

egalitarian:[英 [iˌgælɪˈteəriən] 美 [iˌgælɪˈteriən] ]


egalitarian 基本解释

形容词平等主义的; 主张平等的

名词平等主义; 平等主义者

egalitarian 网络解释

1. egalitarian的意思

1. 平等主义的:英国政治哲学家约翰*格雷(joho gray)认为,自由主义有四个要素,第一,它是个人主义的(individualistic),主张个人对于任何社会集体有道德优先性;第二,它是平等主义的(egalitarian),它赋予所有人以同等的道德地位,

2. 平等主义:有些平等主义(Egalitarian)团体会试用共识方法来减少其领袖或组织者之权力. 此等方法可减多数对少数或个人之任何伤害. 共识方法或适用于个人或情绪风险高( personal (or emotional) risk to members is high)、互不信任、讨论时间充足 之情况.

3. 平等:但天资聪明而且勤奋的孩子上学所给社会带来的效率要远远高于给有钱的人的资质一般和懒惰的孩子. 所以,社会一定要保障穷人的孩子,特别是聪明勤奋的孩子上学的权力. 而高考的按分数公平录取做到了这一点. 4. 地区性平等(Egalitarian)的难题

4. 平等的:在托克维尔看来,正确理解的自我利益不是贵族社会所倡导的那种英雄式的理想,但它是一个适中的、有效的、可行的理想,适合于主张平等的(egalitarian)民主社会.

egalitarian 双语例句

1. On weekends Perth hits its stride: Fine weather and a watery setting bring out thousands of surfers, sailors, and sunbathers. In this sports-mad, fiercely egalitarian city, more than 80 percent of river frontage is public parkland.


2. This paper is an exegesis of two controversial texts, arguing for an egalitarian view of women's roles in the church.


3. Actually, if one looks at a broad sweep of history, it is the relatively egalitarian 20th century that seems the exception.



4. Sandhill Farm is also a member of the Federation of Egalitarian Communities.


5. egalitarian的意思

5. Utilitarianism is highly egalitarian in that it forbids considering people differentially if they may be affected by one's behavior.


6. Cecilia describes her management style as very people oriented. I`m quite the egalitarian when it comes to my fellow human beings.


7. Jacksonian America was not a fluid, egalitarian society where individual wealth and poverty were ephemeral conditions.


8. First, how far can income gap expand so as to conform with the object of combating absolute egalitarian pay?


9. Caught up in the egalitarian fervour of the revolution, the French succumbed to a veritable passion for all things English, aptly named Anglomania, which exerted a sobering and simplifying effect on dress styles.


10. N person bargaining games; egalitarian solution; Arrows choice axiom; fairness; Pareto efficiency


11. egalitarian在线翻译

11. Hunter-gatherers'dependence on sharing each other's hunting and gathering luck makes them remarkably egalitarian.


12. egalitarian的反义词

12. The Office operates under the authority and control of a Committee composed of the Delegates of contracting governments, on an egalitarian basis of one Delegate by country.


13. The solution by the method is egalitarian and efficient. Under some condition, it is the lexicographic maximin solution.

柔性 决策方法,根据这种方法求出的解具有公平性和有效性,符合管理科学的基本原则;在一定的条件下,这种解也是字典序极大极小解。

14. Many of the previous films — like Mulan Joins the Army, released in 1939 in Japanese-occupied Shanghai — carried political messages during turbulent periods in the country's history. In 1956, after the Communist Party had banned American films and nationalized the country's film studios, a state-sponsored Hua Mulan was released, touting the party's egalitarian gender policy.


15. egalitarian

15. Many of the previous films, such as Mulan Joins the Army, released in 1939 in Japanese-occupied Shanghai, carried political messages during turbulent periods in the country's history. In 1956, after the Communist party had banned American films and nationalized the country's film studios, a state-sponsored Hua Mulan was released, touting the party's egalitarian gender policy.


16. I witnessed this kind of deterioration up close in Key West, Florida, where I first went in 1986, attracted not only by the turquoise waters and frangipani-scented nights but by the fluid, egalitarian social scene.


17. These leaders of the Indian National Congress Party had promised to reconstruct an egalitarian agrarian economy and abolish the zamindari system and transfer land to the tiller. A strict anti-takings clause would have foiled these plans.

尼赫鲁,安培德卡尔(安贝卡博士曾担任印度独立后第一任司法部长)Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar,Sir Benegal Narsingh Rau 和 Govind Ballabh Pant(1955度内政部长),担心这样严格限制政府权力,将会妨碍到政府为社会谋福利的立法基础,印度国大党的主席们,承诺重建一个平等的农业经济体,废除封建制度,把土地转交到耕农手中。

18. egalitarian

18. I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society.


19. egalitarian什么意思

19. They all inspired and needed the creative work of other egalitarian people.


20. In that respect, their system is certainly more egalitarian than anything else currently out there.


egalitarian 词典解释

1. 主张人人平等的;平等主义的

Egalitarian means supporting or following the idea that all people are equal and should have the same rights and opportunities.

e.g. I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society.


egalitarian 单语例句

1. But it is not my highly developed egalitarian instinct which has turned me against the canine perfection that comes from pedigree.

2. " In an auction it's more egalitarian, " he said.

3. We should guard against raising the spectre of egalitarian mentality while concerning ourselves with the working masses'low pay.

4. Investors will not take such an egalitarian approach with this quarter's results, according to analysts and money managers.

5. But even in " egalitarian households, " married men still contributed less to household chores than did their wives.

6. Zhou believed that an egalitarian approach was essentially unfair to those entrepreneurs.

7. They want to build an egalitarian and prosperous country, for themselves and for their children.

8. I come from Australia, which has a very egalitarian social system.

9. Zhou's strong egalitarian sense has been frequently mentioned in obituaries, a quality I can personally attest to.

10. He said eliminating the flat rates for heavy users will make electricity costs more egalitarian and promote efficiency among bulk users.

egalitarian 英英释义


1. a person who believes in the equality of all people

Synonym: equalitarian


1. favoring social equality

e.g. a classless society

Synonym: classless