, smallpox vaccine, the second grade hepatitis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, the infantile paralysis vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine (or hepatitisA and hepatitis B combination vaccine), typhus vaccine, yellow fever vaccine and the Japanese second grade encephalitis vaccine, as well as provides the hepatitis B blood to examine list and the tuberculin check list (tuberculin exceed the allowed figure also needs to provide chest X light check list).


18. Can be Blemish, but not totally eliminated, I have been in use, good results, the original I-Doudou, his face back a lot of chicken pox and India, I have a week to do the second mask, using milk, honey and add pearl powder, in the smallpox India where more than put some pearl powder, massage a few minutes to fully absorb the pearl powder, imprinted on the light go on, as well as skin and white of the chicken pox and India also see less out.

三月 17th,2010 淘宝有卖啊|淘宝网首页珍珠粉真的可以去斑吗?可以淡斑,但不能完全去除,我一直在用,效果不错,原来我长痘痘,脸上背上好多痘印,我一星期做二次面膜,用牛奶、蜂蜜加珍珠粉,在痘印的地方多放些珍珠粉,按摩几分钟,让珍珠粉完全吸收,印记就淡下去了,还有皮肤变白了痘印也看不太出来了。

19. He had a round face, marked by smallpox, a firm chin, uncurving lips, white teeth.


20. G8 k8 D8? ^0 ^ The doctor told me that I was coming down with smallpox.


smallpox 词典解释

1. 天花

Smallpox is a serious infectious disease that causes spots which leave deep marks on the skin.

smallpox 单语例句

1. The defect joins a long list of ailments - including smallpox, heart illness and depression - that modern doctors have diagnosed in Lincoln.

2. But that has been repeatedly delayed to give scientists time to develop safer smallpox vaccines and drugs.

3. This model has worked for diseases such as measles and smallpox but has so far failed to produce a protective reaction to HIV.

4. " The world has no immunity to smallpox whatsoever, " she said.

5. He injected the smallpox virus taken from the cow into human bodies to prevent the infections of smallpox.

6. The volunteers have been divided into two groups - one with smallpox vaccines and one without.

7. Other governments are also following suit in stocking up on smallpox shots.

8. An attack using the smallpox virus is overwhelmingly the largest risk, he believes.

smallpox 英英释义


1. a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars

Synonym: variolavariola major