

upbringing:[英 [ˈʌpbrɪŋɪŋ] 美 [ˈʌpˌbrɪŋɪŋ] ]


upbringing 基本解释

名词家教; 养育,培养,教养

upbringing 相关例句


1. upbringing的意思

1. The young couple shared the upbringing of their baby.


2. He owed his success to the good upbringing he had.


upbringing 网络解释

1. 教养:饮食礼仪不仅能展现筹办者和就餐者的教养(upbringing)、风度(bearing)和魅力(charm),还能体现对他人的尊重程度,是一个人学识修养、价值观(outlook on value)、人生观(outlook on life)的外在表现.

2. 抚养:upbraid 责备 | upbringing 抚养 | updated statistics 最新统计资料

3. upbringing的近义词

3. 家教:(2)家庭Family | (3)家教Upbringing | (4)家境Family circumstance

4. upbringing的解释

4. 培养;养育:1. cumulative 累积的、积蓄的 | 2. upbringing 培养;养育 | 3. rear 教养、饲养、栽培

upbringing 双语例句

1. Dionysus dionysus was the god of wine. he was the son of zeus by semele. when 你好s mother was burnt to death in the glory of zeus. he was still ahelpless infant.你好s father trusted 你好s upbringing to some mountain fairy maidens. they tookthe greatest care of 你好m. under the tutors你好p of silennus, the satyr, he was introduced to all the secrets of nature and the culture of the wine. he travelled far and wide in 你好s carriage drawn by wild beasts. he was said to have been to india and et你好opia. wherever he went, there was music and song and revelling.你好sattendants, known as the bacchantes, were noted for their noiseand disorder. a most wild, noisy crow, they drank, danced andsang in acareless way. the women bacchantes were infamous for their excessive immodesty and disgraceful excitement. in their madness and intoxication they committed cruel violence. they tore orpheus, the gifted musician, limb from limb. king pentheus of thebes, for frowning on the wors你好p of bacchus in 你好s kingdom, suffered the same treatme nt at the hands of aband of these fanatical women, of whom 你好s own mother was the leader.


2. All human beings, all animals are on earth, nature and upbringing in order to exist, and all kinds of animals are directly or indirectly help the human beings who contribute to human doing.



3. By the late Qing dynasty, great changes took place in charity thought in terms of social function of the charity, the way of upbringing, the almsman and the organization.


4. upbringing的反义词

4. The grandparents` upbringing of 0-3-year-old children is a major form of family education.


5. upbringing什么意思

5. He wrote memorably about his Buffalo upbringing and his father's influence on him in his memoir Big Russ and Me.


6. upbringing

6. His writing and his speeches are full of references to his Kirkcaldy upbringing.


7. I was brought up by my grandma/grandmother and had a strict upbringing.


8. upbringing的反义词

8. My son was brought up by his grandma/grandmother and had a strict upbringing.


9. If i had not admitted to, then i will go to a place where no one knows, because i am sorry to my family upbringing.


10. upbringing

10. They perform most of their songs in X., songs that talk about their cultures and upbringing. Some of the children such as V.



11. But that's just my prep school upbringing.


12. My upbringing was in a French Catholic community, but was not typical.



13. Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringing.


14. She is in little doubt that the condition has a genetic base and is not caused by upbringing.


15. Despite her religious upbringing, Aile was decidedly a victim of her temperament.


16. Children are constantly being influenced by the different environments, upbringing, and living habits surrounding them. They need our continuous guidance, patience and care. Educating the young is indeed an endless task for all educators.


17. Don't you think they speak well for our civic pride and moral upbringing?


18. And she imparted a discipline that reflected her upbringing in a well-to-do family.


19. I think it was Allen's gentle upbringing by classical musician parents that gave him so much joie de vivre.


20. After a series of investigation and discussion meeting with students in grade one in Middle school of Gxnu. We learned that their meta-learning ability was in lower levels because of influence of teaching and upbringing and they felt it hard to learn with lower efficiency.


upbringing 词典解释

1. 抚育;培育;养育;教养

Your upbringing is the way that your parents treat you and the things that they teach you when you are growing up.

e.g. Martin's upbringing shaped his whole life...


e.g. Sam's mother said her son had a good upbringing and schooling.


upbringing 单语例句

1. Josie also treats acting as a therapy to her strict upbringing during childhood, which has made her a very serious and practical person.

2. They also argued their client came from a violent upbringing and juvenile court would have been the best venue to try him.

3. To explain personal achievement, we usually dig into the family roots and study their " proper upbringing ".

4. Call it part of our Chinese heritage if you will because it has little to do with one's upbringing and even less with wealth.

5. Lai believes that the concept of equal opportunities is ingrained in her upbringing.

6. They gave their daughter a genteel upbringing, with her schooling at the fashionable Miss Chapin's school and Barnard College.

7. The implied rationale is that this guy's writing is so good we could not find anything in his education or upbringing to back it up.

8. But he added that environment and upbringing also play a part in explaining the variation in infidelity between women.

9. Doctors say Yao's heart problems and malnutrition caused by her rural upbringing could kill her within one year if she does not receive proper treatment.

10. Despite her UK upbringing - which included learning to sail on the North Sea - Tunnicliffe is fiercely American.

upbringing 英英释义


1. helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community

e.g. they debated whether nature or nurture was more important

Synonym: breedingbringing upfosteringfosteragenurtureraisingrearing

2. properties acquired during a person's formative years