

elbow:[英 [ˈelbəʊ] 美 [ˈelboʊ] ]


过去式:elbowed;   过去分词:elbowed;   现在分词:elbowing;   复数形式:elbows;

elbow 基本解释

名词肘部; 弯头,扶手; 肘形管,弯管

及物动词用肘推挤(另一人或另一些人); 用手肘推开

不及物动词用肘推搡着前进; 在拐角处转弯

elbow 相关词组

1. out at elbow(s) : 露出肘部的; 衣衫褴褛的;

elbow 相关例句


1. He elbowed his way over to where we stood.


2. He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rostrum.


elbow 网络解释

1. 肘管:拟车削15cm直径之肘管(elbow)端面,其较适当的夹持装置是角板与 (A) 四爪夹头 (B) 花盘 (C) 驱动盘 (D) 自动夹头. 下列有关车刀叙述何者为真? (A) 右手车刀切削时,系自左向右车削 (B) 圆鼻车刀,系用於粗削或光削工作 (C) 切螺丝刀,

elbow 双语例句


1. We report a case of vanishing bone in the elbow joint and carpal bones following trauma.

吾 人报告一个在创伤后肘部与掌骨骨头消失的病例。

2. Calm after admission in patients with 5 min, and opening up two intravenous access, an arm vein for the transfusion medicine, another elbow vein for blood samples from time to time.

患者入室后平静5 min,开放两条静脉通路,一条手臂静脉用于输药,另一条肘静脉用于定时采血标本。

3. With completed parts such as valve, three-way connection and elbow pipe, cut plate material up and wrap those completed parts with the cut plate according to different shapes and then bind them together.


4. Reattach the relief valve hose to the elbow in the bottom flange cover.


5. Rigorous teaching and requiring students to practice calligraphy hanging elbow stand, basic skills training


6. Strikes including the straight right punch, uppercut, the deadly palm heel strike, elbow strikes, nasty eye gouges and nose breaking head butts.


7. Using an Fv fragment in lieu of a Fab fragment might have some advantage since there is no flexible elbow to inhibit crystallization.


8. U elbow with union cplt. FIP


9. elbow的近义词

9. Many steel pipes, flanges, elbow to the EU companies because they can not offer PED/AD2000 certification can not explore the international market.



10. In particular, flows through the throttling or pressure valve, cross-sectional mutation or rapid-bend of the elbow pipe when the fluid turbulence with these obstacles through the part of the interaction of eddy-current noise, the sound power level vs.

尤其流经节流或降压阀门、截面突变的管道或急骤拐弯的弯头时,湍流与这些阻碍流体通过的部分相互作用产生涡流噪声,其声功率级随流速的变化关系可表示为:△Lw=60lg,若管路设计不当还可以产生空化噪声; 2、再说阀门,带有节流或限压作用的阀门,是液体传输管道中影响最大的噪声源。

11. With a few tools, some strength and a little elbow grease you are in business.


12. It takes a little elbow grease but it works and most hobby stores carry it.


13. Maybe you could improve it if you use a lot of elbow grease.


14. We can't get a crane here, so it's elbow grease.


15. elbow是什么意思

15. He didn't use any elbow grease.


16. Definitely have a go at this relationship, but be prepared to put in a lot of elbow grease.



17. The part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow.


18. If you don't like wearing elbow and knee pads, try wearing a cast.


19. May I borrow your knee pads and elbow pads?



20. If you think elbow and knee pads might be restrictive, try wearing a cast.


elbow 词典解释


Your elbow is the part of your arm where the upper and lower halves of the arm are joined.


e.g. He slipped and fell, badly bruising an elbow.


2. 用肘推挤

If you elbow people aside or elbow your way somewhere, you push people with your elbows in order to move somewhere.

e.g. They also claim that the security team elbowed aside a steward...


e.g. Mr Smith elbowed me in the face...


3. 跻身;挤掉;排挤

If someone or something elbows their way somewhere, or elbows other people or things out of the way, they achieve success by being aggressive and determined.

e.g. Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones...


e.g. Environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda.


4. to rub elbows with -> see rub

elbow 单语例句elbow的解释

1. Doctors said people who have the cell phone elbow can feel weakness in their hands and have difficulty opening jars or playing musical instruments.

2. Wade went sprawling when Chuck Hayes'elbow caught him in the nose early in the game.

3. I passed through dry brooks and rest spots that afforded adequate elbow space for appreciating the valley views and crisp air.

4. I unfortunately was not able to come during the summit between our 2 presidents because I broke my elbow.

5. The outdated ticket vending system means travelers must elbow their way through jostling queue jumpers to buy tickets from the grim faced counter staff.

6. Other times, he crooked his elbow over his face as if in exhaustion.

7. On the fourth day, the men participated in several rounds of elbow exercises.

8. He was born with a limb deficiency, his left arm ending at the elbow and his legs are not fully formed.

9. We had to elbow our way through just to get out of the drafty doorway.

10. The Norwegian crossed the line and immediately lay down with blood pouring from a gash to his right elbow.

elbow 英英释义


1. the joint of a mammal or bird that corresponds to the human elbow

2. the part of a sleeve that covers the elbow joint

e.g. his coat had patches over the elbows

3. a sharp bend in a road or river

4. a length of pipe with a sharp bend in it

5. hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped

Synonym: elbow jointhuman elbowcubituscubital jointarticulatio cubiti


1. shove one's elbow into another person's ribs

2. push one's way with the elbows