

interstellar:[英 [ˌɪntəˈstelə(r)] 美 [ˌɪntərˈstelə(r)] ]


interstellar 基本解释

形容词星际的; 恒星际

interstellar 网络解释

1. interstellar的近义词

1. 星际:据国外媒体报道,史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)可能是手头计划最多的好莱坞导演了,不过他下一部将选择哪一个计划则一直是个谜,近日有媒体曝出(The Dark Knight)编剧乔纳森.诺兰(Jonathan Nolan)将为他的新片(Interstellar)编剧的消息,并猜测

2. interstellar的意思

2. 恒星间的:intergalactic 星系间的 | interstellar 恒星间的 | interplanetary 行星间的

3. 星际的:interstation 台际的 | interstellar 星际的 | interstice 空隙

4. interstellar的翻译

4. 星际防盗系列:●E.L防盗报警器材 | ●INTERSTELLAR 星际防盗系列 | ●ALEPH 艾礼富对射探测系列

interstellar 双语例句

1. interstellar

1. The Astrochemistry Laboratory researches on extraterrestrial materials and especially the formation, distribution, and fate of organic compounds (comprised primarily of carbon, like those in living things), space environments including interstellar, cometary, and planetary ices, extraterrestrial organic molecules that made the Earth habitable and may have even been involved in the origins of life.



2. Yet, the earth's three civilizations not only existed, but they were also the equal of Orion's interstellar culture.


3. This is also before the interstellar hegemony facing a problem.


4. After rolls up like a mat the Mars for two hours, giant nebula Japan Current finally everywhere comes, in which is smuggling the massive solar system planetoid fragment and the interstellar dust, as a result of the proliferation and fierce cooling, is following the grotesque and gaudy fierce electric discharge phenomenon, looks like an unprecedented interspace storm crazy biao to come, as if must sweep prevents its all!


5. Interstellar 2's reactor of person race and the transference of magical race door producing gimmick.


6. Pioneer 10 and its twin, Pioneer 11, with the same plaque, were successfully launched launched in 1972, starting their interstellar postcards on the longest journey in histoty.


7. interstellar

7. Observations from each telescope highlight distinct features of the supernova remnant, a fast-moving shell of iron-rich material from the exploded star, surrounded by an expanding shock wave that is sweeping up interstellar gas and dust.


8. The remainder of cylinder could be configured in multiple ways for interstellar or intrasystem transport of various payloads: passengers or cargo or both.


9. interstellar的解释

9. The stable carbon cage structure of fullerene C60 indicates it should occur abundantly in circumstellar and interstellar media.


10. To probe for a possible new origin of amino acids, density functional theory at the B3LYP/6-311++G level has been carried out for important reactions between methaneimine, CH2NH, and the two isomers HNC/HCN via Strecker synthesis route, leading to the formation of aminoacetonitrile, H2NCH2CN, a precursor of glycine, both in the gas phase and on a model icy grain surface in the interstellar medium.


11. interstellar什么意思

11. Billions of years ago Mira was likely similar to our Sun, but has now become a swollen red giant star, its outer layers of material blowing off into interstellar space.


12. The we already had one Ge clarity to interstellar rudiment impression before place writes the article with Zai, this second we are very glad development department of Qing Lai product is advanced vice-president Frank.


13. When interstellar matter enters the spiral arm star river, a moving huge section mass lump is accelerated by the star wind from the central bu


14. Procedures for the use of the hook capture the interstellar IPX packet networks, import substitution function through the data conversion IPX UDP packet to the public network with the server. public networks to achieve the same side as the Gallant online games, which hooks dll framework from the Internet a strongman, I revised achieve interstellar interconnection function.


15. interstellar

15. These filaments reveal where the shock wave is encountering lower-density, more uniform interstellar material.


16. Historically, the discovery of the buckminsterfullerene molecule by Kroto et. al in 1985 when they investigated the nature of carbon present in interstellar space is unique since it is one and only new allotrope discovered in the 20th century.


17. Its surprisingly large mass, high scale height, and enormous power requirement have significantly modified our understanding of the composition and structure of the interstellar medium and the distribution and flux of ionizing radiation within the disk and halo.

它惊人的总量、high scale height 以及巨大的能量需求极大的改变了我们对星际物质的组成、分布、变化的认识。

18. Pioneer 10 is on a trajectory that is taking this spacecraft out of the solar system and into interstellar space.


19. Located some 13 million light-years from Earth, NGC 4214 is currently forming clusters of new stars from its interstellar gas and dust.

NGC 4214距地球约13,000,000光年,目前它的星际物质正在形成一群又一群的新恒星。

20. A dim foreground star and a bright star located much farther away -- whose light can be diminished by interstellar gas -- can be hard to tell apart because they appear to have similar luminosities as stars in our own galaxy.


interstellar 词典解释

1. 星际的

Interstellar means between the stars.

e.g. ...interstellar space.


interstellar 单语例句

1. The Ibex probe will study a chaotic region in space where the solar wind from the sun clashes with cold gases from interstellar space.

2. The capsule contains cometary and interstellar samples gathered by the Stardust spacecraft.

3. This artist rendering released by NASA shows the Interstellar Boundary Explorer or IBEX spacecraft in space.

4. Solar sails are envisioned as a potential means for achieving interstellar flight in the future, allowing such spacecraft to gradually build up great velocity and cover large distances.

interstellar的意思interstellar 英英释义


1. between or among stars

e.g. the density of hydrogen in interplanetary and interstellar space