

transcendent:[英 [trænˈsendənt] 美 [trænˈsɛndənt] ]


transcendent 基本解释

形容词超然的; 卓越的,至高无上的

名词卓越的人,尤物; 超越认识的事物


transcendent 网络解释


1. 卓越的:transcendency 超越 | transcendent 卓越的 | transcendental 先验的

2. 超越的; 優於的:transcend 超越; 優於 | transcendent 超越的; 優於的 | transformation 轉變; 變化: 變形

transcendent 双语例句

1. It will be, as metaphysics was always said to be, the most general and fundamental of studies; and its method will be non-empirical, or a priori, not because, like transcendent metaphysics, it claims to be concerned with a realm of objects inaccessible to experience, but because it is concerned with the conceptual structure which is presupposed in all empirical inquiries.


2. Chuck Colson preaches that we need to bring back into American life the transcendent.


3. This thesis tries to disclose the ontological meanning of Schematism, through a detailed discuss of it; and points that because Kant rigorously distinguished thing-in-itself and phenomenon, in the limit of phenomenon, object has been the representation of transcendent subject, and then the unity of subject and object has been founded.



4. In the Kantian epoch it still claimed for itself only a relative immanence, for it believed in the existence of a transcendent Creator and admitted the existence of noumena, unknowable, to be sure, but with which we maintain relations.



5. Therefore, the products have novel style, the fight against strong, environmental protection and water conservation, solid and durable, anti-fouling corrosion resistance, easy to Cleaning and other quality characteristics, people in the course of receiving a transcendent beauty and comfort of the extraordinary!


6. Price theory deals with the formation of objective prices, and not transcendent, ultimate governing principles.


7. These four constitute a half immanent and half transcendent quaternity, an archetype which I have called the marriage quaternio.7 The marriage quaternio provides a schema not only for the self but also for the structure of primitive society with its cross-cousin marriage, marriage classes, and division of settlements into quarters.


8. transcendent的解释

8. I think what we are looking for is a way of experiencing the world that will open to us the transcendent that informs it, and at the same time forms ourselves within it.


9. transcendent

9. All I dare hope is that if, in executing this task, I have been too much swayed by a grateful remembrance of former instances, or by an affectionate sensibility to this transcendent proof of the confidence of my fellow-citizens, and have thence too little consulted my incapacity as well as disinclination for the weighty and untried cares before me, my error will be palliated by the motives which mislead me, and its consequences be judged by my country with some share of the partiality in which they originated.


10. transcendent

10. They argue that regimes come and go, mat political issues are always transient, that the Olympic spirit is transcendent.


11. One is based on the method of transcendent knowledge including template matching and Face rules, the other is based on the method of learning and training.


12. Having excluded the transcendent God as the absolute and the object of worship, the secularist inexorably makes the world of man and nature absolute and the object of worship.


13. In politics, he had great ambition to unifying the world and carried the economic innovation through a series of measures. In martial command, he administrated considering the situation and devised strategies within a command tent. As a transcendent leader, he was good at knowing and using the person with ability. In administration, he actively announced effectual managing system and became the actual chief leader in China during a long time.


14. transcendent的翻译

14. The findings indicated that no significant difference was observed in general among these three groupsexcept more stronger belief in koro and transcendent religion in koro ones, showing a close relationsh...


15. transcendent的反义词

15. His gift is less transcendent and fragile than the conclusion of Viaggio in Italia.


16. In this form of pantheism God is absolute in all aspects, removed from and transcendent over the world.


17. Modified by Master Zheng Wen, the classic feather fan and crane cloak set off by contrast Zhuge Liang's demeanor of transcendent being.


18. I had wanted to distance myself from the current Chinese ideological styles and trends, and search for a free form of expression that was transcendent of regionalism.


19. American conservatives never exclude those who discountenance transcendent perspectives, but we tend to live by them.


20. Tang Junyi argues that in our present situation there is a strong need for a transcendent element to thought: We ought to establish a belief in the possibility of realization of our ideals.


transcendent 词典解释

1. 超越的;卓越的;杰出的

Something that is transcendent goes beyond normal limits or boundaries, because it is more significant than them.

e.g. ...the idea of a transcendent God who stood apart from mankind.


transcendent 单语例句transcendent的反义词

1. Artistic elements that are stylized and transcendent are infused into musicals, representing a new type of cinematic expression.

2. Several of the editors who voted commented on how two transcendent developments dominated the news in 2008.

transcendent 英英释义


1. beyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding

e.g. the notion of any transcendent reality beyond thought

2. exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence

Synonym: surpassing