

atrophy:[英 [ˈætrəfi] 美 [ˈætrəfi] ]


过去式:atrophied;   过去分词:atrophied;   现在分词:atrophying;   复数形式:atrophies;

atrophy 基本解释




atrophy 网络解释

1. 萎缩, 萎缩症:anthology 诗选, 文选 | atrophy 萎缩, 萎缩症 | trophy 战利品, 奖品

2. atrophy的反义词

2. 萎缩 萎縮; 減縮現象:atrio 火口原,锥间谷 火山口源 Y | atrophy 萎缩 萎縮; 減縮現象 Y | attractant 引诱剂 誘引物質 Y

3. 萎縮;減縮現象:atrio lake 火山口湖 | atrophy 萎縮;減縮現象 | attached algae 附著藻

atrophy 双语例句

1. The decrease of cell proliferation and the increase of cell apoptosis are responsible for the intestinal atrophy.


2. Rotation card design and application, avoids the repeated insulin injection in the same site to cause local reactions of subcutaneous scleroma, fat atrophy, ache.



3. I do have some atrophy in my calf and ankle.


4. We also have observed some organs pathological changes of juvenile Jian Carp, such as pancreas acinous gland and zymogen granules of acinous gland cell disappearing, intercellular substance hyperplasia and inflammatory cells soakage, hepatatrophia, liver cell granular or vacuolar degeneration and necrosis, karyolysis or pyknosis, glycogen granules decreasing, metanephros atrophy, metanephric canaliculus epithelium granular or vacuolar degeneration and necrosis, mitochondrion swelling and mitochondrion cristae disappearing, karyolysis, distal convolutal tubule microvilli desquamating, spleen marrow cell degeneration and necrosis, intercellular substance of spleen hyperplasia, spleen atresia, blood corpuscle disappearing.


5. Enlargement of the cerebral lateral ventricles is known to occur as a consequence of brain atrophy in Alzheimer`s disease.


6. Those at the top come from a patient with adrenal atrophy (with either Addison's disease or long-term corticosteroid therapy).

位于上方的一对为来自肾上腺萎缩患者的肾上腺(可能是由于 Addison`s 病或是经长期的类固醇激素治疗引起)。

7. atrophy

7. Fasciculate zone of adrenal gland in JGG and GSB group was somewhat atrophy, and adrenal cortex changed into slight.



8. Sudˉden death from thymus hypertrophy was closely associated with adrenal gland atrophy resulting in letdown of cortex function and decline of stress ability of the organisms.


9. atrophy的解释

9. Child cerebral form is the most common form of ALD. Its main clinical characteristics are mental impairment, limbs weakness, alalia, ataxia, seizures, viral and auditive disturbances. Some patients accompanied by visaul nerve atrophy, adrenal cortex and testicle impairment. ALD can be diagnosed by clinical characteristics combined with cerebral MRI.



10. The morbidity of ocular fundus diseases is higher in high plateau than in normal plateau. Ocular fundus diseases increase with age, while it has nothing to do with sexual distinction, age-related macular degeneration and optic atrophy are the main diseases, high altitude, lack of oxygen and vitamin, chronic light burn may be the reasons lead to low vision and blindness.


11. Results The main CT findings of SLEE were that as follows:Diffused hypodense cerebral parenchyma (3 cases) characterized by indefinite position, single or multiple foci, irregular shape, indistinct border, and mild mass effect; Focal hypodense cerebral parenchyma (4 cases), mostly in the region of basal ganglion and brain stem; Mild brain atrophy (2 casses) which was local or diffuse.

结果 主要CT 表现:(1)弥漫性低密度灶(3 例),部位不定,单发或多发,形态不规则,边界模糊,占位效应较轻;(2)局限性低密度灶(4例),主要位于基底节区及脑干;(3)轻度脑萎缩(2例),均呈弥漫性。

12. The test results of acute toxicity were examined with Pearson's degree of fitting. The results indicated that the silkworm was extremely sensitive to Chlorantraniliprole. The median lethal concentration (LC50) was 4.0905×10^(-3) mg/L and median lethal dose (LD50) was 1.1435×10^(-8) mg/larva for the 3rd instar newly exuviated larvae. No toxicity was observed when normal concentrations of Chlorantraniliprole were used to fumigate the silkworm rearing room. Both irrigation and leaf spraying with 1.25×10^(-4) mg/L Chlorantraniliprole solution showed strong systemic transmission properties in root, leaf and whole plant. The residual toxic period of this insecticide to silkworm was very long. Mulberry leaves sprayed with 1.25×10^(-4) mg/L Chlorantraniliprole solution could still cause 100% mortality of the 3 and 5 instar larvae after 60 d. Furthermore, toxic reaction was very quick. The poisoning symptoms emerged within 1~5 h after feeding on the poisonous leaves. The poisoned larvae experienced such symptoms as stopping ingestion, remaining still, vomiting slightly and body atrophy sequentially, and died ultimately.

食下毒力试验结果经Pearson拟合度检验表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺对3龄起蚕的食下致死中浓度(LC50)为4.0905×10^(-3)mg/L,致死中量(LD50)为1.1435×10^(-8)mg/头;药剂在常规浓度下对家蚕无熏蒸毒性;1.25×10^(-4)mg/L稀释药液对桑树根灌和喷叶处理,表现极强的根部、叶部和全株性内吸传导特性;药液对家蚕的残毒期很长,1.25×10^(-4)mg/L稀释药液田间喷雾桑叶,间隔60 d后采叶饲喂3龄和5龄蚕的死亡率均为100%,且中毒反应极快,添食毒叶后1~5 h出现中毒症状,经停止食桑、静伏、少量吐液、蚕体萎缩等过程后陆续死亡。

13. Uses in Yin deficient positive Yuan, cards and so on wet dream backache, the blood deficiency and related debilities kidney empty, the dizziness annoyed, loses sleep the multi-dreams, the waist foot atrophy weak one.


14. The characteristic lesions were: chronic catarrhal inflammation in gastrointestinal tracts, atrophy of white pulp in spleen hemo-siderosis in spleen and limph nodes, expansion of small tub...


15. Aplastic anemia is a sort of syndrome characterized by peripheral blood pancytopenia in association with which damage of stem cell of bone marrow and hematopoietic microenviroment on account of various factors(chemistry, physicsN biology and so on) with the result that concentric atrophy of red pulp replaced by fat marrow.

再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia,AA)是一组由于化学、物理、生物因素及不明原因所致的骨髓干细胞及造血环境损伤,以致红髓向心性萎缩,被脂肪髓代替,血中全血细胞减少。骨髓中无恶性细胞,无网状纤维增生。

16. atrophy

16. Disarrangement of regenerated hepatic cell nodus and liver cell cord, fatty degeneration in hepatic cell, thickening of spleen capsule and serious congestion of spleen parenchyma, atrophy of white pulp and shrinking of follicle and germinal center R50%NSG and RNSG could be seen that hepatic fibrosis, spleen capsule thichening and congesition of splenic parenchyma to a less extent.


17. The early application of improved enucleation combined with orbital hydroxyapatites ocular implantation is effective for patients with eyeball atrophy and complicated fracture of OMZ, and no complication is found such as dislocation of the implant, rejection and infection.


18. atrophy的近义词

18. In contrast, white matter atrophy rates were constant across all MS disease stages at approximately 3-fold normal.


19. atrophy的近义词

19. However, nearly all of these regional changes were explained by either white matter atrophy or by white matter lesions; each of which related to changes in distinct brain regions.


20. The importance of macrostructural white matter changes, including white matter lesions and atrophy, in intact brain functioning is increasingly being recognized.


atrophy 词典解释

1. (肌肉或身体其他部分)萎缩

If a muscle or other part of the body atrophies, it decreases in size or strength, often as a result of an illness.

e.g. Scott's muscle atrophied, his leg became stunted, and he was left lame...


e.g. Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool.


2. (事物的尺寸、程度、影响力等由于不使用或未受到保护而)变小,退化

If something atrophies, its size, degree, or effectiveness decreases because it is not used or protected.


e.g. If you allow your mind to stagnate, this particular talent will atrophy...


e.g. Many hoped he would renew the country's atrophied political system.


atrophy 单语例句

1. Amyotrophy is a congenital disease characterized by acute pain and weakness or atrophy of musculature.

2. People affected by problems such as these should actively do something to counter the mental atrophy.

3. Every morning Zeng massages the dog for an hour to prevent muscular atrophy, and an old woman living downstairs found some Chinese medicine for his injury.

4. Murong feels that books on paper are irreplaceable, even though the publishing industry may atrophy as digital editions grow in strength.

5. He has seldom left his home during the past nine years and suffers from muscle atrophy in his legs.

6. But those foreigners who won't be traveling during this time could be at increased risk of expat atrophy.

7. But Wang inserts needles into the eyes to treat problems such as cataract and eye nerve atrophy.

8. The virus causes paralysis, muscular atrophy and deformity and it kills in 5 to 10 percent of cases.

9. Before Lu, there was no academic report of women with muscular atrophy giving birth in China.

10. Six years ago Zhang was diagnosed with a serious spinal disease, pelvic fracture and muscle atrophy.

atrophy的意思atrophy 英英释义


1. any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use)

Synonym: withering

2. a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse

Synonym: wastingwasting away


1. undergo atrophy

e.g. Muscles that are not used will atrophy