

buck:[英 [bʌk] 美 [bʌk] ]


过去式:bucked;   过去分词:bucked;   现在分词:bucking;   复数形式:bucks;

buck 基本解释

名词雄鹿; (美)钱,元; 花花公子

及物/不及物动词(马等)猛然弓背跃起; 抵制; 猛然震荡


buck 相关词组


1. buck up : 使振作;

2. buck for : 谋求;

buck 相关例句


1. The horse bucked the rider off.



1. She bucked at her husband's plan for the holidays.


2. He often bucks about how well he plays golf.



1. People are into making a quick buck.


buck 网络解释

1. buck在线翻译

1. 巴克:另外对战术刀搏击刀感兴趣的朋友,我这里有些原来收藏的刀具,美国和日本的名牌刀具,如蜘蛛(Spyderco),冷钢(Cold Steel),巴克(Buck)等,军刀战术刀之类,全部带完整包装盒及附件,还保存有原购发票,愿适当价格转让.

2. 元:这些流通常被称为供应链管理中的;货箱(box)、字节(byte)和美元(buck). 各大公司也似乎承认了技术工具在管理供应链中的潜力:根据AMR研究公司(AMR Research)的调查,企业应用市场(特别是ERP和SCM系统)将持续扩大,从1999年到2004年,

3. 冲跳:直流/直流变换控制器支持多种隔离和非隔离变换器拓扑结构,其中包括冲跳(buck)变换器. 设计者能为欠压锁定极限跳变点和滞后(hysteresis)等功能进行编程,也能调整振荡器频率和占空因子. 该芯片为标准无铅小尺寸TSSOP-16封装,

buck 双语例句

1. Production of major products for underwear production materials industry, metal manufacturing, artificial jewellery industry, the buck Cotton manufacturing, and other mechanical equipment.



2. When he was a child, he reared rabbits, one of which was a big buck—a meat rabbit—who was fond of his duty. For instance, on seeing a doe, he would rush toward her.


3. Mr. Wolak says his wife buys fresh beef, chicken and rabbit for Buck, takes the dog to the park three times a day and puts fresh sheets on the mattress in his kennel twice a week.


4. A single-stage high power-factor converter combined by the buck-boost and flyback converters is studied in this thesis.


5. buck

5. The current sensing circuit can fully sense the inductor current and be used to construct buck/buck-boost converter.


6. In this thesis, We design a new active current sensing circuit and apply this technology fo hysteresis-current-controlled buck/buck-boost converter using active current sensing circuit for portable applications.


7. buck什么意思

7. A single-stage high-power-factor converter composed of the buck-boost and flyback converter is investigated in this thesis. The topology derivation, operation principle and design consideration of the considered converter are presented in detail.


8. The experimental results show that the buck/ buck-boost converter works well with the following features: the maximum inductor current up to 750mA; the input voltage range is 3~6V; the output voltage range from 0.45 to input voltage-0.4V; the maximum power efficiency up to 93.6%.


9. The animators have great fun with the differences in scale between the mammals and the dinosaurs, and the introduction of a deranged Australian weasel named Buck pushes everything into Loony-Tune territory.


10. buck

10. His horse, Buck, and the Borden's wagon were still at the curb and when Grandma looked him over...



11. The three of us spent that two weeks buck-naked, except to go out to the supermarket.


12. A rest is very welcome after running five thousand kilome tres, and Buck slowly got fatter and stronger.


13. The test result of sample machine are also presented in this paper.


14. buck是什么意思

14. Complete Tayari Plaza on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new Firefight character.

已完成「塔亚利广场」,并且解除锁定枪林弹雨中的 Buck 角色。

15. Thornton and Buck's feelings very strong, the natives were killed in Sandton, Buck also revenge for him and buried him.


16. As Buck drew himself together to spring after them, out of the tail of his eye he saw Spitz rush upon him with the evident intention of overthrowing him.


17. We learned you have to get off your ass to make a buck.


18. You have to get off your ass to make a buck.


19. Through the alteration of Buck from a pet dog to a wild animal, it analyzes the symbolic meaning of humanity, society and the writer`s philosophical ideas that contains in Buck`s images. Thus the readers not only understand the theme of novel more comprehensively and profoundly, but also realize the originality of animal as symbols.


20. For this was no youngster, but a buck in his prime.


buck 词典解释

1. 美元;澳元

A buck is a US or Australian dollar.

e.g. That would probably cost you about fifty bucks...


e.g. Why can't you spend a few bucks on a coat?...


2. (雄鹿、公羚羊、公兔、雄袋鼠等)雄性动物

A buck is the male of various animals, including the deer, antelope, rabbit and kangaroo.

3. (美洲印第安裔或非洲裔)小伙子

A buck is a young Native American or African American man.

e.g. He'd been a real hell-raiser as a young buck.


4. 龅牙的

If someone has buck teeth, their upper front teeth stick forward out of their mouth.

5. (马)猛地弓背跃起,尥起后蹄跳跃

If a horse bucks, it kicks both of its back legs wildly into the air, or jumps into the air wildly with all four feet off the ground.

e.g. The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in.


e.g. ...cowboys riding bucking broncos.


6. 抵抗;抵制;反抗

If you buck the trend, you obtain different results from others in the same area. If you buck the system, you get what you want by breaking or ignoring the rules.

e.g. While other newspapers are losing circulation, we are bucking the trend...


e.g. He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system...


7. 优厚的回报

If you get more bang for the buck, you spend your money wisely and get more for your money than if you were to spend it in a different way.

e.g. I think it's very important for those governments to do whatever they can to get a bigger bang for the buck.


8. 轻易赚来的钱;(常指)不义之财

When someone makes a fast buck or makes a quick buck, they earn a lot of money quickly and easily, often by doing something which is considered to be dishonest.

e.g. His life isn't ruled by looking for a fast buck...


e.g. They were just in it to make a quick buck.


9. 赚钱;挣钱

If you are trying to make a buck, you are trying to earn some money.

e.g. The owners don't want to overlook any opportunity to make a buck.


10. 一丝不挂

Someone who is buck naked is not wearing any clothes at all.

11. 推卸责任

If you pass the buck, you refuse to accept responsibility for something, and say that someone else is responsible.

e.g. David says the responsibility is Mr Smith's and it's no good trying to pass the buck.


12. 责任止于此/应由…承担责任

If you say 'The buck stops here' or 'The buck stops with me', you mean that you have to take responsibility for something and will not try to pass the responsibility on to someone else.

e.g. The buck stops with him. He is ultimately responsible for every aspect of the broadcast.


相关词组:buck forbuck up

buck 单语例句

1. Instead, it seems interested only in passing the climate buck to the two countries.

2. These numbers will likely rise as after decades of neglect, interest in Pearl Buck has resurfaced.

3. Instead of passing the buck, people should learn to shoulder the responsibility after making a mistake.

4. Apple's decision to cut laptop prices during the quarter helped it buck the industry trend, even though the move dragged laptop revenue down 2 percent.

5. But in many occasions, official press releases more or less carry a tone of passing the buck.

6. " It is unfair to pass the buck to celebrities, " she says.

7. Yet it remains to be seen whether Apple will successfully be able to totally pass the buck their way.

8. Those who sought a quick buck left as abruptly as they arrived in Anchorage, making sudden disappearances commonplace.

9. There have always been wise guys trying to make a quick buck from unwary buyers.

10. How have they managed to do this and still make a buck?

buck 英英释义


1. mature male of various mammals (especially deer or antelope)

2. a framework for holding wood that is being sawed

Synonym: sawhorsehorsesawbuck

3. a gymnastic horse without pommels and with one end elongated

used lengthwise for vaulting

Synonym: vaulting horselong horse

4. a piece of paper money worth one dollar

Synonym: dollardollar billone dollar billclam


1. jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched

e.g. the yung filly bucked

Synonym: jerkhitch

2. move quickly and violently

e.g. The car tore down the street

He came charging into my office

Synonym: tearshootshoot downcharge

3. resist

e.g. buck the trend

Synonym: go against

4. to strive with determination

e.g. John is bucking for a promotion