

kaleidoscope:[英 [kəˈlaɪdəskəʊp] 美 [kəˈlaɪdəskoʊp] ]



kaleidoscope 基本解释

名词万花筒; 千变万化,瞬息万变


kaleidoscope 网络解释

1. 人海万花筒:30 Longest Nite, The 暗花 | 43 Kaleidoscope 人海万花筒 | 43 Marianna 胡越的故事

2. 第十版:第九版 entertainment | 第十版 kaleidoscope | 第十一版 expats

3. 万花筒;千变万化的情景:kalabolism 分解代谢 | kaleidoscope 万花筒;千变万化的情景 | kali 氧化钾

kaleidoscope 双语例句


1. It takes in ordinary pictures and creates full-screen moving kaleidoscope images from them.


2. I should want to see the pageant of man's progress the kaleidoscope of the ages.


3. And as the dawn of a new century arrives, we look back upon the historic events that have dominated our lives and our thoughts: The many leaders and heroes that gave our history a kaleidoscope of voices and faces; the remarkable achievements in medicine, science and technology.


4. At the end of a kaleidoscope are two plates, one made of clear glass and the other of ground glass.


5. My dad`s garden was a kaleidoscope of color: pink and white fuchsias hanging from above; pansies in one bed that would be replaced once they got leggy; geraniums in pots, bright red and white, with fuzzy variegated foliage that I combed with my hand for scent; foxgloves and hollyhocks towering overhead; and dozens of roses in a bed that needed constant attention.


6. The paradigm of aesthetic personality and poem in my teacher LiQing is to keep true to his nature, in the varible world like as a kaleidoscope; and to take to the keystone and linking-bridge of classic literature, and brighten up the mighty classic form of Chinese language, in the language world like as current fashions.


7. The food coloring is moved by this and so you can see a kaleidoscope effect.


8. kaleidoscope什么意思

8. I should want to see the pageant of man's progress, the kaleidoscope of the ages.


9. A kaleidoscope of 363 important aspects, tips and tricks in facial plastic surgery rounds up the presentation.


10. kaleidoscope什么意思

10. Blue Kaleidoscope Pillow/Panel Kit Your...


11. We can say the world of music is a kaleidoscope of sound.


12. I have to require to see the pageant of man`s progress, the kaleidoscope of the ages.



13. Could it be, the firmness of the past is just illusion? Could the past be a kaleidoscope, a pattern of images that shift with each disturbance of a sudden breeze, a laugh, a thought?


14. Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel - Sebastian Radiate simply, the candle is burning So low for me Generate me limply, I can`t seem to place Your name, cherie To rearrange all these thoughts In a moment is suicide Come to a strange place, we`ll talk over Old times we never spied Somebody called me sebastian Somebody called me sebastian Work out a rhyme, toss me the time, lay me, You`re mine And we all know, oh yeah! Your persian eye sparkle; your lips, ruby blue Don`t speak a sound You, oh so gay, with parisian demands, You can run-around And your view of society screws up my mind Like you`ll never know Lead me away, come inside, See my mind in kaleidoscope Somebody called me sebastian Somebody called me sebastian Love me sublime, mangle my mind, do it in style, So we all know, oh yeah! You`re not gonna run, babe, We only just begun, babe, to compromise Slagged in a bowery saloon, Love`s a story we`ll serialise Pale angel face; green eye-shadow, The glitter is outasite No courtesan could begin to decipher Your beam of light Somebody called me sebastian Somebody called me sebastian Dance on my heart, laugh, Swoop and dart, la-di-di-da Now we all know you, yeah!

发光,蜡烛在燃烧很微弱让我四肢无力,我不能就这样任命你的名字,cherie 重整一切思想在某瞬间是自杀来到一个陌生的地方,我们将谈论从未发现的旧时光有人叫我sebastian 有人叫我sebastian 唱出心中的话,给我时间,平息我你是我的我们都知道,欧耶你波斯般的眼镜在闪烁,你的嘴唇如忧郁的红宝石别发任何声音你有巴黎人的需求如此快乐你有借口你对友伴的看法振作了我仿佛你从不知道带我离开,来到内心用万花筒来看我的心有人叫我sebastian 有人叫我sebastian 狠狠爱我,独具风格的撕裂我的心我们都知道,欧耶你不会走的,孩子我们才开始妥协在树荫下的酒吧里成为熔渣爱是我们将要连载的故事苍白的天使的脸和充满活力的眼影闪光在(outasite不知这词)没有情妇可以解释你那一束光有人叫我sebastian 有人叫我sebastian 在我心中跳舞,欢笑飞奔,啦嘀嘀嗒现在我们都知道你,欧耶(都不知道自己在翻什么,准备下来听听。。。。

15. kaleidoscope的解释

15. The prosperity of the past such as the magnificent kaleidoscope of colors, today's decline highlights the deformity, such as distorting mirror.


16. kaleidoscope什么意思

16. Painting carries out a static expression through describing objects and things in perceptual space. A kind of definite perceptual space gives up its dynamic state and converts a static state, starting to use a scene chosen by a painter in painstaking to do painting activity. That makes the eternal movement world in static, in the static state it lets people unfold infinite thinking space to understand and comprehend the worldly kaleidoscope.


17. I should want to see the pageant of man's progress, the kaleidoscope of the ages


18. When I was child, I played with a toy name kaleidoscope.



19. I should want to see thepageant of man`s progress, the kaleidoscope of the ages.


20. The closure wall wind, Diaojiao Lou, Yan Ban Qingshi, as if to tell the Millennium Guzhai the past, there had been a thousand Qi to the mast of the old pier, Shao Gong Dang was the soul of the remote palace, was a kaleidoscope of social Ming and Qing Dynasties, years Such as wind, such as tobacco history, the ancient town of Old Lane silence so that you can not help but rush to lay down their pace when it comes to the farm under a Diaojiao Lou scenery, quiet and climb in the town of Xuan two other people, today's Walled Pleioblastus remains static Static guard to the Pleioblastus River, as if to remind people that this should not be lost to memory.


kaleidoscope 词典解释

1. 万花筒

A kaleidoscope is a toy in the shape of a tube with a small hole at one end. If you look through the hole and turn the other end of the tube, you can see a pattern of colours which changes as you turn the tube round.

2. (色彩、成分等的)千变万化,瞬息万变

You can describe something that is made up of a lot of different and frequently changing colours or elements as a kaleidoscope.

e.g. ...the vivid kaleidoscope of colours displayed in the plumage of the peacock.


e.g. ...a kaleidoscope of different alliances, groupings and interests.


kaleidoscope 单语例句kaleidoscope

1. No element creates a sense of occasion quite like fire, especially when it's used to light up the night sky in a kaleidoscope of color.

2. A kaleidoscope of different colored frogs was also found, including 24 of the famed poison dart variety and one that was translucent.

3. The buffet in Kaleidoscope restaurant mainly features Arabic and Mediterranean dishes, complemented by Northern African and Indian cuisines.

4. It is naturally endowed with the picturesque scenery of bright and beautiful mountains and waters, radiant with clouds and mists just like a kaleidoscope.

5. " These photographs are a kaleidoscope of what China was and is, " said Lu in prepared remarks before the ribbon cutting ceremony.

6. Most tourists to the Inner Mongolia autonomous region seek out the famous grasslands, but you can find a kaleidoscope of colors in Wuhai.

7. The kaleidoscope of images projected onto Chinese cities during the Crossings Festival has thrown a spotlight on China's own history.

8. The book's several contributing authors provide a kaleidoscope of perspectives, making it ideal for an omnivorous reader.

9. British photographer Craig Kirk is presenting a kaleidoscope of international metropolises with his exhibition Invisible Cities.

10. However, over the last decade it has been replaced by a kaleidoscope of other winter wear.

kaleidoscope是什么意思kaleidoscope 英英释义


1. an optical toy in a tube

it produces symmetrical patterns as bits of colored glass are reflected by mirrors

2. a complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes