

nominee:[英 [ˌnɒmɪˈni:] 美 [ˌnɑ:mɪˈni:] ]



nominee 基本解释

名词被提名者,候选人; 被任命者; 代名人

nominee 网络解释

1. 被提名人:这一新规定突破了先前仅仅允许所有人进行干预的旧规则,而英国或美国则允许对受托人或被提名人(nominee)授予投票权. 与之相应,员工的权利随着法律授予员工会(works council)新的权利而得以改善. (注:在法国,员工数多于50的公司必须设立员工会.

2. 候选人:news flash 短讯,快讯 | nominee 候选人 | notions 小商品

nominee 双语例句

1. Obama won Montana to give him the required 2118 delegates to become the first ever black Democrat Presidential Nominee for the White House bid; and possibly winning it against Republican`s John McCain, an opponent who is already in his 70`s.


2. nominee

2. In the case of registrable Securities be registered in the Client's name or in the name of the Company's nominee; or


3. In the case of registrable securities be registered in my/our name or in the name of your nominee; or


4. In the case of registrable securities, be registered in my/our name or in the name of your nominee; or


5. For a loan to SNC free from any claim or right of any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any Collateral in the name of SNC, its custodian or a nominee for either.

因客户的SNC 债务原因,包括但不仅仅是上述的和,SNC 有权出售、抵押、质押、转让、投资,并以其它方式使用任何其所持有的抵押品(包括但不仅仅是,以合同作为SNC 的贷款抵押品),客户不具有对包括客户或其监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在SNC 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

6. A person selected by others for election to office is the nominee.


7. However, nominee for vice-governor, Watanabe, was rejected because of his MoF background.


8. Superdelegates are Democratic Party officials and elected office holders who are free to vote as they please for the Democratic nominee at the party convention.


9. nominee

9. The presentive D democratic presidential nominee also v owed to use what he called all the tools of statecraft to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.


10. In response to a question on how he would confront the probable Republican nominee, Senator John McCain, a decorated war veteran, Obama noted that McCain had supported the war in Iraq, while he, Obama, had opposed it.


11. nominee在线翻译

11. The Supreme Court nominee is pledging fidelity to the law.


12. And that's the only way we're going to prevail against the Democratic nominee in November and so...

而这是我们于 11 月战胜民主党候选人的唯一方式,所以。。。

13. You, Your or Yourself means the person in whose name an Account is held, and includes Your Nominee where applicable.


14. Thank you for voting for your favourite nominee.

翻译文 谢谢你投给你的喜爱被提名者。

15. nominee是什么意思

15. Iran's Parliament speaker, Ali Larijani, seated in center, counted the votes with members gathered around him to hear the result of the count on the approval of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's nominee for interior minister, Sadeq Mahsouli, in Tehran.

伊朗,德黑兰:伊朗议会发为隔着远,没看清楚是什么花。雨滴追逐着雨滴,落在我阳台盆栽的榕树叶上,叶子颤动,枝丫摇晃,但还是支撑不住这重量言用刷子擦,坚硬的塑料须擦着金属面,磨出笨拙的窸窣声,如同猫鼠在青瓦屋顶追逐,或者,已经接近尾声,猫捕获了它的猎人-Ali Larijani坐在中间唱票,这些议员们聚集在他周围想要知道关于总统Mahmoud Ahmadinejad批准Sadeq Mahsouli为内政部长提案的唱票结果。

16. nominee的意思

16. Demonstrate that the nominee applicants are qualified senior personnel who are essential to establishing or expanding and operating the proposed business in B. C.


17. But Glaxo has set up its own nominee account for small shareholders where these rights are protected.


18. Iii Please notify us of any subsequent changes to the Nominee Directors after the account has been opened.

iii 开户后,若提名董事有任何变更,则请通知我们。

19. You are responsible for all amounts arising from, or losses incurred by Citibank in connection with, Transactions being effected on Your Account by a Nominee (including any in breach of the Terms and Conditions).


20. Any existing mutual fund assets into the nominee account.


nominee 词典解释

1. 被提名者;候选人

A nominee is someone who is nominated for a job, position, or award.

e.g. His nominee for vice president was elected only after a second ballot...


e.g. I was delighted to be a nominee and to receive such a prestigious award in recognition of our company's achievements.


nominee 单语例句

1. The San Francisco Chronicle also endorsed the Democratic nominee, describing him as a " portrait of calmness and deliberation " throughout the financial crisis.

2. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said superdelegates should make known their choices on the Democratic nominee for president by the end of June.

3. Coming in close on Hermione's heels in second place was Oscar nominee Keira Knightley, followed by singer Lily Allen in third spot.

4. To run for a seat in a geographical constituency, a nominee must be a registered geographical constituency elector aged 21 or above.

5. An election contested by several candidates is more democratic than those that have only one nominee.

6. Obama already had edged past Clinton in the race for pledged delegates who formally select a party nominee at a convention in August.

7. Of course, the Democratic nominee could easily be neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama.

8. The party out of power in Washington is struggling to develop a unified political strategy to oppose the Supreme Court nominee.

9. Bush's nominee for a seat on the nation's highest court.

10. And whoever the Republican nominee is, he will then engage in another round of crossfire with President Barack Obama.

nominee 英英释义


1. a politician who is running for public office

Synonym: campaignercandidate