

tend:[英 [tend] 美 [tɛnd] ]


过去式:tended;   过去分词:tended;   现在分词:tending;

tend 基本解释


及物动词照料,照顾; 护理; 照管,管理

不及物动词倾向(于),趋向(于); 伺侯,招待; 关心; 注意

tend 相关例句


1. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.



2. A shepherd tended the sheep.



1. tend什么意思

1. He tends towards selfishness.


2. She tends to get angry when others disagree with her.


3. Prices are tending upwards.


tend 网络解释


1. 天得:可利LEGRIS接头、软管、阀门、消音器等一级代理 台湾:金器MINDMAN、新恭SHAKO、兴冶片式蝶阀 亚德客(AIRTAC)意大利:ODE电磁阀、 康茂盛CAMOZZI工业电器: 美国:A-B 低压、变频、软启、PLC等 威格士(VICKERS) 天得(TEND)法国:施耐德(SC

2. 照顾:十月跑北京,十二月下香港,一月回来会考,还要去小学把小时候的DV材料弄出来,小孩还真考虑得蛮周到的. 阿姨以前说以后要是出去了要好好照顾小妹妹,现在怎么看都像是她要照顾(tend)我了,比我早出去,外面又吃得开.

3. tend

3. 往往:或是与一只年轻的雄(male)狮享用一只羚羊,它们没有必要为了分食猎物而争斗.格森林中狮子捕(hunt)食的动物一般比非洲狮子捕食的动物小,狩猎的群体也往往(tend)比非洲狮子小.从医学(medical)研究(research: investigation,

4. 台湾天得:主要为工业自动化行业提供:变频器,可编程控制器(PLC)、触摸屏(HMI)、变频器...天津鼎辉科技发展有限公司是台湾士林电机(SHIHLIN),台湾威纶触摸屏(WEINVIEW),台湾永宏(FATEK),台湾天得(TEND),台湾瑞升(SUNRISE),


5. tend:tensor deflection; 法与张量弯曲

tend 双语例句

1. tend的近义词

1. In general, young children tend to get viral tonsillitis, and older children and adults get bacterial infections.



2. My impression is that system traders do better as a group, while the best traders overall tend to be discretionary.


3. Foods that tend to produce large amounts of flatus also contain essential nutrients and shouldn't be eliminated.



4. They tend to have irregular borders and uneven colour, sometimes showing lots of different shades.


5. tend在线翻译

5. As ionic kosmotropes primarily achieve their increased structuring solely within their hydration shell, they partition into the more dense water where they can obtain this hydration water more readily, whereas the ionic chaotropes, by avoiding interference with water's hydrogen-bonded network, tend to clathrate formation within the less dense environment.


6. tend的近义词

6. He explains: Investors overemphasise recent experience when making decisions; people hate to lose more than they love to win; investors become more predictable as markets become more volatile; and when they are emotional, investors tend to be herd-like in behaviour.


7. If this trend continued into the end of this year, profits of listed companies tend to zero growth.


8. tend的翻译

8. Forget the oil up: the reasons: moisture, tend to lose sight of oil make up the remaining measures.


9. But in any area, those who are self-taught tend to have gaps in their knowledge.


10. In my opinion, the smartest and most interesting people tend to be self-taught.


11. tend的意思

11. The result of stability experiment indicated that the irreversible changes ofmax of alloy were 2 to 5 times larger than that of Br and Hc, and the changes of magnetic properties of the Fe-Cr-Co alloy tend to decrease, and then gradually keeps a certain level with increasing the holding time at high temperature.



12. In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy


13. tend的翻译

13. Because of our ignorance, because we are naive, so we tend to want a child star.


14. In the USA because we do not have a long history, our design styles tend to recycle every 20 years or so.


15. Systems. They tend to be fairly literal. That`s not what we want


16. tend

16. I tend to zoom in until I have an image 180 high and c 140 wide so that I can use more pixels, approx 80%, instead of about 50% pixels when useing a full circle.


17. tend的近义词

17. Rationale: A number of compilers (particularly the Borland and Microsoft compilers), tend to not to recognise integral constant expressions involving logical operators as genuine integral constant expressions.

理由:有些编译器(特别是 Borland 和微软的编译器),它们倾向于不把包含逻辑操作的整型常量表达式作为真正的整型常量表达式。

18. This is because amateurs and professionals tend to be on the opposite sides of trades.



19. The reliability of analysis result depends largely on the in-house experimental conditions. Unlike the previous analysis that only concerns the sole effect of permeable pressure, this article considers both permeable and confining pressure and deformation characteristics of concrete material under the interaction of them according to the real work state of construction, which may leads to the changing pattern of permeable rate as listed below: permeable rate always reaches its peak with the time process going on, than goes down and remains straight on some certain value; The PR will tend to decline while the confining pressure is increased, and the time taken before the peak will be extended as well; Under the constant permeable pressure and circularly changing confining pressure, the minus-exponential ascend and descend relationship could be applied between the PR and Time axes respectively with crannied and intact concrete samples, and the PR of crannied concrete is far more larger than that of intact concrete. The change pattern of concrete could also be mathematically analogized using the least square method.


20. This study has adopted a corpus-based approach to investigate the differences between Chinese learners and English native speakers in connective use. It is found that:(1) Chinese learners tend to use more discourse connectives than native speakers; (2) Chinese learners and native speakers show general consistency in frequency distribution of different semantic categories of discourse connectives; (3) Chinese learners and native speakers display considerable dissimilarities in specific connective use, which is well illustrated by the mechanical use of some connectives, lack of stylistic awareness and semantic properties of some connectives, and preference for certain categories of connectives to introduce new information on the part of Chinese learners.


tend 词典解释

1. 往往会;经常就

If something tends to happen, it usually happens or it often happens.


e.g. A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend to be noisy...


e.g. In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger...


2. 倾向于,容易表现出(某种特性)

If you tend towards a particular characteristic, you often display that characteristic.


e.g. Artistic and intellectual people tend towards left-wing views.


3. 个人认为;个人觉得

You can say that you tend to think something when you want to give your opinion, but do not want it to seem too forceful or definite.


e.g. I tend to think that members of parliament by and large do a good job.


4. 护理;照料;照看

If you tend someone or something, you do what is necessary to keep them in a good condition or to improve their condition.

e.g. For years he tended her in her painful illness...


e.g. He tends the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway.


5. 照顾;照管;伺候

If you tend to someone or something, you pay attention to them and deal with their problems and needs.

e.g. In our culture, girls are brought up to tend to the needs of others...


e.g. She hurried away to pour more coffee and tend to the grill.


tend 单语例句

1. Kuang's pencil drawings tend to lead you into a world of hutong filled with hustle and bustle.

2. By tradition more than necessity, western Chinese tend to use legal procedures as a last resort.

3. As at the beginning of creating wealth, you tend to do everything by yourself.

4. Managers tend to calculate the overall value each worker brings, regardless of how much or how little vacation they take.

5. The companies calling for political intervention to create green jobs tend to be those that stand to gain from subsidies and tariffs.

6. While both radish and yam rice puddings tend to be more Cantonese, the golden pumpkin pudding belongs exclusively to the Fujian and Chaozhou countryside.

7. They tend to be operations with little capital investment and many are run by couples.

8. Asia's social networking sites tend to be country specific but they have very active user bases.

9. But since 2009, most people tend to describe Japan as a " capitalist " country.

10. As a result, women tend to receive more such work that contributes little to the next career move.

tend的解释tend 英英释义


1. manage or run

e.g. tend a store

2. have care of or look after

e.g. She tends to the children

3. have a tendency or disposition to do or be something

be inclined

e.g. She tends to be nervous before her lectures

These dresses run small

He inclined to corpulence

Synonym: be givenleaninclinerun