

varying:[英 ['veərɪŋ] 美 ['veərɪŋ] ]


过去式:varied;   过去分词:varied;

varying 基本解释

动词变化( vary的现在分词 ); [生物学]变异; 相应变化; 呈现不同


varying 网络解释

1. 变化的:尤其从学习者的角度这样的环境是要可以被探索与变化的(varying)(林保平设计的原理 本文将建构及设计可以用电子几何板来从事的数学教学的情境实例. 学习理论告诉我们唯有个人积极的参与(active involve)在学习的过程,

2. 改变的:varying 变动修改改变偏离 | varying 改变的 | vaseline 凡士林

3. 变动修改改变偏离:varying voltage generator 变压发电机 | varying 变动修改改变偏离 | varying 改变的

varying 双语例句

1. varying

1. And the amplitude is controlled by this method. Thirdly, this paper adopted the digital phase lock technique based on asynchronous varying-Frequency modulation algorithm to control the phase and frequency of the refrence current, and the power factor of the grid-connected inverter.


2. So far a number of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang to varying degrees to preserve the primitive religion and the concept of the practice of Shamanism and left vulgar.


3. You can do that by varying the speed of your seminar.


4. varying的翻译

4. If the applied torque is varying, then the speed of the rotor will vary as well.


5. varying是什么意思

5. Mentality of a major campaign by the age factor, varying degrees of aging lower speed.


6. varying的解释

6. Practise varying your speed until you gain some control over it.


7. varying的解释

7. Further research including motor speed in the learning is conducted to adapt the control method to varying speed.



8. Its objective is to improve mechanism performance by varying the speed trajectories of the input link actively.


9. varying的翻译

9. We use our own research and development of the SIE-BS-RCF application framework for the development of specific work, in the design and coding reusable varying degrees, to speed up the development pace.


10. In many places, both in England and France, the curfew bell is still rung, and we note that not only is it rung at a relatively late hour, varying from 8 to 10, but that the actual peal lasts in most cases for a notable period of time, being prolonged for a hundred strokes or more.


11. The two beat interference signals have amplitudes varying complementarily.


12. However, from the village to clear the debt situation, everywhere in varying degrees in new debt.


13. varying什么意思

13. The laws of the ultimate capacity ratio of K-joints and KK joints varying with the main geometrical parameters were obtained.


14. The point in the call at which the call is abandoned will have varying impacts on a computer telephony system.


15. It was found that the Schorl or dravite in schorl-dravite group that is produced from pegmatite and has good crystal degree had a strong intensity of spontaneous polarity by electron-beam bombardment and X-ray diffraction of varying the temperature.


16. January arrives at 2 month in 2008 on 12th 12th, He Ping Xiang suffers to the large area frost disaster, entire countryside suffers loss to varying degrees, the people of Shiroishi Village bridge group drinks a project suffering freezing long range encroachment, damaged waterpipe unable usage, the masses life uses water to be in a paralysis, ice melts water during the past more than one months without exception by melting drink, recover since not having a fund, the masses can only carry water to the place besides one kilometre solving with water problem at present.

2008年元月12日到2 月12日,和平乡遭受到大面积的冰冻灾害,全乡遭受不同程度的损失,白石村桥顿组人饮工程遭受冰冻的长期侵害,水管破损无法使用,群众的生活用水处于瘫痪,一个多月来均靠融冰化水饮用,由于没有资金恢复,目前群众只能到一公里之外的地方挑水解决用水问题。

17. The hot oil furnace system is a complex time-varying and dynamic process with multi-variable, strong coupling, nonlinearity and large lag like other general.


18. varying是什么意思

18. A finite segment model has been established and applied to analyse the negative shear lag in box girder with varying depth.


19. Size curves of cocoon filaments can be regarded as non-stationary time series with finite length varying at random.


20. varying在线翻译

20. Several types of singular systems are discussed in the thesis: nonlinear timevarying singular systems, affine nonlinear time-invariant singular systems, linear time-varying singular systems.


varying 单语例句

1. Since all companies to varying degrees affect a building's quiet and cleanliness, businesses should discipline themselves by limiting business hours and noise.

2. I refer to varying margin requirements and the minimal capital requirements of banks.

3. Sun Lixin's store is tucked in a hive of ceramics outlets of varying sizes that line almost every street.

4. The key advantages of automated systems include reliability and flexibility, or the adaptability of such systems to varying and sometimes difficult conditions.

5. Their varying concerns and competing agendas - along with a challenging political environment - could be enough to unravel the painstakingly written agreement.

6. Sporadic shooting continued for hours after the morning attacks began, and amid the chaos officials gave varying accounts of casualties and the number of attackers.

7. They also offer around 40 different cigar types of varying price ranges.

8. Li said more than 300 people visit her department a day, with conditions varying from a common cold to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

9. And it would have to adjust for varying light conditions and the raucous commotion of people at different distances from its sensor.

10. They reflect the varying capabilities and functions of different computing systems and have evolved as those computing systems have evolved.

varying 英英释义


1. marked by diversity or difference

e.g. the varying angles of roof slope

nature is infinitely variable

Synonym: variable