

monotonous:[英 [məˈnɒtənəs] 美 [məˈnɑ:tənəs] ]


monotonous 基本解释

形容词(声音,话语)单调的,无抑扬顿挫的; 枯燥无味的

monotonous 同义词


monotonous 反义词


monotonous 相关例句


1. monotonous

1. The preacher's monotonous voice put me to sleep.


2. The explorers lived on a monotonous diet of beans and rice.



3. My job at the assembly line of the car factory is rather monotonous.


monotonous 网络解释

1. 单调的:英格兰有许多满布工厂的城镇,逐渐充满了草率建筑的(Jerry-Built)低级公寓群(Rookeries矿区则千篇一律是公司所盖的单调的(Monotonous)、几乎没有配备的、像是避难所的小屋(Cottage).

2. 单调:如果在写文章的时候老是用同一个词,就会给人单调 (monotonous) 而没有变化(variety)的感觉. 但具有不同意思的同一个词在同一个句子里使用却是很有意思的:

3. 单调性:正齐次性(Positively Homogeneous)、单调性(monotonous)和传递不变性(Translation Invariant)四个条件,则该风险计量是一致性风险计量. ...


4. 千篇一律的:8. brilliant 辉煌的,卓越的 | 9. monotonous 千篇一律的 | 10. doleful 无聊的

monotonous 双语例句

1. In order to change this monotonous diet, five people have created a coarse food secret agents.


2. I am proud of military life very much although no long, because of self once was a soldier though being not a excellent soldier, at least guess that the qualified soldier, armed force live though monotonous, but enrich very much, very honest, that I often have a dream may arrive at my armed force, my family, that brother having me, if the place have had us to struggle, one day, if the armed force needs me as long as I can achieve, I am ready to offer my life as a tribute out, there am no the resentment nothing regretting.


3. Easy to miss the rich simply monotonous, rich and tangled miscellaneous loss is simple.


4. monotonous在线翻译

4. Presently, an awkward silence fell over the room, broken only by the drowsy whir of the electric fan, like some monotonous lullaby


5. And we can be found, Liu Yuxi article of his life to avoid a monotonous and Guji in an harmonious characteristics.


6. With the accompaniment of music for my life, my sky is no longer monotonous.


7. monotonous

7. Middle-long distance race is one of the sports which technology action is stabe, the content training is unitary and Training is also more monotonous. If the athlete wants to obtain better result in the competition. Besides the fine physical quality, the fine psychological quality it`s also important.


8. The latest area of research and development of new high-quality stainless steel security doors and windows, the use of high-quality stainless steel sections and accessories, a security firm, flexible, corrosion-resistant, non-Health embroidery, automatic features such as telescopic, so that can fire anti-theft, especially compliance with fire prevention, fire safety requirements, the product spray treatment to resolve the environmental impact of coastal areas due to rust easily and color defects monotonous.


9. monotonous的意思

9. An experimental model of osteomalacia skeletal fluorosis is produced in rats by keeping on feeding the animals with a monotonous diet using maize as the 玹aple food and drinking water supplemented with 200 ppm sodium fluoride for 2 months.



10. The monotonous walk up and down the gravelled pathway suited Alicia's humour.


11. I believe that everyone donot wan't to spend you whole three years of college in a monotonous and flavourless way.

我相信大家donot 111,111过一个单调无味way。

12. The structure of arthropod communities in paddy field located in complex habitats and in monotonous habitat was analysed. In complex habitats, species richness and individual number of predators were high and its index of dominnant concentration was low.


13. Arthropod communities of rice ecosystem were studied systematically in following 6 aspects: species diversity and abundance of arthropod communities of rice ecosystem, structure of arthropod communities of paddy field located in complex habitats and monotonous habitat, interspecific interaction of important species, structure and similarity of communities in paddy fields and non-paddy habitats, and the effect of insecticides on communities. The major results are as follows


14. China Wind China's flight attendants: red and white with a red vest and white shirt in the backdrop, not strict monotonous.


15. They believe the people are reclutant to live a simple and monotonous life with the development of ecnomy and the improvement of living standard.


16. monotonous

16. Our eyes evolved to tease aprat not the monotonous grays of city scapes but subtle gold, olive, and burgundy hues that signaled ripe fruit and tender leaves, and our brains to reward our sensory efforts with feelings of deep pleasure.


17. Bay monotonous flat topography, from Bay to Bay, I was the top ladder-like step-down.


18. monotonous的解释

18. Light classical style abandon the simple wooden and monotonous, not in the classical style of the tedious and serious, people feel solemn and quiet, modest home decoration also make room for some lively atmosphere, people get in the spirit in space And physical relaxation.


19. Leave it open, leave it unbolted until one day you happen to meet each other by the doorsteps like that little boy, little girl, perhaps under the moonlight or the sunshine while a cicada sings a monotonous song of childhood for you, for you both.


20. monotonous在线翻译

20. Without these added extras, shredding can be a long and monotonous process for one person.


monotonous 词典解释

1. 单调乏味的;毫无变化的

Something that is monotonous is very boring because it has a regular, repeated pattern which never changes.


e.g. It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs...


e.g. The food may get a bit monotonous, but there'll be enough of it.



The rain dripped monotonously from the trees.

雨水从树上滴滴答答地落下。monotonous 单语例句

1. Vuvuzela - the bright colored plastic horns with a monotonous droning sound became the hallmark of the World Cup soccer tournament in South Africa.

2. Having the characters come on one after the other tends to make the story a little monotonous.

3. They can compare notes in class and care for each other afterwards, enriching an otherwise lonely and monotonous life.

4. The popularity of family schools shows that the monotonous mode of the current education system has already failed to meet the demands of the society.

5. In peace time, science does not liberate us from monotonous labour.

6. He described work and life at the factory as " monotonous and suffocating ".

7. Many other theme albums can appear monotonous but Tears for Children offers an attractive variety of musical forms.

8. Police said Wang Liang and Yang Ning had been tired of the academic pressure and monotonous life in Japan before they allegedly committed the murder.

9. The monotonous cultural life in rural regions has created space for pornography and gambling to run rampant.

10. He writes that his life on the university campus is even more monotonous than his senior high school days.
