

pick:[英 [pɪk] 美 [pɪk] ]


过去式:picked;   过去分词:picked;   现在分词:picking;   复数形式:picks;

pick 基本解释

及物/不及物动词挑选,挑拣; 挖,采,摘,剔,扒; 挑剔

名词选择; 收获; 精华


pick 相关词组

1. pick up : 捡起;


pick 相关例句


1. She picked the meat from the bones.


2. pick什么意思

2. I picked a book to read.



3. Please pick a good book for me.



1. This stamp is the pick of my collection.


pick 情景对话


B:We’re out of (flour/ milk/ bread).



A:All right, I’ll pick some up.



A:It’s your turn to (drive/ pick me up/ take me to work) next week.


B:I know.



A:Shall we split the check.


B:Why don‘t you let me pick it up.


A:Oh, that‘s not necessary.


B:I know it‘s not necessary. I want to do it.


pick 网络解释

1. pick

1. 选取:让学员体会GIC珠宝教育的无穷魅力第一章 Jewel CAD 5.1初识界面 第一节 档案(File)菜单 第二节 编辑(Edit)菜单 第三节 检视(View)菜单 第四节 选取(Pick)菜单 第五节 复制(C...


2. 掩护:今天的比赛发现,火箭队的2号得分后卫David Wesley在第一节时,因为太阳队的Amare Stoudemire庞大身躯做掩护(pick)时,Wesley的头部撞到Stoudemire,结果痛苦不堪倒地不起!

pick 双语例句


1. The non-linear magnetization characteristics of pick-up coil for magnetic core of amorphous alloy is discussed.


2. I will come to pick you up on 7 o'clock!


3. I prefer to pick the first, since I know at least I get the price.


4. Will you pick meup at my place?


5. Pick up your role in Telemachus, for next week. Please prepare with someone who has the same role.

请准备下周在 Telemachus 个案中所扮演的角色,并请与扮演相同角色的同学一同准备。

6. It is bad form to pick one's teeth in public.


7. pick在线翻译

7. It is considered rude to pick in with your teeth wITe otITs can see you.


8. Finally, don`t forget to get out your hoof pick and body brush, just as you did before you tacked your horse up.


9. Brace the hoof with one hand and use the hoof pick to clean out all of the dirt, pebbles and other debris lodged in the hoof.


10. I went to the cloakroom to pick up our coats.



11. You mean to tell me that I cannot pick up this telephone and call my family?


12. Rachel:You know, Tina, it's okay to pick up the leg with your fingers.


13. Listen to the landlord aunt say incontinence, in our here, animals were incapable of defecating and urinating, or else to pick it up.


14. Pick out pick up the pile paid to play jokes teasing someone.


15. When taking cards, one may either take new cards from the stock, or pick up the discard pile - provided that the top card can be melded immediately.

当考虑卡,一可采取新卡,从股票,或拿起丢弃桩-只要T op电话卡,可以立即融合。

16. pick

16. Turned into the cabins, put away money, will ship on shore binding Wenwen pile up, pick up the ladle Bamboo fish water leakage, hope their head on a button, contemptuous laugh, to sleep the past.


17. pick的意思

17. An example would be having 2 identical items, lets say a pair of boots. One of them have 50 haste rating while the other pair has 50 crit rating. I would pick the one with haste on without blinking.


18. The realization tactic of median filter, emendating incline, outline pick-up arithmetic is designed.


19. We told him to pick out a pillbox and left fly.


20. pick

20. Because he's better in flirt than I am, he quickly started to pick up Leigh.


pick 词典解释

1. 挑选;选择

If you pick a particular person or thing, you choose that one.

e.g. Mr Nowell had picked ten people to interview for six sales jobs in London...


e.g. I had deliberately picked a city with a tropical climate.


2. 精华;精品;精英

You can refer to the best things or people in a particular group as the pick of that group.

e.g. The boys here are the pick of the under-15 cricketers in the country...


e.g. We had the pick of suits from the shop.


3. 采;摘

When you pick flowers, fruit, or leaves, you break them off the plant or tree and collect them.

e.g. She used to pick flowers in the Cromwell Road...


e.g. He helps his mother pick fruit.


4. 拿取;挪移

If you pick something from a place, you remove it from there with your fingers or your hand.


e.g. He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate...


e.g. He picked the telephone off the wall bracket.


5. 抠(鼻);剔(牙)

If you pick your nose or teeth, you remove substances from inside your nose or between your teeth.

e.g. Edgar, don't pick your nose, dear...


e.g. He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth after it.


6. 寻找…的口实;寻(衅);找(碴儿)

If you pick a fight or quarrel with someone, you deliberately cause one.

e.g. He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail...


e.g. He was clearly in a mood to pick a quarrel with anybody.


7. 撬开(锁);扒窃…中的东西

If someone such as a thief picks a lock, they open it without a key, for example by using a piece of wire.

e.g. He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.


8. 同 pickaxe

A pick is the same as a pickaxe .

9. see also: hand-pick;ice pick

10. 挑挑拣拣;挑三拣四;挑剔

If you pick and choose, you carefully choose only things that you really want and reject the others.

e.g. As a vocational teacher I could pretty much pick and choose my work...


e.g. We, the patients, cannot pick and choose our doctors.


11. 可从…中任意挑选

If you have your pick of a group of things, you are able to choose any of them that you want.


e.g. Here is an actress who could have her pick of any part...


e.g. Klein could have had his pick of the world's top models.


12. 任意挑选

If you are told to take your pick, you can choose any one that you like from a group of things.

e.g. Accountants can take their pick of company cars...


e.g. Take your pick from ten luxury hotels...


13. 择路而行;小心行路

If you pick your way across an area, you walk across it very carefully in order to avoid obstacles or dangerous things.

e.g. The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution...


e.g. I moved away from the shack and picked my way among the rubble.


14. to pick someone's brains -> see brain

to pick holes in something -> see hole

to pick someone's pocket -> see pocket

15. 收拾残局;努力恢复正常

When you pick up the pieces after a disaster, you do what you can to get the situation back to normal again.

e.g. Do we try and prevent problems or do we try and pick up the pieces afterwards?...


e.g. She died, and somehow I never picked up the pieces and started again.


16. 加速

When a vehicle picks up speed, it begins to move more quickly.

e.g. Brian pulled away slowly, but picked up speed.


相关词组:pick atpick offpick onpick outpick overpick up

pick 单语例句

1. Customers in the US could shop and buy the device anywhere they are and pick up their purchase at any Apple retail store.

2. Traders and tourists came from all over China to pick and buy the mandarins.

3. We recommend picking one that takes your fancy, buying a bag of beer and asking the manager to pick out some daily specials.

4. My cousin and I would first hook flowers from the tree with a reaping hook and then pick them little by little.

5. A gentleman is supposed to act chivalrous and pick up the bill, not charge 50 yuan for a kiss.

6. The " current law " that Pick is referring to is DOMA, which was signed into federal law in September 1996 by then president Bill Clinton.

7. They can tour the town by water or pick up pearls in a pool.

8. Analysts say Yudhoyono is likely to pick more technocrats, and fewer politicians to fill his next cabinet so that the government can promote reform.

9. Even when cadaver dogs pick up a scent, workers say they frequently can't get at the bodies without heavy equipment.

10. Beijing will encourage its residents to pick up the calisthenics to promote their physical wellbeing.

pick 英英释义


1. the act of choosing or selecting

e.g. your choice of colors was unfortunate

you can take your pick

Synonym: choiceselectionoption

2. a basketball maneuver

obstructing an opponent with one's body

e.g. he was called for setting an illegal pick

3. a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends

e.g. they used picks and sledges to break the rocks

Synonym: pickaxpickaxe

4. a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material

e.g. he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks

5. a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument

Synonym: plectrumplectron

6. the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving

Synonym: woofweftfilling

7. the person or thing chosen or selected

e.g. he was my pick for mayor

Synonym: choiceselection

8. the best people or things in a group

e.g. the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War

Synonym: cream

9. the quantity of a crop that is harvested

e.g. he sent the first picking of berries to the market

it was the biggest peach pick in years

Synonym: picking


1. remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits

e.g. Clean the turkey

Synonym: clean

2. remove in small bits

e.g. pick meat from a bone

3. select carefully from a group

e.g. She finally picked her successor

He picked his way carefully

4. harass with constant criticism

e.g. Don't always pick on your little brother

Synonym: blamefind fault

5. eat intermittently

take small bites of

e.g. He pieced at the sandwich all morning

She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles

Synonym: nibblepiece

6. hit lightly with a picking motion

Synonym: peckbeak

7. look for and gather

e.g. pick mushrooms

pick flowers

Synonym: pluckcull

8. attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example

e.g. Pick open the ice

Synonym: break up

9. pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion

e.g. he plucked the strings of his mandolin

Synonym: pluckplunk

10. provoke

e.g. pick a fight or a quarrel

11. pay for something

e.g. pick up the tab

pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages

foot the bill

Synonym: foot

12. pilfer or rob

e.g. pick pockets