

ensue:[英 [ɪnˈsju:] 美 [ɪnˈsu:] ]


过去式:ensued;   过去分词:ensued;   现在分词:ensuing;

ensue 基本解释



ensue 相关例句



1. After the heavy rains, floods ensued.


2. What will ensue from / on these actions?


3. ensue

3. His illness ensued from malnutrition.


ensue 网络解释


1. 跟着发生:ensue from 结果产生 | ensue 跟着发生 | ensure from 保护

2. 跟着发生,继起:108、codify 编成法典 | 109、ensue 跟着发生,继起 | 110、judicial 司法的、公正的

3. 缘起:ensign 旗帜 | ensue 缘起 | entail 导致

4. 接着发生:helpful 给予帮助的;有用的 | ensue 接着发生 | overcome 战胜;克服

ensue 双语例句

1. It was not seen that for the good of the company the best results would ensue if a larger share of grenades were given to the strong-armed and active throwers.


2. ensue的近义词

2. Miyazaki's convoluted fable is clearly not the stuff of kiddie matinees, nor is the often graphic violence depicted during the battles that ensue.


3. It can ensue the high level of security of data information and operating easily.


4. It can ensue the the high level of security of data information and operating easily.


5. ensue

5. It was a circumstance that he noted on the summer morning when our story begins its course, that the women, of whom there were several in the crowd, appeared to take a peculiar interest in whatever penal infliction might be expected to ensue.


6. ensue

6. It is important for retransmitted messages to remain unaltered no matter how many times they are sent or else a great deal of confusion and unhappiness would ensue.


7. Comic imbroglios ensue.


8. What will ensue from/ on these actions?


9. What will ensue from/on these actions?


10. However, continued measurement and analysis must ensue to keep processes on track and free of defects below the Six Sigma limit.



11. Obey contract as a ancient rules in contract law is to ensue that the parties agreed on integrity by their respective contractual obligation.


12. E. g. What will ensue from/on these actions?

也没引起什么混乱 ensue:继起,随之发生

13. None of the competing alliances is likely to win an outright majority, so lengthy and ill-tempered horse-trading is likely to ensue, perhaps—judged on past form—for as long as three months.


14. In point of fact technology market can be defined, and, if not taken into account, possible omission of certain licensing arrangements that have negative impact on competition may ensue from actuality.


15. From this shall ensue good neighbourlinessand the willingness to wink at other people's weaknesses.


16. ensue

16. Hence I will excite thir minds With more desire to know, and to reject Envious commands, invented with designe To keep them low whom knowledge might exalt [525] Equal with Gods; aspiring to be such, They taste and die: what likelier can ensue?



17. Many thais worry chaos will ensue when competing cliques slip the leash that has restrained them for so long.


18. Combine your slot playing with these perks to ensue maximum value for your money.


19. But first a long succession must ensue, And his next Son for Wealth and Wisdom fam'd, The clouded Ark of God till then in Tents Wandring, shall in a glorious Temple enshrine.


20. If a burst of policy efficacy strikes the region`s central bankers, and they desterilize, while their export economies still stay strong, a series of incipient bubbles in Asian property/stock markets could ensue.


ensue 词典解释

1. 接着发生;接踵而来;随之产生

If something ensues, it happens immediately after another event, usually as a result of it.

e.g. If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue...


e.g. A brief but embarrassing silence ensued.


ensue 单语例句

1. Heartbreak and conflict ensue, but in the end they are together.

2. Violence and bloodshed ensue when discoveries are made, and the undercover men are dispatched to find out their enemy's identities.

3. Boim said he hoped after the new route was determined vigorous construction would ensue for the barrier's completion.

4. The party could then try to form a new government, and if that effort failed elections would likely ensue.

5. Such systems and mechanisms are important in that they help avoid the disturbances that may ensue free trade.

6. China's history shows that a crisis will ensue if the state sector becomes overwhelmingly dominant.

7. On the rare occasions when officials are sent to disperse vendors, disputes between the two groups often ensue.

8. Under such circumstances, deflation would ensue if the market fails to consume newly created products.

9. Various disastrous consequences will ensue as the earth's climate grows warmer and warmer.

10. If they play fast and loose, they must be held responsible for the occupational hazards that may ensue.

ensue 英英释义



1. issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.)


e.g. result in tragedy

Synonym: result