

projection:[英 [prəˈdʒekʃn] 美 [prəˈdʒɛkʃən] ]



projection 基本解释


名词预测; 规划,设计; [心]投射; 突起物

projection 相关例句


1. The company had made projections of sales of 3000 aircraft.


2. She excels in stage projection .


projection 网络解释

1. 投影:1950年自创作(Projection)后,开始采用图形记谱法,即大致指明每件乐器的上中下音区,时值则规划合成相等的小格. 一条横线从中穿过表示一个音符的长短,或者在小格内标明一个数字,表示在这段时间内要奏出多少音符.

2. projection的解释

2. 放映:原因是自1990年代以来,因数位影音科技的跃进,当代艺术的创作颇有进入放映(projection)时代的态势. 首先,就1960年代来说,录像艺术的兴起是带有雕塑形制的,例如白南准(Nam June Paik)的录像作品,而这同时也承载着装置语汇,

3. projection的反义词

3. 计划:这也是一个传统部分. 其目的是在第一年将你的各种金融计划(projection)集中到一起,也将你的未来计划包括进去,如3-5年的计划.

4. projection:p; 投影

projection 双语例句

1. projection什么意思

1. Phase of image segmentation: Using the horizon and upright projection method, ensure the position of vehicle's plate.


2. After placing the lower edge of the blade on the base plate with the tip touching the upright member, the projection formed by the double curve should just touch the center of the weld metal.


3. In view of the existing situation, in association with the scientific research projection of the evaluation and reinforcement of Wubu Yellow River Steel Highway Bridge of Shaanxi province, the paper inquires into the method of how to evaluate the residue fatigue life of the existing steel highway bridges and how to analyze their fatigue damage according to the structural reliability theory.


4. Cases of the orifice of the ejaculatory duct were well depicted on maximum intensity projection and multiplanar reconstruction images.


5. Among so many geography datum frameworks, map projection is the only one which can directly incarnate in visualization.


6. You can now have a reasonably-priced 1080p projection system installed in your home in as little as four hours.

现在,您可以有一个合理的价格的1080p 投影系统安装在您的主页在短短4个小时。

7. Large projection curtain wall, fantasy INTERNET VJ is confusing; The large hydraulic pressure ascend and descend T pattern stage, always present fascinating and choreographic performance, fashionable dresses show... It makes you to dance yourself into oblivion following the music rhythm...

到处可见INTERNET VJ大型投影屏幕墙,梦幻迷离;大型液压式升降T型舞台,时时上演精彩的舞蹈表演,缤纷的时装彩秀……让您置身其中,真实感受到强劲震撼的一流视听效果,不由自主地会随着音乐节拍翩翩起舞,令您流连忘返


8. This paper describes the basic principle of velocity pursuit guidance law and body pursuit guidance law of trajectory correction projectiles, researches the terminal correction trajectory and miss distance under pursuit guidance laws by 6—DOF trajectory simulation program, researches the orbit of laser detector ray axis and ground projection area of laser detector spatial viewpoint.


9. In order to realize the scientific operation of water resource and automatic management in the whole irrigation district, full function and good utility software of analysis and computing was developed in advanced computer programmed language, much function was provided, such as debugging parameter, showing water stage and discharge contrast chart of different canal system and corresponding data, outputting to projection screen for specialist consultation or printing, and it can make hydrologic forecasting ahead of a certain time.


10. A measurement system control and data processing software is composed with 4 modules, namely, parameters setup module, sampling control module, data processing module, and 3D display module which can illustrate the 3D profile of the inside surface of barrels with normal axonometric projection and cabinet drawing.


11. projection

11. Osprey Dual Series, a dual format screen for advance home cinema market of high end dual focal lens market need, Raptor Series for high end home cinema floor up cabinet TV projection screen.



12. The body is measured from the point of the shoulder to the rearmost projection of the upper thigh.


13. When my husband left office with a balanced budget and a surplus, the projection was that Social Security was solvent until 2055

当我丈夫留下平衡的预算以及盈余离职时,预测的社会保险偿付能力可延续到 2055 年,solvent

14. Interactive yuan to promote the new玩法, many people in the cinema have had similar experiences in waiting for the purchase of the boring time, on the ground have found the projector screen projection of the game.


15. The anteroposterior projectionof the foot, utilized to examine the foot disease in the past was referred as to the freely-stressed method. However, most of the patients on suspicion of Hallux Valgus get pains while standing with weight-bearing. Additionally, the patients'real conditions can not be diagnosed without standing. it is helpful for us to apply both the foot weight-bearing and the foot non weight-bearing so as to probe the individual difference between the HVA and the IMA 1(superscript * intermetatarsal angle and further to provide the informative resources concerning the assessment of performing surgery operation. The study include 40 patients who we having Hallux Valgus of different degree, The findings have revealed the significant difference among 40 patients after the method-weight-bearing AP of the foot projection given.

过去一般常用诊断足部疾病的足部摄影(anteroposterior projection of the foot; AP projection of the foot)是指未施加压於病人足部的拍摄方法,然而多大脚趾外翻的病患常於站负重时感觉疼痛舒服,而未负重摄影却无法呈现出病人站时的真实态,因此我们用足部前后位负重摄影(weight-bearing AP projection of the foot)与足部未负重摄影(non weight-bearing AP projection of the foot)的影像比较其大脚趾外翻角(Hallux valgus angle,HVA)及第一跖骨间的角1(上标 st intermetatarsal angle,IMA的差,进而提供外科手术的估评。

16. In the part of implicit surface modeling, Boolean operation and morphing between implicit surface solids, the methods generating implicit offsetting object and implicit sweeping object are discussed, the method on shape controlling of Metaball model is studied, the algorithms on intersection of line/implicit surface, parametric surface/implicit surface or implicit surface/implicit surface are presented. In the part of implicit surface rendering, the two methods about implicit surface polygonization are presented, one of them is based on section curves method, the other is based on projection.


17. The second algorithm uses ring projection to extract feature sequences in image templates, which overpasses the local area limit in tradition methods. While blending factors are gained from energy function that contains image gradient, which conquer the blur and mackle problems in the overlap area using tradition linear weight function. Thus we can gain pleasure visual effect using these two methods in image mosaics with notable illumination difference.


18. Sanya will prove crucial to China's strategic nuclear and power projection ambitions.


19. At first, we consider the case when the two approximation spaces are noncomforming finite elements, by means of the novel techniques and the typical characteristics of the elements, the same error estimates of convergence as the classical methods are presented without requiring the Ritz projection.


20. Certain optical systems, such as projection systems and automobile headlights, require light sources with high radiance or luminance.


projection 词典解释

1. 预计;预测;估计

A projection is an estimate of a future amount.


e.g. ...the company's projection of 11 million visitors for the first year.


e.g. ...sales projections.


2. 投射;放映

The projection of a film or picture is the act of projecting it onto a screen or wall.

e.g. They took me into a projection room to see a picture.


projection 单语例句

1. Climate change projection models have forecast an increase in global temperatures by two to six degrees Celsius over the century.

2. Would it be terribly impolite to suggest that when such people complain of censorship, a certain amount of projection is taking place?

3. Many of the other establishments along Beijing's most dynamic bar street have set up huge projection screens and made room for additional seats.

4. Asked for comment, one US government scientist questioned what he called this " aggressive " projection.

5. Many contracts are " cost plus ", meaning there will be no penalty if a contractor wildly exceeds the initial projection.

6. It was a sunny day, and more than 30 of the center's regulars squeezed into the tiny projection room.

7. The new media display center will break the limitations of traditional projection and tourists will be able to be in the scene.

8. The display uses the ancient Chinese technique of rice paper production together with modern image projection technology.

9. The projection came after the country's economic indicators showed that the impacts from the global financial crisis on China's tangible economy have become much severer.

10. The German government has already cautioned in the autumn projection of the possible risks of further economic slowdown in Europe and the world's economy.

projection 英英释义


1. the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting

Synonym: expulsionejectionforcing out

2. the act of projecting out from something

Synonym: protrusionjutjutting

3. any structure that branches out from a central support

4. the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction

5. a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations

6. a planned undertaking

Synonym: project

7. the projection of an image from a film onto a screen

8. the acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating quality

e.g. our ukuleles have been designed to have superior sound and projection

a prime ingredient of public speaking is projection of the voice

Synonym: acoustic projectionsound projection

9. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else

10. any solid convex shape that juts out from something