

mad:[英 [mæd] 美 [mæd] ]


过去式:madded;   过去分词:madded;   现在分词:madding;

mad 基本解释


形容词疯狂的; 猛烈的; 着迷的; 〔口语〕愤怒的,生气的


mad 同义词


mad 反义词



mad 相关词组

1. like mad : 疯狂地;

2. have a mad on : 大怒;

mad 相关例句


1. It was a mad idea to climb the mountain in this bad weather.


2. mad的反义词

2. She was mad with me for losing my keys.


3. mad在线翻译

3. She is mad about going to dance.


4. She went nearly mad with grief after the child died.


5. She went mad after the death of her son.


mad 情景对话



A:Hey Billy. You look really frustrated this morning.


B:I think my computer must have a virus.


A:Why do you say that?


B:Well, I have just tried to install some new software, but now my computer wont work properly.



A:Why didnt you ask the propeller-heads to put the new program on the PC for you?


B:Because its not really related to work. They will get mad at me.


A:So where did you get the software?



B:It was really cheap. I bought it from some guy on the street.


A:It is probably pirated software.


B:Can you teach me all about pirated software so that my computer will work correctly again?


A:Listen carefully.


mad 网络解释

1. mad

1. 摩洛哥迪拉姆:摩洛哥迪拉姆 (MAD) 并且泰国近海泰铢 (THO) 货币汇率转换计算器泰国近海泰铢(THO) 是外汇货币为泰国. 泰国政府投入了制约在货币换以其它国家限制货币猜想. 近海银行(银行外部泰国) 无法交换泰国向著海岸的泰铢(THB) 以外币.

2. 马达加斯加:ANO)马达加斯加(MAD)贝宁(BEN)摩洛哥(MAR)布基纳法索(BKF)马拉维(MAW)博茨瓦纳(BOT)马里(MLI)布隆迪(BUR)莫桑比克(MOZ)中非共和国(CAF)毛里求斯(MRI)刚果(CGO)毛里塔尼亚(MTN)乍得(CHA)纳米比亚(NAM)象牙海岸(CIV) 尼日利亚(NGR)喀麦隆(CMR)尼日尔(NIG)民主刚果(COD)南非(RSA)科摩罗斯(COM)卢旺达(RWA)佛得角(CVD)塞内加尔(

3. 中值绝对差:视频对象的分割成为人们研究的热点.提出了一种基于变化检测的视频对象分割算法.该算法首先求出连续两帧图像之间的差分,利用帧间变化信息可以得到视频对象的运动区域,根据差分图像的中值(MED)和中值绝对差(MAD)及原始图像均值确定阈值并滤除噪声,

4. mad:minimum absolute deviation; 最小绝对偏差

5. mad:mean access delay; 平均接入延迟

6. mad:mutually assured destruction; 相互保证毁灭

7. mad:multivariate alteration detection; 和多元变化检测

mad 双语例句

1. And more those who make life angry is, if you want to find the autumnal scenery picture of type of hill of deciduous leaf full sky through searching engine, so you will be mad, these search engine identify semantics only, return the content that cannot analyse image.


2. Let us enter this mad holiday as Luo Huang's camera lens now, in the hour of each jeopardy, the affection that savours dark quick style sends out the sunshine flavor that give -- temporary we are not found out the friendship that is explained again and again in article or be love.


3. mad的近义词

3. Dark spirit is cruel go to get billowy and frequent girl with inspiration, once she is in suddenly pay mad state, everywhere hold tight lives the person asks: Does scabbard of neon of さ of trade of easy ruthenium of drop of prize n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor cut?


4. After reading many articles about SEO respect this, discovered the problem is in, so, when designing a website this, I consider SEO all the time, as a result the GOOGLE after 3 days collected me 45 pages, let me be mad with joy!


5. Just went up the line begins to put on record, put on record to spend the time of 3 weeks about, put on record eventually finish, be mad with joy.


6. Every 30 prices to 32 dollars and Yahoo asked Feburary 34 compare to 35 dollars photograph far apart, but a lot of Yahoo partner still may be mad with joy accordingly, acknowledgment God.


7. More or less to make 4 stations till now, also go up more than 10 key word, of each key word go up bringing me is to be mad with joy, every station is dropped is to let those who one kind is swung I am aching more distressed.


8. Hold to half an year, when be about to abandon, discover the website is restored by Baidu suddenly today, shanghai entrance guard, the 2nd page arrives on the key word such as entrance guard system, the first page is Baidu contest price. Site discovery is collected increase, still thinking is he was misreaded. Be mad with joy!


9. April 1948, liu Guozhi and in pairs of fiancee Ceng Zixia are arrested in Rong Chang after detain answers Chongqing, xu Yuan is lifted be mad with joy.


10. With regard to fear, in the Austrian thief in front of almost all of UD, I have no fear of taking on too much, is generally used to interrupt the outbreak he or rhythm, and sometimes good luck when he hit just kidney fear that it is the fear of the most perfect, and by the feeling of, Oh, there are ways, however, is that when you attack him mad by fear, the general attack on End Some thieves then Gouge, Kidney direct hit something that can not be when kidney is fear that the luck to see.


11. This coating glass float is extremely striking, simultaneously, is mad the red liquor green disclosing solution position.


12. She is mad for watching TV.


13. mad什么意思

13. Since they're going the comedy route, I STILL think they should have chosen Bobby Lee from MAD TV.

自从他们选择了喜剧路线之后,我一直都以为他们会选在来自MAD电视台的bobby lee。

14. Includes classic features like:MAD's movie and TV satires!


15. I`m a funny person by nature who lives in a Mad TV world so of course I LOVE any Britney artwork, humor, pop culture reference, etc.


16. The magor mad a speech by TV last night.


17. mad什么意思

17. Cramer is no doubt intelligent, but tuning into his extremely popular Mad Money TV show is like watching a traffic accident.

克 莱默很聪明,他把自己的电视节目《疯狂金钱》搞的红红火火,就像交通事故一样吸引眼球。

18. Zor had seen to it that no one could profit from his discoveries; and in the end he had driven himself half mad, convinced that he could somehow rule over all of it and parcel out to the universe the gift of everlasting life.


19. I ain't mad at Southern, I ain't dissin'Southern.


20. mad的反义词

20. She gets mad, he takes it all in stride, and in the end, Alix never really gains any deeper understanding of herself.


mad 词典解释

1. 疯狂的;精神错乱的

Someone who is mad has a mind that does not work in a normal way, with the result that their behaviour is very strange.

e.g. She was afraid of going mad.


e.g. ...the mad old lady from down the street.



He was driven to the brink of madness.


2. 愚蠢无比的

You use mad to describe people or things that you think are very foolish.

e.g. You'd be mad to work with him again...


e.g. Isn't that a rather mad idea?



It is political madness.


3. 愤怒的;异常恼火的

If you say that someone is mad, you mean that they are very angry.

e.g. You're just mad at me because I don't want to go...


e.g. I'm pretty mad about it, I can tell you.


4. 着迷的;迷恋的

If you are mad about or mad on something or someone, you like them very much indeed.

e.g. She's not as mad about sport as I am...


e.g. He's mad about you...


5. 发狂的;失控的

Mad behaviour is wild and uncontrolled.

e.g. You only have an hour to complete the game so it's a mad dash against the clock...


e.g. The audience went mad.



Down in the streets people were waving madly.


6. 使发狂;惹…发怒

If you say that someone or something drives you mad, you mean that you find them extremely annoying.

e.g. There are certain things he does that drive me mad...


e.g. This itching is driving me mad.


7. 拼命地;全力以赴地

If you do something like mad, you do it very energetically or enthusiastically.

e.g. He was weight training like mad.


8. see also: madly

mad keen -> see keen

mad 单语例句

1. He made a cameo on " Seinfeld " in 1993 and " Mad About You " the next year.

2. Animal health supervision officers of Beijing have confiscated 60 cartons of beef from Canada which has been hit by mad cow disease.

3. Consumption of beef with mad cow disease can cause death or paralysis for humans.

4. Capitalism and Christianity do not go together because capitalism is driven mad by greed and love of money.

5. I've had guys come up to me after the match saying, 'I'm not even mad I lost.

6. Mad cow disease is the common name for bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE.

7. Jon Hamm of " Mad Men " received his fourth nomination and another chance to convert one to a win.

8. Sheep suffer from a fatal nervous system disease called scrapie, a transmissible illness in the same family of diseases as mad cow.

9. Japan has been looking to Australia to fill a gap in its beef supplies since Tokyo banned American meat because of mad cow fears.

10. South Korea's president dispatched officials to Washington yesterday to try to calm weeks of public uproar over fears of mad cow disease.
