

demote:[英 [ˌdi:ˈməʊt] 美 [ˌdi:ˈmoʊt] ]


过去式:demoted;   过去分词:demoted;   现在分词:demoting;

demote 基本解释


demote 同义词



demote 反义词


demote 网络解释

1. 使降级. 相应词:13. prop up 给......撑腰,支持 | 14. demote 使降级. 相应词 promote | 15. news neutralism 无倾向性新闻,新闻中立主义

2. 使降级:Demosthenes 德摩斯梯尼 | demote 使降级 | demotic 通俗的


3. 降级,降职:erase 抹去,擦掉 | demote 降级,降职 | brutal 野蛮的

demote 双语例句

1. China has always Quan election, the most qualified, this is a well-intentioned, but in the absolute monarchy countries, demote and promote talent noted by virtue of one person Xinu monarch, so while speaking qualifications, but also useless.


2. I told the economist on the world in 2020: That kind thinks that it is the suspect to meet trouble halfway that operational World Bank that U. S. A. guides will demote and damage the subordinate bank, Can not have an effect thoroughly.


3. demote的反义词

3. It might refer to the ability to demote or to withhold other rewards.


4. You can also use the Tab key and Shift + Tab keys to promote and demote the outline level of a line in a list.

您也可以使用 Tab 键和 Shift + Tab 键,将列表中的一行进行大纲级别的升级和降级

5. demote在线翻译

5. Then demote the offending player to that rank as a warning. You can even do that as a temporary measure. You can promote them back after a period of time or if they agree to be good.


6. To demote to lower level heading, drag minus to right outline symbol.

将标题样式分配给每个标题。例如,标题,使用标题 1 并使用为每个子文档标题 2。

7. demote的近义词

7. My biggest questions for this team are: Will Bynum`s coming-out party resume upon his reinstatement into the lineup and, if not, will Phil Jackson, a coach well-known for tinkering with his teams, keep the Bryant-Gasol-Odom starting lineup and demote Bynum to the bench?


8. He believes sleep and the disruption of sleep patterns is a huge problem in the 21st century, which is the result of a 24/7 working culture of long hours and shift work, conspiring to demote sleep.


9. Current, situations of many central city transportation present our country to worsen increasingly the trend with loss of efficiency, appeared economic progress, population increases, traffic is embraced, the undesirable loop between traffic of the demote below efficiency of activity of society of lag of development of urban dimensions dilate, traffic, economy and economic society development concerns, make the development that emphasizes any only one party or onefold solve some problem, all.


10. To lower in rank or grade; demote. See Synonyms at demote

降级:降低等级或衔位;降级参见 demote

11. demote的反义词

11. These enlightened thinkers demote and animadvert on the Chinese nationality usually from their own benefit, but they indeed open out the inveterate habit and shortcoming of Chinese.


12. From this point of view, we must try our best to utilize positive factor and modern combination governed by law among family's factor, not demote family composition and family's culture in the family firm simply.


13. The President also has the statutory power to designate one of the commissioners of an independent agency to serve as chairman, and to " demote " the chairman back to the rank of commissioner without cause.



14. For example, a trigger can send you e-mail whenever new content is posted or can demote a front-page story if the story is edited.


15. Demote: This allows the guild leader to demote members within the guild to lower ranks.


16. In the electrochemical analysis and experiment of coating material, it demote Zn and Al, which provide cathodic protection has good anti corrosion to sea water.



17. It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been standing in during maternity leave


18. Cannot demote this field, table, or query.


19. When you demote a field, all other fields that belong to the group level get demoted as well.


20. Demote all parent grouping sections then retry the promote.


demote 词典解释

1. 使降级;使降职;使降低地位

If someone demotes you, they give you a lower rank or a less important position than you already have, often as a punishment.


e.g. It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been standing in during maternity leave...


e.g. If they prove ineffective they should be demoted or asked to retire.



He is seeking redress for what he alleges was an unfair demotion.


2. 使(球队等)降级

If a team in a sports league is demoted, that team has to compete in the next competition in a lower division, because it was one of the least successful teams in the higher division.

e.g. The club was demoted at the end of last season.



The team now almost certainly faces demotion.

这支球队目前几乎肯定要面临降级的命运。demote 单语例句

1. The judges could decide to strip titles - including Juventus'league titles in the past two years - and demote the clubs to a lower division.

2. It was smart of the stewards to demote Vettel from second to fifth - and not just by the one place he had gained.

demote 英英释义


1. assign to a lower position

reduce in rank

e.g. She was demoted because she always speaks up

He was broken down to Sergeant

Synonym: bumprelegatebreakkick downstairs