

felon:[英 [ˈfelən] 美 [ˈfɛlən] ]



felon 基本解释

名词重罪犯; 瘭疽; 甲沟炎; 指头脓炎


felon 网络解释

1. 重罪犯:所以重罪犯(felon)开头的字母就是F,左颊上常被打上F的印记,以示惩戒(战争war一词即直接来源于waw这个同音词). L. 字母L在腓尼基和希伯来的字母表中,表示刺棒(oxgoad)或鞭子,也是一个象形符号.


2. 化脓性指头炎:化脓性指头炎(Felon)是手指末节掌面的皮下经组织化脓性感染,多由刺伤引起. 致病菌多为金黄色葡萄球菌.

3. 监狱生活:(Felon) 是部好片,虽说题材与差不多,但此类片子总体上还是数量较少,在失意面对困难的时候看看总能给人以力量.


4. 罪犯:中世纪重罪犯(felon)的左颊常...f因子:细菌能在接合中作为基因传递供体取决于致育因子(fertility factor)又称f因子. 这是最早发现的一种质粒. f因子编码在细菌表面产生性菌毛. f因子的特性为可以促进供体菌向受体菌传递色体DNA或质粒. f因子决定编码的性菌毛可在供体与受体菌间形成...

felon 双语例句


1. Madoff was treated for a broken nose, fractured ribs and cuts to his head and face, according to a felon currently at Butner serving time on drug charges who was familiar with his condition at the time.


2. Mr. Madoff was treated for a broken nose, fractured ribs and cuts to his head and face, according to a felon currently at Butner serving time on drug charges who was familiar with his condition at the time.


3. Accessory和accomplice的区别:If he helps the felon's preparations, he is an accessory before the act; if he helps the felon to escape punishment once the crime has been committed, he is an accomplice after the fact.



4. A result of Bread felon to mobilize people defected chuangwang Henan juren Li Yan and his brother, Li Mou, for Li Zicheng very enshrines, in the Li Yan, the impression that chuangwang ambitious and enthusiastic, humble corporal, treating others with sincerity, Zifeng frugal, caring people's hardships, such as when family members of soldiers, disciplined and orders without exception, the upper and lower homogeneous grouping.


5. felon在线翻译

5. The black with his woolly head, the felon, the diseas'd, theilliterate person, are not denied


6. Because of rabbing, he became a felon.


7. My lie didn't make one of us a felon in 48 states.


8. In fact, one convicted felon asked the judge to sentence him to an additional spanking by her.


9. In an arraignment hearing in Marinette County Court on March 19th, Nichols pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree intentional homicide while using a dangerous weapon, one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm, and one count of hiding a corpse.


10. Do I want to have an intelligent, morally grounded soldier on the front line in Iraq, making the decisions about the use of force in the framework of an illegal and unjust occupation, or do I want to relinquish that job to a former felon lacking even a high school diploma?


11. But if some kind of very crueI crime becomes common, and none of the criminals can be caught, it might be highly expedient, as an example, to hang an innocent man, if a charge against him could be so frame that he were universally thought guilty; indeed this would only fail to be an ideal instance of utilitarian `punishment` because the victim himself would not have been so likely as a real felon to commit such a crime in the future; in all other respects it would be perfectly deterrent and therefore felicific.


12. That would make her husband, then a blushing boy of 49, a felon.


13. felon在线翻译

13. If I say I'm a felon, who's gonna hire me?



14. The man's a five-time felon, all right?


15. I-I'm a felon who can't hold on to a job.


16. Caderousse, awed by the superior power of the abbé, sat down and wrote:--Sir, --The man whom you are receiving at your house, and to whom you intend to marry your daughter, is a felon who escaped with me from confinement at Toulon.


17. He is able to grant royal pardons and reduce sentences but usually only after the felon has served time in jail.



18. He's a convicted felon.



19. I kill you, I kill a fleeing felon.


20. I found out my ex-partner's a liar and a felon.


felon 词典解释

1. 重犯

A felon is a person who is guilty of committing a felony.

e.g. He's a convicted felon.


felon 单语例句felon

1. He chased the felon for more than 200 m and finally cornered the thief in a lane.

2. Snoop Dogg faces charges of gun possession by a felon and sale or transportation of marijuana.

3. But police had to send the felon to hospital after he complained about the beating Gond had meted out.

4. He faced charges of gun possession by a felon and sale or transportation of marijuana.

5. Denizens of Chongqing municipality saved a thief despite harboring great resentment toward the felon.

6. Hammer is charged with murder and with possession of a firearm by a felon because of previous convictions for check forgery and commercial burglary.

felon 英英释义


1. someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime

Synonym: criminalcrookoutlawmalefactor

2. a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail

Synonym: whitlow