

greasy:[英 [ˈgri:si] 美 [ˈɡrisi, -zi] ]


greasy 基本解释

形容词油腻的; 谄媚的; 含脂肪多的

greasy 相关例句


1. I usually have to wash the greasy pots and pans.



2. Too much greasy food isn't good for you.


greasy 网络解释

1. greasy的翻译

1. 油腻的:屋后环绕着一个院子,有大面积的泥土,和从旧车库上拆下来的一捆油腻的(greasy)木板. 但让人记忆深刻的是这棵树,巨大,枝干肥硕,高高的树枝上住着繁盛的(mighty)的松鼠家族. 四周是邻居们搭建成A字型(A-framed)的屋顶,

2. greasy的解释

2. 腻:这种炸鸡有点辣(hot),很嫩(tender),稍微有点腻(greasy),而且很咸(salty),所以人们通常边喝可乐(cola)边吃鸡. 肯德基炸鸡店里也卖软饮料(soft drink)、色拉(salad)、甜食和油炸薯条.

3. 油性的:greasy money 轻易来的钱 | greasy 油性的 | great calorie 大卡

4. 多脂的:greasiness 多脂 | greasy 多脂的 | Great Britain 英国

greasy 双语例句

1. Not the usual greasy dark guinzo husband but crew-cut blond, huge golden-haired forearms and broad shoulders and thin waist. And he knew he was physically stronger than any of those so-called hard guys that worked for the family.


2. The only thing I don't like about it is the slightly obvious sunscreen smell, plus it's a tad greasy when you first apply it. However, that's not a big deal to me.


3. Quantitative value of thick and thin tongue fur, moistening and dryness of tongue fur, greasy and putrid tongue fur can be get through the texture future analysis methods.


4. Male, mental strain, anxious, depression, higher study pressure, Pungent food, greasy food, fry explode food, menstrual disorder, menorrhalgia, sleep less than 8 hours everyday, lose sleep frequently, oily skin, mixing property skin and family history are risk factors for ache; Eat fruit frequently, operate the computer less than 2 hours everyday, dry skin, and neutral skin are protective factors for acne.


5. 4The risk factors of acne are:family history, mental strain, menstrual disorder, lose sleep frequently, Pungent food, male, menorrhalgia, anxious, sleep less than 8 hours everyday, depression, fry explode food, higher study pressure, greasy food, oily skin, mixing property skin, among them, the OR of family history(4.695)is the highest; The protective factors are:dry skin, neutral skin, eat fruit frequently, Operate the computer a short time everyday.



6. Their $75, 000 investment in their cherished 18-year-old's future ended in tragedy on a wet and greasy stretch of Birchs Road near Prebbleton in the early hours of Saturday, May 14, after Zhao Yun-fei's car left the road and crashed through a fence.


7. The product can replace the traditional putty scraping greasy base powder used, whilethe dual effect of topcoat.


8. When washing the greasy vessel, is available alkali detergent or heat, its principles, then what is it?


9. Hot, raw, cold or greasy food while taking the medicine.


10. greasy

10. Control of sebum activity, regulate oil secretion, improve the greasy dirty skin, connective tissue compactness, and convergence coarse pores, prevent and improve acne skin.


11. Zhangdou your face, cheeks Changdou if it is because you may have constipation or endocrine disorders, you can drink a glass of honey water every morning during the day when the drink These green tea water, do not eat too much greasy food; Changdou around the mouth if it is, it is because of your stomach fire was too heavy, too much can not eat bland food.


12. Solutions greasy sheep intestinal drug......


13. When you chew a piece, mouth flow of oil, you will not feel it a little greasy.


14. With soft cooked rice, hot, the creamy Group, rub in the face until a greasy black date, then wash with water.



15. It's not greasy, and makes the skin look very soft and smooth.


16. Greasy chinese, sleeping till noon...


17. Should be provided near the incinerator readily available for inspection. B esides the items required in Oil Record Book, record the incinerator operation beginning and ending times, the maintenance time and job done, the time and quantity ofburning greasy dirt rag, cotton, yarn carton, oil, Cooking Residue Oil, the waste lubricating oil. Ensure the quantities recorded match with that of Garbage Record Book.

自备焚化炉操作与保养记録簿须放置于焚化炉工作部位,除了 Oil Record Book 应记录的事项外,随时记载焚化炉之操作起止时间、保养维修时间及内容、焚烧油污破布棉纱纸箱、厨房余油,机械系统泄漏或更新后的滑油等时间及数量。

18. This naturally nourishing, non-greasy formula absorbs quickly and is blended with rich emollients to moisturize for a full 24 hours.



19. The naturally nourishing, non-greasy formula absorbs quickly, moisturizes for a full 24 hours, and it contains no drying alcohols and won't clog pores.


20. greasy

20. Simon found a scrap of greasy skin on a deserted chair and tossed it to the little dog.


greasy 词典解释

1. 有油渍的;油污的;涂了油脂的

Something that is greasy has grease on it or in it.

e.g. ...the problem of greasy hair...


e.g. He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter.


greasy 单语例句

1. Its chef prolongs the roasting process of the traditional Peking roast duck, to cut the fat content from a greasy 57 percent to 40 percent.

2. The pork is chewy, the skin deliciously crisp and the fat far from greasy.

3. Cod melts quickly in the mouth and the meat is fine and smooth, but oilfish tastes greasy and coarse.

4. Its coating is crispy but by no means greasy and potato paste inside is smooth and tasty.

5. As the Czech international slid across the greasy turf the Irish winger appeared to catch him with his trailing leg.

6. And the plastic gloves used to devour a greasy chicken wing or two are another great innovation.

7. The steamed minced pork dumping with crab roe was especially tasty, plump and with a mild but not greasy flavour.

8. Seasoned in mango broth, the fried chicken steak is no longer greasy.

9. However, the greasy diet has had no effect on his health.

10. The restaurant also serves the traditional Shanghai dish - fried shrimp with soy sauce, which was also very delicious and not too greasy.

greasy是什么意思greasy 英英释义


1. smeared or soiled with grease or oil

e.g. greasy coveralls

get rid of rubbish and oily rags

Synonym: oily

2. containing an unusual amount of grease or oil

e.g. greasy hamburgers

oily fried potatoes

oleaginous seeds

Synonym: oilysebaceousoleaginous