

affair:[英 [əˈfeə(r)] 美 [əˈfer] ]



affair 基本解释


名词事务; 风流韵事; 事情,事件; 个人的事,私事

affair 相关例句


1. affair

1. How are your affairs going?


2. The premier deals with important affairs of state.



3. The wedding was a quiet affair.


affair 网络解释

1. affair的反义词

1. 事务:在日常生活中,任何当下的可见活动总是指涉着不可见的事物整体,人类的事务(affair)说到底就是把在本然意义上不相与、不相通的事物(thing)会通、相与起来,使之成为整体性的世界视域的活动.

2. 事件:项美丽多少有点丧气地告诉他,不行,她的条件还不够,而且她最近的一本书(Affair)搞砸了. 不过她可不是那种爱诉苦的人,她立刻就打起精神告诉他,眼下她正在写一本小说,内容是关于一个美国女人和一个中国绅士之间的爱情故事,

affair 双语例句

1. An under use of the Foreign Students Affair Office and School Health Center was also noted.


2. BE seeing recently 《fall to the ground to please to open a cellular phone 》, followed a plot to cry some times ……originally still some things can move me of, originally think oneself already numbness, the other people's affair has nothing to do with me forever, it is an impossible detrition to originally have some hypostatic thing.


3. Finally, after reaching a climactic stalemate, Ari finds an unexpected solution to their love affair – a private world where reality and fantasy mesh into a strange harmony.


4. affair的意思

4. According to the principle of extenics, in order to establish the extension model of affair element for a complex system, the concept of multilayer multidimensional affair element extension set and its positive field, negative field and extension boundary were presented based on the concept of n-dimensional affair element extension set.



5. What your opioion for Kosovo affair and war in Iraq, for human rights?


6. Mr. Tracy Tupman, being quite bewildered with wine, Negus, lights, and ladies, thought the whole affair an exquisite joke


7. Mr. Tracy Tupman, being quite bewilder ed with wine, Negus, lights, and ladies, thought the whole affair an exquisite joke


8. In slave society, sacrifices and offerings were an important part of the social code. It was an important affair of state, and many sacrificial and offertory rituals were presided over by the king himself.


9. Writing about the Thalidomide affair, for example, often meant hazarding a jail sentence or a heavy fine for contempt.


10. By far i have only received six responses and since i did mentioned something about having a second and third prize, i shall just conduct a random draw and will shortly i will do so tonight as i don`t know if tommorrow i will gain access to a computer or not.. announce the names of five others, so that we have have a dozen winners eating together!! What a hairy affair!!!


11. To achieve this good, the indispensable social condition is to develop some comparatively ripe public affair organiz...


12. affair的反义词

12. Beijing Jiahao hotels is a tree-star deluxe comercialhotel, ltlocates in the south of capital lternational Airport, and closes to the airport express and airport pathway. it is very near to the new Chinese international exhi-bition and konggang technical park. our hotels is the best place foryour exhibition, commercial affair, cha-nging flinght and your spending holidays.


13. Based on the engineering application analyse of OPL in CLERA, function requirements, database modes, interface criterions and functions, running modes of OPL have being detailedly described. With the framework of Microsoft DNA, a kind of realizing method of OPL based on COM/DCOM/ActiveX Component technology has being brought forward, and this paper describes realizing keys from base tables'definition, object ID and class HX class and inheritance of class, object storage, parallel control and affair, object query, object nesting, relations between objects, support of complex data types, right control of object and buffer management of object.

本文在分析对象—关系映射技术的国内外现状、相关理论及实现方法的基础上,研究发现基于RDBMS的OPL是目前最适合CLERA的对象—关系映射方法;在CLERA的OPL应用分析的基础上,详细描述了OPL的功能要求、数据库模式、接口规范与功能、运行方式等内容;结合Microsoft DNA开发框架,提出了一种基于COM/DCOM/ActiveX组件技术的OPL实现思路,并从基本表定义、对象标识与类标识、类与类继承、对象存储、并发控制与事务、对象查询、对象嵌套、对象间联系、复杂数据类型的支持、对象级权限控制及对象缓冲管理等几方面概述了实现要点。


14. He told it without any sort of explanation except that eight years before his father had been more impetuous, and because the matter concerned his godson, the Don considered it an affair of personal honor.


15. affair的意思

15. The colonel, 'pursued by sinister remorse for having killed a man in an affair of honor, brought everything necessary for recreating the past as far away as possible from his bad memories.


16. affair

16. But beneath it all lay a austere affair -- how to acquisition a role afterwards retirement, and how to accomplish a success of what can be a catchy accord with those who appear after.


17. And then you get flooded with chocolate, dark and bittersweet like an old love affair...


18. That summer, Kanga had seen the writing on the wall spelling out the beginning of the end of her love affair with Charles.


19. He renounces his affair with Moll after a religious experience.


20. Rhianna Ellis, 24: New York City teacher who allegedly had a 10-month affair with an 18-year-old, and allgedly gave birth to his baby.

24岁的老师 Rhianna Ellis和18岁男孩发生10个月的关系,还生下小孩。

affair 词典解释

1. 事情;事件

If an event or a series of events has been mentioned and you want to talk about it again, you can refer to it as the affair .


e.g. The government has mishandled the whole affair...


e.g. The affair began when customs officials inspected a convoy of 60 tankers...


2. …事件(指重要或有趣的事件或情况)

You can refer to an important or interesting event or situation as 'the ... affair'.

e.g. ...the damage caused to the CIA and FBI in the aftermath of the Watergate affair.


e.g. ...confidential Bank of England documents relating to the BCCI affair.


3. …事(指具有某种特点的事情)

You can describe the main quality of an event by saying that it is a particular kind of affair .

e.g. Michael said that his planned 10-day visit would be a purely private affair...


e.g. Breakfast will be a cheerless affair for the Prime Minister this morning.


4. (不寻常的或具有某种特点的)东西

You can describe an object as a particular kind of affair when you want to draw attention to a particular feature, or indicate that it is unusual.


e.g. All their beds were distinctive; Mac's was an iron affair with brass knobs...


e.g. He tried dividing it into two bundles, tying them to his walking stick, and slinging the whole affair across his back.


5. 风流韵事;私通

If two people who are not married to each other have an affair, they have a sexual relationship.

e.g. She was having an affair with someone at work.


6. (关于某个主题所有的)事务

You can use affairs to refer to all the important facts or activities that are connected with a particular subject.

e.g. He does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of another country...


e.g. With more details, here's our foreign affairs correspondent.


7. 私事;个人事务

Your affairs are all the matters connected with your life which you consider to be private and normally deal with yourself.


e.g. He was rational and consistent in the conduct of his affairs...


e.g. The unexpectedness of my father's death meant that his affairs were not entirely in order.


8. (不容别人干涉的)事务

If you say that a decision or situation is someone's affair, you mean that it is their responsibility, and other people should not interfere.

e.g. If you wish to make a fool of yourself, that is your affair...


e.g. If they want to stay and fight, then I guess that's their affair.


affair 单语例句affair

1. It is common sense that any move taken by a public servant in a public place is by no means a purely " personal " affair.

2. The nagging problems at home are acting as brakes for Obama's aggressive diplomatic ambitions, making America's pursuit of the strategic targets of hegemony a turbulent affair.

3. Three prosperous generations later, the whole affair was consigned to a footnote in Canton's history.

4. Dining is mostly an intimate affair, with no capacious open halls.

5. Two years ago Cate Blanchett's Notes on a Scandal featured a teacher's affair with a teenage boy.

6. The governor told reporters in Charleston on Tuesday that it's obvious he wanted to keep an affair secret.

7. Processing the material for use is a costly affair because of its special chemical properties.

8. The father of troubled soul star Amy Winehouse blames his affair with a colleague for the star's addiction to lethal drugs.

9. Along with the local civil affair bureau, the office is working out ways to help them.

10. The civil affair department in central Henan Province reported four more deaths, bringing the provincial death toll to 24.

affair 英英释义


1. a vaguely specified concern

e.g. several matters to attend to

it is none of your affair

things are going well

Synonym: matterthing

2. a vaguely specified social event

e.g. the party was quite an affair

an occasion arranged to honor the president

a seemingly endless round of social functions

Synonym: occasionsocial occasionfunctionsocial function

3. a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship

Synonym: affaireintimacyliaisoninvolvementamour