

ox:[英 [ɒks] 美 [ɑ:ks] ]



ox 基本解释

名词牛,公牛; 牛属动物


ox 反义词




ox 相关例句

1. The black ox has trod on sb's foot.


2. The black ox has trampled on sb's foot.


ox 网络解释

1. 公牛:汽车氙气灯产品旗下著名品牌包括奔宝(BANBO)系列、公牛(OX)系列及太阳(SUN)系列,还有专车专用氙气灯、摩托车氙气灯、一体型氙气灯、氙气手电筒、氙气灯透镜以及规格齐全的各种型号氙气灯泡;

2. 氧化:PON1活性依90年代初发现血清对氧磷酯酶 1(Paraoxonase1,PON1)活性与动脉粥样硬化的发生有密切关系 ,且体外实验证实与HDL结合的PON1能够部分水解脂质过氧化物 ,使低密度脂蛋白 (LDL)免受氧化修饰 ,减少氧化 (ox) LDL的积聚(1

3. ox

3. 欧克斯:1963年11月07日 冥斗士 地走星 戈耳工(Gorgon)欧克斯(Ox)出生. 1964年03月10日 双鱼座(Pisces)黄金圣斗士 阿布罗狄(Aphrodite)出生. 1964年04月13日 冥斗士 天丑星 德多里比托路(Scarabee)史丹德(Stand)出生.

4. ox的反义词

4. ox:ortho xylene; 邻二甲苯

5. ox什么意思

5. ox:oxytocin; 催产素

6. ox:oxacillin; 苯唑西林

ox 双语例句

1. ox是什么意思

1. Russia has an innate nature of ox and dare to battle any one, especially tiger US.



2. And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wago, and twelve oxe a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle.

7:3 他们把自己的供物送到耶和华面前,就是六辆篷子车和十二只公牛。每两个首领奉献一辆车,每首领奉献一只牛。他们把这些都奉到帐幕前。

3. Fine figurines are made by hand in the shapes of ox en, tigers, the God of Longevity and so on.


4. ox的翻译

4. This year is Year of the Ox, I can never realize how sharp this year, instead, I have a strong idea that God want me to die this year.


5. It is a magnum opus painting that takes ox as the theme in Chinese art history.


6. In the present invention, chemically modified active chitin carrier provided in the other Chinese patent with the application number No.96120646.2 is coupled with trypsin to produce chitin-fixing trypsin adsobent, which is then used in static adsorption and dynamic elution of ox lungs to produce aprotinin. The product has an activity as high as 5, 000 Kiu/mg, much higher than the given value, 3, 600 Kiu/mg in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.


7. In another case, the six kinds of liposome were added at the same time when the macrophages have being incubated with Ox-LDL from 24 to 36 hours, then membrane phosphatide content was detected.

结果:刚纯化的家兔腹腔巨噬细胞的膜磷脂含量平均为(0.429±0.084)mg/百万个细胞,经与Ox-LDL共同孵育24h后,其细胞膜磷脂含量增加到(0.717±0.045)mg/百万个细胞(student t=10.9119,P.01)。

8. The results suggest that both OX-LDL and CP play an important role in the progression of CHD.


9. If anyone hire an ox, and put out its eyes, he shall pay the owner one-half of its value.


10. If anyone hire an ox, and put out its eyes, he shall pay the ownerone-half of its value.


11. ox

11. If anyone hire an ox, and put out its eye, he shall pay the owner one-half of its value.



12. The natural collage n film is an extracted natural biological material refined from muscle of ox and has good biological compatibility.


13. Treated with cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of non-specific phagocytosis, the amount of the three kinds of 〓-ox-LDL uptake were all decreased dramatically, while the addition of GB could increased the inhibitory role of cytochalasin D. These results indicate that GB plays its role through blocking the receptor pathway.

利用非特异吞噬抑制剂细胞松弛素D(cyto-chalasin D)处理细胞,可见MPM对三种不同程度修饰ox-LDL的摄取能力均明显降低,而GB的应用则导致MPM对ox-LDL的摄取量更低,提示GB的作用可能是通过阻止细胞的受体途径。

14. He needed to work on the farm's field with the ox everyday.


15. ox

15. After 48h exposure to 50mg/L ox-LDL, under the fluorescent microscope partial cells Showed typical apoptotic morphological changes such as nacarat fluorescent body shrinking and fragment of the nucleus. At the same time, the cellular cholesterol content also increased obviously, and many lipid droplets accumulated in cells.

RAW264.7细胞经50mg/L ox-LDL处理48h后,AO/EB染色显示明显的细胞凋亡形态学特征,出现核固缩、碎裂,同时细胞内胆固醇含量显著增加(由76.3μg/mg蛋白上升至368.5μg/mg蛋白),油红O显示细胞内有大量的脂滴存在。

16. Then there were the fields to plant for winter wheat again, and when he had yoked the ox and ploughed the land the woman followed behind with her hoe and broke the clods in the furrows.


17. But when this your son came, who has been wasting your property with bad women, you put to death the fat young ox for him.

15:30 但你这个儿子、和娼妓吞尽了你的产业、他一来了、你倒为他宰了肥牛犊。


18. The oxidation of LDL, VLDL and HDL was identified by agarose gel relative electrophoretic mobility, absorbance at 234nm (A234nm, conjugated diene, CD) and thiobarbituric acid reaction substances contents.


19. ox是什么意思

19. Ox disgusting alert vitality hamster as timid as a mouse chinchilla weasel ferocious glare energetic twice as powerful bully others by flaunting one's powerful connections tiger cub roar vet surgery come around injection vigorous mating season white tiger Bengal tiger graceful agile adoptability oath vow dragon rising and tigers leaping punishment cold blood animal longevity dark horse freedom uphold mustang Prince Charming high horse chivalrous vigor black sheep meek monkey slim dexterous rare animals mischievous platform diving macaque hot spring trouble maker young monkey imitative ability coomedian primate sweet potato salt water imitative rob diligent auspicious ordinary punctual cock-a-doodle-doo frank decisive aggressive cockfighting showtime chicken run circus clown grass roots lucky dog Every dog has his day.

牛年 讨厌警报活力仓鼠由于胆小作为鼠标 chinchilla 黄鼠狼来势凶猛眩光精力充沛两次威力欺负别人的旗号,一个强大的连接老虎幼童吼审核手术来靠近注射液大力交配季节白虎孟加拉虎婀娜多姿敏捷可采宣誓发誓龙的崛起和跨越式老虎处罚冷血动物长寿黑马自由坚持野马王子魅力高马侠客活力害群之马温柔猴小井灵巧稀有动物恶作剧平台跳水猕猴温泉麻烦制造者青少年猴模仿能力 coomedian 灵长类甘薯咸水模仿抢劫勤政吉祥普通准时公鸡一派对斗坦率决定性侵略性斗鸡演出鸡运行马戏团小丑基层这只幸运的狗每只狗都拥有他那一天。

20. If you believe you will see your Ox again, again you will see.


ox 词典解释

1. 阉牛;去势公牛

An ox is a bull that has been castrated. Oxen are used in some countries for pulling vehicles or carrying things.


ox 单语例句ox在线翻译

1. The ox broke loose when a butcher tried slaughtering it and injured two members of the butcher's family as it ran out on the street.

2. If someone was born in a year of the Ox and is surnamed Niu, he should probably not become a butcher.

3. The ox died on the spot and was handed over to the butcher, who then hung it up for sale.

4. He would cast a bronze ox and sink it into the river after diverting the floods.

5. The extravaganza makes use of the confrontation between last year's mouse and the New Year's ox to characterize the company's repertoire of shows.

6. Every summer, special officials were dispatched to guard the bronze ox and check the water level.

7. The Chinese Year of the Ox began with the international community tensely exploring ways to save the global economy.

8. A woman's cortege has all these plus an ox or cow.

9. A popular story goes that the bronze ox was the Cowherd who married the Girl Weaver from the Western Heavens.

10. The hide alone cost the same as an ordinary ox and they had to search far and wide for a suitable one.

ox 英英释义


1. any of various wild bovines especially of the genera Bos or closely related Bibos

Synonym: wild ox

2. an adult castrated bull of the genus Bos

especially Bos taurus